
  • 网络poetic art;the art of poetry
  1. 我们在诗歌艺术中所感受到的不是那种单纯的形式单一的情感性质,而是生命本身的动态过程。

    What we can experience in the art of poetry is the dynamic process of life .

  2. 杜甫这三首咏鹘诗,分别吟咏了义鹘、画鹘、病鹘,立意与表现手法迥然不同,这体现了杜甫诗歌艺术的独创性;

    In this paper , author explores Du Fu 's distinctive creativity in the art of poetry reflected in the different themes and techniques of expression of his three odes to the righteous falcon , the picture of the falcon and the sick falcon .

  3. n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术老师表扬了她在诗歌方面的巨大努力。n.预览;

    poetry The teacher praised her great efforts at poetry .

  4. 郑谷诗歌艺术风格初探

    A Research of the Article Style in Zheng Gu 's Poems

  5. 莎士比亚第31首十四行诗是他诗歌艺术的集中体现。

    Shakespeares sonnet 31 represents the typical artistry of his sonnets .

  6. 20世纪30年代现代派诗歌艺术风格新探

    New Probe into the 1930 's Artistic Style of Contemporary Peoms

  7. 略论比兴对诗歌艺术的影响

    A Discussion on the Influence of Figurative Languages on Poem Art

  8. 文学主张与诗歌艺术研究;

    The study on his literary view and poetry skills ;

  9. 周流无滞之水,情意注之则美&水在中国古代诗歌艺术中的审美形态举析

    Illustration Of Water In The Ancient Chinese Poetic Art As Aesthetic Pattern

  10. 论西尔维亚·普拉斯的抗争精神及其诗歌艺术

    On Sylvia-Plath 's Rebel Spirit and Her Art in Poetry-Writing

  11. 意象则是诗歌艺术形式的一个重要方面。

    Poetic imagery is an important aspect of art forms .

  12. 储光羲诗歌艺术研究综论

    Comprehensive comments on the research into Chu Guangxi 's art of poetry

  13. 双子星座诗歌艺术特色的比较分析

    The Distinguishing Features of the Poems Written by " Double Stars "

  14. 第二部分是诗歌艺术的探讨。

    The second part discusses the art of the poems .

  15. 论艾青晚年的诗歌艺术

    On Ai Qing 's Poetry Art of His Late years

  16. 孟浩然诗歌艺术特征新探

    The New Study to the Artistic Features of Meng Hao-ran 's Poems

  17. 意象是现代诗歌艺术形象构造的基本元素。

    Imagery is the basic element in establishing artistic images in modern poetry .

  18. 劳伦斯诗歌艺术探索

    The Artistic Features of D. H. Lawrence 's Poems

  19. 惠特曼诗歌艺术特色分析

    Analysis of the Artistic Characteristics of Poems by Whitman

  20. 他描写音乐的诗,以及刻画朋友风貌的诗,不但在诗歌艺术上有很高的成就,有很强的独创性。

    His poems about music and friends get high achievement and have originality .

  21. 这一时期诗歌艺术风格多样化。诗人们都以鲜明的艺术个性为追求目标。

    Many poets had their distinctive artistic styles separately .

  22. 古典诗歌艺术价值探析

    A study of the artistic value of classical poetry

  23. 论诗从注重诗歌艺术特点出发,较为客观。

    Poetry is comparatively objective , focusing on the artistic characteristics of poetry .

  24. 初唐诗人的宗教信仰及其诗歌艺术

    The Religion of the Early Tang Dynasty 's Poets and Their petry Art

  25. 李贺诗歌艺术论

    On the Artistry of Li He 's POems

  26. 李贺诗歌艺术上的缺陷

    The Artistic Defects in LI He 's Poem

  27. 钟嵘论诗歌艺术美

    On Art Beauty of Poesy by ZHONG Rong

  28. 郝经诗歌艺术论

    On the Art of Hao Jing 's Poetry

  29. 这种研究对于跨文化诗歌艺术的发展大有裨益。

    This kind of study is beneficial to the development of cross-cultural poetic art .

  30. 论狄金森诗歌艺术特色

    The Artistic Features of Dickinson 's Poetry