
  • 网络memory unit;memory cell;RAM
  1. 物理地址是用来真正访问内存单元的地址。

    Physical addresses are used to address memory cells in memory chips .

  2. 我们已经看到了,变量是如何被看作可以通过它们的标识符来访问的内存单元的。

    We have already seen how variables are seen as memory cells that can be accessed using their identifiers .

  3. 用户可以根据产品需要通过触摸屏设置或修改PLC内存单元的工艺参数,从而实现丝光机工艺参数的弹性设置。

    The user can set or modify the parameters in PLC memory unit through the touchscreen .

  4. 现在这一类型的值可以通过内建的函数new来分配,这将返回一个指针,指向一块内存单元,其所占内存槽初始化为零。

    Values of this type can now be allocated using the built-in function new , which returns a pointer to the value in memory with all slots initialized to the zero value .

  5. Purify还为检查这个内存单元的状态提供了API。

    Purify also provides APIs for examining the status of memory locations .

  6. 当您在一个调试器中,您可以利用各种PurifyAPI函数来研究各种内存单元的状态类型:f

    When you are inside a debugger , you can use various Purify API functions to investigate the status and type of various memory locations

  7. 对于不同厂家PLC的通信协议、端口地址、内存单元等信息,采用统一的XML格式文件书写。

    Since PLC manufacturers use different communication protocols , port addresses , memory modules and other information change with different manufacturers , a uniformed XML format is applied in our system for simplicity .

  8. 目前的解决方案:传统的6TSRAM内存单元已经应用在处理器等产品中采用。

    Current solution : Traditional6T SRAM cells are used in processors and other products .

  9. 垃圾处理真是赚钱金矿无用内存单元自动回收过程的实时性问题研究

    Gold Rush in Garbage Disposal ? RESEARCH ON REAL - TIME GARBAGE COLLECTION

  10. 美国人的时间观无用内存单元自动回收过程的实时性问题研究

    Research on real - time garbage collection

  11. 当您初始化一个内存单元后,它就会变成绿色,这表明内存被分配和初始化。

    After you initialize a memory location , it becomes green , representing allocated and initialized memory .

  12. 在所有的现代操作系统中,系统都是使用虚地址去访问内存单元的。

    All modern operating systems , including Linux , use this kind of addresses to access the contents of memory cells .

  13. 这使得它可以直接支持内存单元式的资源,而不是间接地通过进程/通道来模拟。

    It enables Scope language to directly model memory like resources , instead of indirectly using process / channel as in π calculus .

  14. 各个需要求逆的矩阵都是对称正定的,这样减少了计算量和计算机内存单元。

    The matrices that need determining the inverses are all symmetric and positive definite , and this reduces the calculation and the memory cells of computer .

  15. 这种方法的主要优点是运算简单,节省内存单元,从而可以提高话音识别的速度和精度。

    The main advantages of this method is operation simple and save memory , so that it may have higher speed and accuracy for speech recognition .

  16. 对于拉普拉斯方程,利用隔点取元公式求解时,可以节约近3/4的计算机内存单元,同时能加快收敛速度,而且没有增添额外的计算工作。

    For the Laplace equation , using this formula can save the inner storage cell of computer by3 / 4 , and , at the same time , quicken the convergence rate without increasing any additional computing works .

  17. uClinux是从Linux发展而来的,是专为没有内存管理单元的微处理器而设计的嵌入式操作系统。

    UClinux derived from Linux is specially designed for embedded microprocessors without the memory management unit .

  18. uClinux作为嵌入式linux的一个分支,主要应用于无MMU(内存管理单元)的微处理器领域。

    As a branch of embeded linux , uClinux is mainly used in non-mmu MCU field .

  19. uClinux是Linux的一个版本,是专为没有MMU(内存管理单元)的CPU设计的。

    UClinux is one of the versions of Linux , designed for CPU without MMU ( Memory Management Unit ) .

  20. 本文提出了一种设计CK·CORE内存管理单元的新的方法,CK·CORE是由杭州中天微系统有限公司和浙江大学合作开发的32位高性能嵌入式处理器。

    This paper presents a new designing method for CK-Core MMU , CK-Core is a 32 bit high performance embedded processor collaborated by Hangzhou C-Sky Microsystem Inc and Zhejiang University .

  21. Pacifica还可以使用宿主和客户内存管理单元(MMU)表来进行地址转换。

    Pacifica also amends address translation with host and guest memory management unit ( MMU ) tables .

  22. 在外围设备中,我们完整地实现了AMBAAHB总线规范,以及内存接口单元。

    To build up the hardware environment , we fully implement the AMBA AHB bus , memory interface and CODEC controller .

  23. 对于没有内存管理单元MMU机制的嵌入式系统,采用实存储器管理策略的关键问题是有效、安全、可靠地使用内存。

    Embedded system without MMU , the key issue by using real memory management policy is efficient , safe and reliable .

  24. 在借助现代处理器中的页表协助之前,虚拟机管理程序会模仿内存管理单元(MMU)的行为。

    Prior to page table assists in modern processors , hypervisors emulated the behavior of the memory management unit ( MMU ) .

  25. 一个例子是Linux可以在一个具有内存管理单元(MMU)的处理器上运行,也可以在那些不提供MMU的处理器上运行。

    One example is the ability for Linux to run on a process with a memory management unit ( MMU ), as well as those that provide no MMU .

  26. 此外,它能够避免应用程序出现数据库错误,因为write-behind缓冲通过内存复制单元来保持变化,直到它将其传输给数据库。

    Additionally , it protects the application from database failure as the write-behind buffer will hold changes through memory replication until it can propagate them to the database .

  27. 本章提出的TLB低功耗设计技术,对于嵌入式处理器内存管理单元的提升转换效率、降低功耗具有积极的作用,并且硬件开销小。

    Techniques proposed in this thesis facilitate the implementation of embedded processor , and have positive effects on transition speed and power of and embedded memory management unit , and have little hardware cost .

  28. 本文重点研究高性能低功耗的嵌入式内存管理单元架构设计的关键技术,主要研究内容和创新点包括:1、基于高速缓存资源共享的TLB设计技术。

    In this thesis we propose some key techniques of embedded TLB for high performance and low power implementation of embedded MMU . The original contributions of this thesis are as follows : 1 . A TLB design method based on cache resource reusing .

  29. 全系统模拟中内存管理单元的模拟实现

    Design and Implementation of Memory Management Unit in Full System Simulation Environment

  30. 在计算机程序设计中的一条高级语言指令,用来从程序指定的内存地址单元中取出一个值。

    In computer programming , a high level language instruction that retrieves a value from a program specified memory address location .