
  1. 四探针Mapping自动测试仪中电阻率温度系数的规范化拟合多项式的应用

    An Application of Normalized Matching Polynomials of TCR to Automatic Mapping Instrument with Four-Point Probe

  2. 晶粒尺寸对薄膜电阻率温度系数的影响

    Effect of grain size on temperature coeficient of resistivity of Pd thin films

  3. 金属薄膜的电阻率温度系数

    Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity of Metallic Films

  4. 本文从氧化物半导瓷的能带结构、表面态与界面态理论出发,分析了水份作用下在半导瓷中的电子过程,及电阻率温度系数的调整途径等问题。

    This paper analyzes theoretically the electronic process within the semiconducting ceramics under the influence of humidity according to the band structure , surface state and boundary state of the oxide semiconducting ceramics .

  5. 利用同时考虑表面散射和晶界散射的金属薄膜电导理论,得到金属薄膜的电阻率温度系数与厚度的关系式。

    Base on electric conductivity theory of metallic films that takes into account the scattering of surfaces and grain boundary , the relationship between temperature coefficient of resistivity and thickness of metallic films is given .

  6. 非金属绝热材料低温热导率测试装置低室温电阻率正温度系数热敏电阻器

    Thermal conductivity measuring equipment of adiabatic material at low temperature

  7. 变压器室电缆汇接间低室温电阻率正温度系数热敏电阻器

    PTC Thermistors with Low Resistivity at Room Temperature

  8. 掺磷a-Si∶H红外薄膜电阻率及电阻温度系数研究

    Study on the Resistivity and TCR of P-doped a-Si ∶ H Thin Films

  9. 碳纳米管/聚丙烯复合材料的电阻率具有正温度系数效应。

    The resistivity of carbon nanotube / polypropylene composite showed strong positive temperature coefficient .

  10. 在碳纳米管含量较低的情况下就获得了力学性能和电学性能较好的复合材料。其中碳纳米管/硅橡胶复合材料的电阻率具有负温度系数效应和较好的力敏特性。

    The resistivity of carbon nanotube / silicone composite showed strong negative temperature coefficient effect and were sensitivity to force .

  11. TaN薄膜具有宽电阻率、低电阻温度系数以及自钝化特性而被广泛应用于微波功率电阻器中。

    TaN thin films possess wide resistively , low temperature coefficient of resistance and chemical inert properties , which can be widely used in microwave power resistors .

  12. 为了研究开发具有低电阻率和正电阻温度系数(PTCR)的高居里点陶瓷材料,以BaCO3和PbO为原料制备了一组La掺杂的陶瓷材料。

    A series of La-doped ceramics was prepared with the materials of BaCO 3-PbO powders in order to obtain the ceramics with high Curie point , low electrical resistivity and PTCR ( Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity ) .

  13. 铁铬铝系电热合金具有电阻率高、电阻温度系数小、耐高温氧化、价格低廉等特点,是目前使用最广泛的金属电热元件材料之一。

    Fe-Cr-Al alloys with high resistance and the low resistance temperature coefficient , high resistance of temperature oxidation , low price and so , is the most widely used metal heating element materials .

  14. 如能充分利用金属钽、钽氧化物相反的温度特性来进行相互补偿,有望制备出宽电阻率范围、低温度系数的精密电阻薄膜。

    If able to take full advantage of tantalum and tantalum oxides to the opposite temperature characteristics of mutual compensation , are expected to prepare a wide range of electrical resistivity , low TCR thin film precision resistors .

  15. 阐明了制备具有高电阻率、低电阻温度系数、高应变灵敏系数、良好的热稳定性等优异综合性能的镍铬合金薄膜的新工艺发展趋势。

    The trend of new technique for manufacturing Ni-Cr alloy thin film with a combination of characteristics : high resistivity , low temperature coefficient of resistance ( CR ), large gauge factor , and good thermal stability is presented .

  16. 研究表明,熔体电阻率均随温度降低而线性减少,当成分超过50%后,熔体的电阻率温度系数相差无几。

    Studies have shown : The resistivity of Al-Ge melt decreases linearly with temperature decreasing . When the composition is more than 50 % , the melt is almost the same temperature coefficient of resistivity .