
  1. 磷是植物生命活动所必须的大量营养元素之一。

    Phosphorus is one of the necessary factors in the life of the plant .

  2. 水是植物生命活动的物质基础,干旱对植物有广泛的影响。

    Water is the fundamental material in plants , drought have a wide range of impact on plants .

  3. 蒸腾作用是植物生命活动的关键点,在植物生理活动过程中具有重要的意义。

    Transpiration , the crux for the bio-activity of plants , is essential for the physiological process of plants .

  4. 铜对植物生命活动特别重要,但是,过量铜会对植物的正常生长产生危害。

    Copper is particularly important for plant life activities . However , excessive copper is harmful for the growth of the plants .

  5. 其中,以自然界里维持动植物生命活动的脉管系统(如哺乳动物的呼吸系统、循环系统等,植物的根系、茎杆、叶脉等)最为典型。

    Such as respiratory systems and circulatory systems of mammals , roots of plants and the vascular systems within botanical stems and leaves , and so on .

  6. 随着人们对植物生命活动各个过程研究的不断深入,以植物生理过程、物理过程为基础的各种生理生态学模型逐渐发展起来,而植被冠层尺度生理生态学过程模型已成为生态系统模型的核心之一。

    With the deepening of plant life research , different eco-physiological models based on plant physiological and physical processes are developed step by step , and the eco-physiological model of plant canopy scale becomes one of the cores of ecosystem model .

  7. 如何把这庞大的核苷酸序列信息与植物的生命活动有机地联系起来?高通量的DNA微阵列技术是连接植物基因组序列信息和植物功能基因组的桥梁;

    With huge plant DNA data released by genome sequence project , the high-throughput DNA microarray technology has been proven an effective way to bridge the gap between plant genome sequence information and functional genomics .

  8. miRNA作为一类新的调控因子,在动物和植物的生命活动中发挥了重要的作用,包括组织分化、细胞增殖、发育进程、器官形成、信号转导以及疾病等方面都有重要的调控作用。

    As a new kind of regulatory factors , in both animals and plants , miRNA play many important roles range over tissue differentiation , cell proliferation , embryonic development , signal transduction and diseases .

  9. 润湿性不仅直接影响自然界中动植物的生命活动,而且在许多高新技术领域和日常生活中也起着重要的作用。

    It not only directly affects various life activities of plants and animals in nature , but also plays important roles in high-tech fields and daily life .

  10. 氮元素是构成生物体的最主要元素之一,在植物的生命活动中占有重要的地位,故氮元素有生命元素之称。

    Nitrogen is one of the most important elements that constitute organisms , and plays an important role in life activities of plants , Therefore , nitrogen is called as the element of life .

  11. 镁离子同人体、植物的生命活动息息相关,过多的镁离子会对生物体造成极大的伤害,会导致心脑血管疾病、偏头痛等重要症状,严重损害人体的健康。

    Magnesium ions are closely related to the human body and plant life activities , the excessive magnesium ions in organisms cause great harms , cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , migraine headaches and other symptoms , serious damage to the health of the human body .

  12. 吡咯化合物是一类很重要的化合物,多吡咯衍生物广泛存在于自然界中,如血红蛋白、维生素B(12)及胆色素等吡咯衍生物在动植物生理和生命活动中起到非常重要的作用。

    Pyrrole is a kind of very important chemical compound , most of whose derivatives extensively exist in nature , such as hemoglobin , vitamin B12 and bilirubin . Pyrrole derivatives in the physiology and life of animal and plant play very important roles .

  13. 次生代谢是植物重要的生命活动,与植物的生长发育及其对环境的适应密切相关。

    Secondary metabolism is an unique part of plant life characteristics , which are critical for not only the growth and development of plant individuals , but also the adaptations .

  14. 蛋白质作为生物体内重要的生物大分子,是生命科学的重要研究对象,它是细胞的重要成分,在动植物的各种生命活动中扮演着多种角色。

    Protein , an important biological macromolecule in living organisms , is a critical research target in life sciences . It is an essential component of cells and can play many roles in the life activities of animals or plants .

  15. 为了认识植物体内特定的生命活动过程,了解参与活动的组分和对它们进行调控的途径是至关重要的。

    To understand a particular process within a plant , it is important to know the components involved and the ways that they are regulated .

  16. 植物细胞氧化还原状态的平衡对植物生命活动的各个方面极其重要。

    The redox state balance in plants is essential for every aspect of plant life .

  17. 保卫细胞以其特殊的胞壁结构调控着植物的光合作用和蒸腾作用,在植物生命活动中起着重要的作用。

    Guard cell regulates photosynthesis and transpiration , which play an important role in the life of plant , with their special cell wall structure .

  18. 在灌丛沙包上,其土壤水分大多在1.5%左右,远低于植物的萎蔫系数,故不能够满足植物生命活动之需;

    On areas of shrub sand dunes , soil water content is only 1.5 % , a level insufficient for plant growth .

  19. 磷是植物生长必需的大量元素之一,几乎参与植物所有的生命活动。

    As one of essential macronutrients for plant growth , phosphorus ( P ) is involved in almost all of plant life activities .

  20. 泛素-26S蛋白酶体途径是植物中高效专一蛋白降解调控机制之一,几乎参与植物生命活动的各个环节。

    Ubiquitin-26S proteasome pathway as a highly efficient and specific protein degradation regulation mechanism , is involved in almost all activities in plant life .

  21. 光是植物生长发育最为重要的生态因子之一,光合作用是植物最基本的生命活动,其他一切生命活动都源于光合作用。

    Sun light is one of the most important ecological factor for plant growth . Photosynthesis is plant basic life activity and the basis of all life .

  22. Rac蛋白作为高等植物中已知的惟一一类分布广泛的信号GTP结合蛋白,在植物体众多生命活动调节中起着分子开关的作用。

    As the sole ubiquitous signal GTP - binding protein family in higher plants , Rac genes act as pivotal molecular switches and participate in many regulations of life activities .

  23. 植物激素是高等植物体内产生的一种化学物质,具有重要的生理功能,是植物整个生命活动中不可缺少的。

    Plant hormones are an endogenous chemical substance with vital physiological functions and they are indispensable throughout the whole life .

  24. 因为产生植物电信号的植物电生理系统是一个非线性和非稳态的系统,所以植物电信号是一种具有非平稳性和非线性的随机信号,而且与植物生命活动密切关联。

    Electrical physiological system that produces electrical signal in plant is a nonlinear and unstable state system , so it is a kind of non-stationary and nonlinear random signal , and is closely related to life activity .