
  • 网络BUS;Internal bus;interbus;I-BUS
  1. 内部总线采用Profibus-DP协议与上位机通信,提高了通信速率以及上位机数据的更新速率。

    The internal bus using Profibus-DP protocol to communicate with the upper computer , this system has improved the data transmittal rate and the data updating rate .

  2. GB/T14313-1993精密硬同轴线及其精密连接器总规范机床数控系统内部总线的连接方法与数据传输

    The Connection Method and Data Transfer of the Internal Bus in CNC Machine Tool

  3. 总线采用ISA内部总线;

    We use ISA Bus .

  4. 该设计将DDR控制单元和系统内部总线仲裁单元较好地整合成统一的控制器。

    DDR control unit and system local bus arbitrate unit are merged in one controller harmoniously .

  5. 芯片采用了基于内部总线写监听更新的高速缓存一致性协议,具有控制逻辑简单,可扩展性好的特点。

    The protocol is control simple and scalability .

  6. 国外主要控制系统厂家对于系统内部总线研究成果往往采取保密措施。

    Foreign major manufacturers of control system often take security measures for system bus research results .

  7. 论文中将讲解以太网路由芯片的处理算法,内部总线系统的结构,以及芯片架构和相关设计与测试方法等。

    Paper will explains the Ethernet Routing chip processing algorithms , the internal bus system architecture , and chip architecture and related design and test methods .

  8. 设计了基于内部总线的同步周期触发,定义了一致的传感器、执行器单元执行时序,以及精确光纤链路数据传输模型,确保测控的高同步性。

    Design of synchronous cycle trig based on internal bus , consensus definition of sensor sampling and actuator timing and precise data transmission model ensured the synchronization performance .

  9. 由于外部总线数据传输速率远低于处理器内部总线,数据传输的通信成本将大大降低密码服务效率。

    For the speed of data transmission on external bus is quite lower than on internal bus of microprocessor , the communication cost of data transmission would greatly play down cryptographic service efficiency .

  10. 设计了基于RS232的内部扩展总线,使仪器具有很强的可扩展性,并将LCD控制器、触摸屏控制器和U盘读写器连接到总线上。

    An internal extended bus based on RS 232 is designed to enhance the expansibility of the instrument .

  11. 系统通过协议转换器的模块化、可配置性设计满足AUV系统对其内部通讯总线的开放性要求。

    The protocol switch device which is modularized and configurable make the communication system more exoteric .

  12. AUV内部通讯总线设计

    The Inner Communication Bus of AUV

  13. 为了实现平台分布式管理以及实现与其他厂家网管产品的平滑接入,本文将CORBA作为内部的总线和北向接口。

    While in order to achieve the goal of distributed management platform as well as accessing other manufacturers ' network management products smoothly , this dissertation takes CORBA as an internal bus and the northbound interface .

  14. 其次,通过对基于总线的扫描链的移位操作插入目标系统CPU本身的指令,并在硬件调试模式下单步执行这些指令,对系统内部的总线数据、寄存器数据、存储器数据进行修改。

    Secondly , through the bus-based scan chain shifting CPU instructions into the target system , and implementation of these instructions by single step in hardware debug mode , to modify the bus data , register data and memory data .

  15. 内部系统总线采用并行单总线结构;

    Parallel single-bus architecture is adopted in internal system bus design .

  16. 用内部数据总线构筑继电保护开放平台

    Using Internal Data Bus to Construct Relay Protection Open-platform

  17. 基于CAN的工业机器人内部通信总线设计

    Inner Communication Bus of Industrial Robot Based on CAN

  18. 解决方案是:在武器控制组合内部的总线加上拉电阻;

    Solution methods are : to add resistance in the bus of control group of weapon system ;

  19. 对今后研究汽车内部CAN总线舒适控制系统提供了研究依据。

    Have offered the basis of studying comfortable control system of can-bus while studying the car in the future .

  20. 采样后经A/D转换和时内部地址总线信号译码,控制轴角数字信号。

    After sampling , the angle digital signal is controlled with A / D conversion and bus signal decode .

  21. 交换网络内部采用总线式的虚拟直通以降低阻塞率,利用反馈控制和智能丢包提高信道利用率,以虚电路为单位控制输出缓冲以提高公平性。

    The virtual cut through bus is introduced to reduce the congestion rate . Feedback control and intelligent drop policy are used to improve linkage utilization . Per - VC buffer management is adopted to improve fairness .

  22. 本文以开关量输入功能的灵活配置为例,阐述了开放式保护的特点;提出了内部数据总线的概念,以及如何用内部数据总线构筑继电保护开放平台;

    Taking the flexible collocation of the switching variable input function to be as an example in this paper , the author explained the features of open-type protection , presented internal data bus concept and how to use it to construct relay protection open-platform .

  23. I2CBUS(InterIntegratedCircuitBUS内部集成电路总线)是由Philips公司推出的二线制串行扩展总线。

    I 2C bus ( internal integrated-circuit bus ) as a bus of high performance is a serial extended bus of two-wire system presented to public by Philips Co. .

  24. 为了简化系统、提高系统的灵活性,将I~2C控制器连接于无线传感器网络节点芯片内部的SFR总线上,来实现与外部设备之间高效、可靠和方便的串行通信。

    To achieve efficient , reliable and convenient serial communication with the external devices , the I ~ 2C bus controller is connected to SFR bus which is in the wireless sensor network nodes chip .

  25. 现场控制站内部采用CAN总线传输数据,大大提高了数据传输的可靠性和实时性。

    Data transmission in field control station uses CAN bus , greatly improving the reliability of data transmission and real-time capability .

  26. 系统内部采用自定义总线结构,测试资源设计遵循模块化、标准化的设计思想,整个系统具有可靠性高、扩展灵活、测试性好等优点。

    Custom bus architecture is adopted in the system , at the same time the design of test resources followed modular , standard design idea . The whole system has the follow virtues , such as high reliability , expansibility , testability and so on .

  27. 硬件平台内多CPU单元并行工作,通过内部以太网及CAN总线实现信息共享与协作。

    There are several CPU units working in parallel manner , sharing information and cooperating with connection by Ethernet or CAN bus .

  28. 系统内部通信通过CAN总线和RS232连接,并可以通过CAN总线技术扩展成为分布式系统。

    The system inside is connected by CAN bus and RS232 , and it can be extended to a distributed system through CAN bus .

  29. 通过网络测试仪以对设备的性能进行了测试,测试结果表明:W5100以太网卡、微处理器的内部逻辑以及间接总线访问技术能够满足数字化变电站过程层网络的实时性要求。

    The result from the network tester shows that the Ethernet module as well as the microprocessor can satisfy the time demand of the digital substation process level .

  30. 内部的桥接电路完成了8051内部总线与AHB总线之间的协议转换。

    A bridge module was designed to convert protocols between 8051 inter bus and AHB bus .