
  • 网络Hakone;Hakone Onsen
  1. 箱根町温泉胜地还向游客提供咖啡浴、茶浴及日本米酒浴。

    The Yunessun also offers baths of coffee , tea and Japanese sake .

  2. 箱根的温泉久享盛名,这里有著名的“箱根七汤”,就是七个被视为疗养胜地的温泉。

    For the rest of the hot spring , here are the famous " the seven soup ", is seven is regarded as the hot spring resort , recuperate .

  3. 可以在日本中南部地区的箱根小涌园温泉主题乐园和spa度假胜地里泡泡清酒浴,或是在众多其他选择中选择一种,可以是绿茶、红酒或咖啡浴。

    Soak in a sake bath or one of several other options , including green tea , red wine or coffee , at the Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Hot Springs Amusement Park and Spa Resort in south-central Japan .