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  • compost
  1. 此混合肥料专门用于盆栽植物。

    The compost is specially formulated for pot plants .

  2. 树下有一个混合肥料堆。

    There is a compost heap under the tree .

  3. PAC和PAM复合混凝剂处理垃圾渗滤液的研究但是,记住不要再混合肥料中加上肉和日常生活垃圾。

    Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Composite Coagulant of Polyaluminum Chloride and Polyacrylamide But remember not to leave meat and dairy products in the compost .

  4. 他正在给玫瑰花施加混合肥料之类的东西。

    He was putring the compost and stuff round his roses .

  5. 把肥料或混合肥料混在土里使土壤肥沃。

    Mix in manure or compost to enrich the soil .

  6. 山塘小水库蚌鱼混养模式的结构优化混合肥料营养钵压制机

    Structural optimization of polyculture model of fish-mussel in small-scale reservoirs

  7. 稻田控释掺混专用肥对水稻生长的影响施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    Effects of controlled-release compound fertilizer on growth of paddy rice in field

  8. 废掉的食物将被转化成混合肥料,之后被用在农田里。

    Food waste is converted into compost , used later at the farm .

  9. 但是,记住不要再混合肥料中加上肉和日常生活垃圾。

    But remember not to leave meat and dairy products in the compost .

  10. 把有机物的残骸转化成混合肥料。

    Convert to compost , as of organic debris .

  11. 草屑能用来做混合肥料。

    Grass clippings can be used to make compost .

  12. 施用农肥对岩溶溶蚀作用的影响及其生态环境意义施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    The effect of farm manure on the dissolution of carbonate rocks and its eco-environmental impact

  13. 施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    To fertilize with manure or compost .

  14. 肥料与泥土混和在一起。由于施用混合肥料或厩肥使交换性钾过渡累积。

    Accumulation of excessive exchangeable potassium is from the use of mixed fertilizers or manure .

  15. 把植物的根插入混合肥料中。

    Bed the roots in the compost .

  16. 如果你有花园,你可能已经了解了这些混合肥料的用处了。

    If you have a garden , you may already know how useful compost is .

  17. 具有这种特性的细菌生长在温泉、堆肥或混合肥料中。

    It is exhibited by certain bacteria that grow in lot springs or compost and manure .

  18. 混合肥料营养钵压制机微钵育苗不同苗龄移栽的棉苗生长发育特点

    Characteristics of Growth and Development of Cotton with Different Seedling Ages Raised in Small Nutritional Pot

  19. 同有机无机混合肥料、有机肥料及化学肥料相比,具有明显优势。

    It has more obvious advantage than theorgnic-inorganic compound fertilizer , organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer .

  20. 制作这些混合肥料的是有机垃圾、土壤、水和空气。

    All it takes to make compost is organic garbage , soil , water , and air .

  21. 向土壤中添加有机质,比如混合肥料,可以降低植物对铅的吸收。

    Adding organic material such as compost to soil can also make lead less available to plants .

  22. 目的考察尿素-磷肥混合肥料对秦艽(青海栽培)叶中龙胆苦苷含量的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of urea-phosphorus manure on Gentiopicroside 's content in leaves of Qinghai planting Gentiana .

  23. 某些国家需要高级混合肥料,而不是将纤维转化为合成气体和电能。

    Some of these states require high-grade compost rather than the conversion of the fibre into synthesis gas and electricity .

  24. 他们说美国大部分家庭都有将垃圾分类的做法,但是很少有家庭会做混合肥料。

    They said that most American families have ways of separating their garbage , but that they very seldom make compost .

  25. 堆积混合肥料的方法可以在书本上和因特网上的菜园服务推广中心找到。

    Advice about composting can be found from extension services , at garden centers , in books and on the Internet .

  26. 说起混合肥料这个概念,其实就是将生活中的食品或食品残渣集中起来,这些东西对于土壤来说是很好的肥料。

    When I say compost , I actually just mean collecting everyday food scraps-this stuff is very good fertilizer for the soil .

  27. 施硅、钙、氮、有机肥与覆膜旱作对水稻抗倒性及产量的影响施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

    The Lodging Resistance and Yield of Rice as Affected by Applying Si , Ca , N , Organic Manure , and Film-mulched and Dry-farming

  28. 结论采用尿素-磷肥混合肥料(2025∶506比例)栽培秦艽其叶中龙胆苦苷含量较高。

    Conclusion The gentiopicroside of gentiana 's leaf planted with urea-phosphorus manure ( 2025 ∶ 506 g / g ) was more than other manure .

  29. 有机质能促进有机无机混合肥料的成粒,有机质加入量大于25%时,合格粒度比例、颗粒性能较好。

    The organic matter can accelerate the granulation of mixing organic-inorganic fertilizer , and the fertilizer has higher granularity and better granulation property when the organic matter content is more than 25 % .

  30. 对河西走廊灌漠土连续11年的定位施肥结果表明:增施有机无机混合肥料,能有效地提高土壤有机质含量;

    The results of location fertilization conducted in irrigated desert soil in Gansu Corridor for 11 years continuously shown that to increase the mixed fertilizer of organic and inorganic fertilizer can effectively increase the concentration of organic substance ;