
  • 网络professional authority
  1. 注册资产评估师在执业过程中应该保持专业权威、地位独立和高度自律等特征。

    They should maintain professional authority , status and other characteristics of independence and self-discipline during their practicing .

  2. 其次从我国医患关系的实际情况出发,逐一分析了专业权威、正确方法、环境优势等医患传播中病人依从的主要因素;

    Second , it anatomies the main factors why patients comply with doctors , such as professional authority , correct method , and environmental predominance ;

  3. 高职称教师、高专业权威教师容易成为教师领导者。

    Teachers with high rank professional title and high professional power are intended to become teacher leaders .

  4. 作为职业者,其职业信誉和声望是建立在其专业权威和公共服务品德的基础上。

    As legal professionals , Judges ' professional prestige bases on their special authority on law and their moral quality of public service .

  5. 年级组长和学科组长的领导权威主要来自科层组织,领袖教师则依靠专业权威和道德权威达成领导功能。

    The leading power of grade leaders and subject leaders comes mainly from hierarchy organizations while leading teachers mainly depend on their professional and moral powers .

  6. O'Brien写道:“我总认为,在一位专业权威能敢于承认自己并非知晓所有问题,是一种真正的智慧。”

    Writes O'Brien : " I 've always thought it 's a sign of real intelligence when anyone with power and expertise admits he doesn 't have all the answers . "

  7. 工商行政管理系统公务员承担着执行国家法律赋予政府机关权力的任务,拥有一定的执法权力与专业权威性。

    The public officials of business administration system are responsible for executing the power of government institutions , and they also have the power of enforcing the law and specialized authority .

  8. 审计委员会运用其独立、专业、权威等特性,为各审计主体构筑起沟通的桥梁,保证各主体监督职能的实施。

    Audit committee uses its independence , professionalism , authority and etc.

  9. 专业、权威、思想有深度。女人之为女人便无出头之日。

    Professional , authoritative , thoughtful . Damned if they do-women are .

  10. 一直以来,我国女性时尚杂志在定位、编辑风格、广告、品牌营销等市场运作方面存在严重的水土不服现象,制约专业、权威的发展方向。

    While in a long period , Chinese woman fashion magazine has some serious acclimatized problem in targeting , editorial style , market advertising , brand management .

  11. 协商知情权:新闻专业的权威建构&从媒介的知情权话语分析媒介自我批评的功能与效果

    Negotiation of the Right to Know : Construction of Journalistic Professional Authorities - Analyzing the Functions and Effects of Media Self-Criticism from the Media Discourses of the Right to Know

  12. 作为大鹏LNG机械专业的技术权威,确保现行的各项工作与完整的技术要求保持一致。

    This will include a role as the Technical authority on Mechanical issues within DP LNG to ensure compliance with integrity requirements are maintained .

  13. 其次,保证调解员的专业性和权威性。

    Second , ensure the mediator professional and authority .

  14. 论教育评估中介组织的专业独立与权威&对上海教育评估院机构改革的思考与研究

    On Professional Independence and Authority of Educational Evaluation Agency & Thinking and Research about Shanghai Educational Evaluation Institute 's Reform

  15. 同时,外派监事会制度在独立性、专业性、权威性等方面有着比其它监督制度明显的优势。

    At the same time , the assignment of state-owned enterprises of independence , specialized and authoritative than other aspects of supervisory system has obvious advantages .

  16. 书法批评可归纳为三种类型:自发式批评、专业化批评、权威性批评。

    The text reduced calligraphy critical to three types , that is , spontaneity critical , specialization critical and authority critical .

  17. 系科是一个教育和艺术的制度,包括基本的活动、基本的学习、专业的学习、权威性的和博士的学习。

    The faculty is an educational and art institution which includes , in its basic activities , basic studies , specialized studies , magisterial studies and doctoral studies .

  18. 国家实质上是基于专业化武力的权威从而有效提供公共物品的社会分工合作体系。

    In essence , country is a system of social division of labor and cooperation in which the pubic goods can be effectively provided based on the authority of specialization force .

  19. 教育督导机构也必然要将这一教育方针全面融入到自身的工作实践中,依靠自身的专业优势和行政权威为社会公众提供优质的教育服务,切实关注和提升自身的社会影响力。

    This will require EI to fully integrate their own practice and rely on their own professional advantage and administration authority to provide all kinds of related services for the public in order to enhance their own influence in the society .

  20. 传统权威即是长期的传统因素形成的教师的职业权威,知识权威就是教师专业所长形成的专业权威,感召权威即教师个人内在情感因素形成的精神权威。

    Run tradition elements ; knowledge authority refers to the professional authority formed from teachers major proficiency ; influence authority refers to the spiritual authority of interior emotion .

  21. 首先,要重视政策的合理性,一方面积极构建科学的合理性调研体系,创立产业合理性评估学科;另一方面大力培养专业人才,组成专业独立权威的第三部门进行评估。

    First , we must attach importance to reasonable of planning policy , to build a scientific research system and create the disciplines of a reasonable assessment of planning ; to training and composed the professional authority third sector of assessment .