
  • 网络Wiener;Jeff Weiner;WOERNER;Shannon-Weiner
  1. 目的研究计算机X线摄影(computedradiography,CR)系统中总威纳频谱(Wienerspectrum,WS)随影像处理的变化。

    Objective To study the effect of image processing on overall Wiener spectrum ( WS ) in a computed radiography system .

  2. 计算机X线摄影系统中总威纳频谱测试的探讨

    Investigation of overall Wiener spectrum measurement in a computed radiography system

  3. 调查区内浮游植物群落物种丰富度指数(D)平均值为0.84;香农-威纳多样性指数(H′)平均值为2.30;

    The average species richness ( D ) in survey area is 0.84 , the average Shannon-wiener diversity index ( H ' ) is 2.30 ;

  4. 2009年,霍夫曼把权利移交给目前的CEO杰夫•威纳,但依然担任公司的执行主席,并持有公司20%的股份。

    In2009 , Hoffman passed the reins to current CEO Jeff Weiner , but remained as executive chairman with a20 % stake in the venture .

  5. 利用香农-威纳指数评价了水质状况,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数值范围在2.65~3.12,支流污染程度大于干流。

    The pollution degree of tributaries is more serious than the mainstreams by the Shannon-Wiener evaluation method .

  6. 增感屏-胶片组合体系的威纳频谱测试探讨

    The research on the Wiener spectrum of screen - film

  7. 医学成像系统的威纳频谱简易测试方法探讨

    Investigation of Simple Wiener Spectrum Measurement in Medical Imaging Systems

  8. 根据监管者斯科特•威纳的提议,裸体人士在餐馆就餐时也需要遵守这一规定。

    Supervisor Scott Wiener 's proposal would also require nudists to cover up in restaurants .

  9. 夏季浮游动物香农-威纳指数的平均值为2.808;冬季稍高于夏季,为3.536。

    The mean Shannon-Weaner index value was 2.808 in summer , and 3.536 in winter .

  10. 。正如里德所言,威纳和早期的控制论学者用科学取代了神话魔力。

    As Rid puts it , Wiener and the early cyberneticists replaced the magic of mythology with science .

  11. 多样性指数是:A>B>C;浮游植物香农-威纳多样性指数为0.97~2.75。

    Phytoplankton Shannon Wiener diversity index varied between 0 97 and 2 75 , with the maximum found in August .

  12. 威纳被视为第二次工业革命的先知,他从极度热情转向严重悲观。

    Wiener was seen as the prophet of the second industrial revolution , veering from the wildly enthusiastic to the deeply pessimistic .

  13. 威纳在接受《旧金山纪事报》采访时说:“这条法规要求人们在裸体时,起码应该对其他市民有最基本的礼貌和尊重。”

    " What this does do ," Weiner told the San Francisco Chronicle ," is require that people show some basic courtesy and decency toward their fellow citizens when they are naked . "

  14. 威纳代表旧金山市卡斯特罗区,当地有群裸体主义者被称为“裸奔者”,他们一丝不挂地招摇过市,一些当地居民已经看腻了这些暴露场景。

    Wiener represents the city 's Castro District , where a group of men locals refer to as " the naked guys " is known to strut its stuff , and some residents have grown weary of uncensored views .

  15. 按照威纳的建议,裸身坐座椅,或者裸体去餐馆就餐将面临处罚,首次罚款100美元,一年之内再犯罚款200美元。

    Under Weiner 's proposal , failing to cover a public seat or going into a restaurant naked would carry a $ 100 fine for the first offense and a $ 200 fine for a second offense within a year .

  16. 荒滩草地区物种数少,个体数量多,因而香农-威纳指数、均匀度指数和科属种多样性指数均较低,而优势度指数较高。

    In the region of wasteland and grass , the species is low , but the quantity is high , so the Shannon-Wiener index , PieLou index and the G-F index is low , but the predominance index is high . 7 .