
  • 网络movie film
  1. 在大量的Hα边缘耀斑电影胶卷中,为了精炼起见我们选取了15套。

    From a large number of H_a photographs of limb flares , fifteen have been selected for reduction .

  2. 燃烧慢,代替赛璐珞用于电影胶卷中。

    Slow-burning ; used instead of celluloid for motion-picture film .

  3. 好莱坞的第一卷电影胶卷开始放映不久,鸡尾酒调酒器就开始晃动了。

    Soon after the first reel of celluloid unspooled in Hollywood , the cocktail shakers began chattering .

  4. 可是那时候电影胶卷比较贵,所以我拍摄的地方不多。

    Therefore I could not use many films . however , it is a very nostalgic memories in me .

  5. 而用于制作电影胶卷的银的价格居高不下,也是导致胶片电影没落的另一因素。

    Another factor in its demise is the high price of silver , which is needed to make the rolls of film .

  6. 其它已曝光及已显影之电影胶卷,不论是否并含声带或仅为声带者均在内,宽度35公厘或以上者。

    Other cinematographic film , exposed and developed , whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track , of a width35mm or more .

  7. 如果色情作品在年轻人中间还不流行,联邦当局试图没收电影胶卷、关闭影院的现象表明,色情作品能吸引叛逆的年轻人,结果便会固化色情作品的地位,让它成为性革命车轮里的另一条轮辐。

    If porn didn 't already seem hip to young people , the sight of the federal authorities trying to confiscate reels of film and shut down theaters showing it appealed to rebellious young people , solidifying pornography 's place as another spoke in the wheels of the sexual revolution .

  8. 制作电影的胶卷上一系列透明的照片中的一张。

    One of a series of still transparent photographs on a strip of film used in making movies .