
  • 网络Mixed Drink;Blend Wine;Blended Wines;alcopop
  1. 我会的。好吧,你说出酒的名字,我就会调&随便哪种混合酒或鸡尾酒。

    Spencer : I can hold my own . Okay , name it and I 'll make it – any mixed drink or cocktail .

  2. 我想喝威士忌与杜松子的混合酒。

    I think I 'll try that whiskey-and-gin-together thing .

  3. 用杜松子酒制成的混合酒饮料。

    A rickey made with gin .

  4. 这个所谓的混合酒通常是出货欺诈和销售的“100%龙舌兰”。

    This so-called mixed-tequila is usually shipped as fraud and sold as " 100 % Agave " .

  5. 我告诉他们我在聚会上喝了一杯伏特加和橙汁混合酒。

    When I told them that I 'd had a vodka and orange juice at the party .

  6. 本品采用澳洲原装进口葡萄酒汁,传统的澳洲混合酒制作方法酿造。

    This product is the use of imported Australian wine sauce , the traditional method of making Australia mixed liquor brewing .

  7. 品尝:这款命名为波尔多特级的混合酒是发展中的果酒的集中体现。

    Tasting : This Cuvee under the appellation Bordeaux Superieur has been elaborated in a view of developing a concentrated and fruity wine .

  8. 双曲生料发酵酿制混合谷物酒的研究

    Studied on " Two Variety of Distiller 's Yeasts Uncooked Material Fermentation Method " about Mixed Cereals

  9. 由酸橙或柠檬的汁液和浪姆酒混合制成的酒。

    Rum and lime or lemon juice .

  10. 如果这两者在胃者混合,那么酒里的那些化合物就会阻止肉在消化时释放出的有害化学物质的形成。

    If the two mix in the stomach , compounds in the wine thwart the formation of harmful chemicals that are released when meat is digested .

  11. 用于治疗唇疱疹,在有灼热感的初期就直接用纯茶树精油或混合少许伏特加酒轻拍患处。

    For cold sores dab neat Tea Tree Essential Oil directly onto the burning sensation at the first signs of a cold sore , or use it mixed with a little vodka .

  12. 他通过掺杂廉价葡萄酒来模仿高价酒的味道,然后将混合之后的酒装入名酒空瓶中,贴上伪造的标签,再以数百万美元的价格卖出。

    He 'd mix cheap wines to mimic the taste of rare , expensive wines , pour the blend into empty , vintage bottles , print fake labels and sell them from millions of dollars .

  13. 这个有2500年历史,装饰华丽,用来混合水与酒的陶瓶,被大都会艺术博物馆于1972年以100美元的价格得到。博物馆为能得到陶瓶感到非常的兴奋,因为古代陶艺画家欧弗洛尼奥斯的作品并不多见。

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art acquired the 2500-year-old krater - an ornate bowl used to combine water with wine - for $ 1 million in 1972 , thrilled to find one of the few known examples of the ancient painter Euphronios .

  14. 由浪姆酒、酸橙或带有糖的柠檬汁和有时有苦味的酒混合而成的酒。

    Rum and lime or lemon juice with sugar and sometimes bitters .

  15. 由各种各样的带有水果汁的浪姆酒和杏味利口酒混合而成的酒。

    Several kinds of rum with fruit juice and usually apricot liqueur .

  16. 由波旁皇族酒和糖以及碾碎的冰块上的薄荷混合而成的酒。

    Bourbon and sugar and mint over crushed ice .

  17. 黄金梨汁和柑橘汁混合发酵干型酒的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Dry Fruit Wine by Mixed Fermentation of Gold Pear Juice and Orange Juice

  18. 黑莓、黑樱桃、茴芹、鼠尾草及土司的混合芳香令此酒颇具魅力。

    The mix of blackberry , black cherry , anise , sage and toast make this a most inviting wine .

  19. 用电子搅拌机来混合新鲜水果,酒,果汁和冰而不是摇。

    Use an electric blender to mix fresh fruit , liquor , juices and ice instead of using a shaker .

  20. 我要到一个热带乐园,整天喝冰镇果汁朗姆酒。由各种各样的带有水果汁的浪姆酒和杏味利口酒混合而成的酒。

    I want to be on a tropical paradise being served pina coladas all day long . several kinds of rum with fruit juice and usually apricot liqueur .

  21. 研究了不同比例黄皮与糯米混合发酵黄皮糯米酒的工艺及风味改善方法。

    The fresh and elegant aroma of wampee and mellow of rice wine were improved and the use rate of wampee was increased by blending the wampee brandy from fruit residues to the wampee rice wine .