
  • 网络AC-F;dense graded
  1. 浇注式沥青混合料是一种密级配的铺装材料,在应用于钢桥面铺装时,必须高度重视混合料的高温稳定性。

    Guss-asphalt mixture is a dense graded mixture , when paving at steel deck , attentions should be given to its stability at high temperature .

  2. 排水沥青面层因其足够的结构强度以及良好的表面特征和排水功能,与传统的密级配沥青混凝土路面相比,在路表防滑和保障行车安全方面具有很大的优势。

    With sufficient strength and excellent surface performance and drainage function , the porous asphalt facing is more advantageous when used for anti skid road surface and driving safety , compared with conventional dense graded asphalt pavements .

  3. ATB-25密级配沥青稳定碎石混合料配合比设计与施工

    Design and Construction of ATB-25 Close-Graded Mixture of Asphalt Gravel Stabilization

  4. SAK温拌沥青混合料压实性能分析间断密级配沥青混合料配合比设计方法

    Analysis of effecting on densification characteristics of sak warm mix asphalt Design Method of GAP-graded HMA

  5. 通过大量路用性能试验,得到AC-16密级配沥青混合料集料的体积分形维数与路用性能指标之间的相关变化规律。

    The correlations between road performance and the fractal dimension of aggregate volume of AC-16 are obtained from road tests .

  6. 因此,石安罩面将AC-16F细型密级配沥青混凝土作为推荐方案。值得推广使用。

    Hence , take AC-16F thin dense grading asphalt concrete as recommendatory scheme .

  7. 用旋转压实剪切实验机(GTM)设计方法设计的沥青混合料和粗密级配沥青混合料与一般沥青混合料相比,其压实要求高,压实难度大。

    Heavy-duty asphalt mixtures include asphalt mixtures designed by gyratory testing machine ( GTM ) and coarse gradation mixtures . They are different from ordinary asphalt mixtures due to that the compaction density is higher and it is more difficult to compact .

  8. 在力学特性研究中,通过改变试验温度和加载条件,对比和分析了开级配排水性沥青混合料PA-13和传统密级配沥青混合料AC-13的抗拉强度,得出了两者的脆化点。

    Suffering from different test temperature and loading speed , the mechanics strength between open-graded PA-13 and dense-graded AC-13 was compared . The brittleness point for both mixes was determined respectively .

  9. 利用lg(Mx/M)与lgx的双对数坐标函数图中的线性回归,采用最小二成法对曲线进行拟合,得到了密级配废旧橡胶颗粒沥青混合料集料的粒径分布的分形型式。

    Using the lg ( Mx / M ) and the LGX bi-logarithm coordinates functions in the chart the linear regression method of the least 28 % , curve fitting , obtained the dense gradation asphalt mixture waste rubber particle size distribution of aggregates the fractal model .

  10. 本文以广西六宜高速公路为依托,采用六宜高速公路的原材料,通过室内试验,在密级配沥青混凝土AC-13C和AC-20C中加入玄武岩纤维,来研究沥青混合料的路用性能。

    This paper guangxi six appropriate highway to rely on , the six appropriate highway of the raw material , through the laboratory test , in the dense gradation asphalt concrete AC-13C and AC-20C with basalt fiber , to study the way of the asphalt mixture with performance .

  11. 密级配沥青混合料集料分形分维与路用性能的关系

    Relationship between fractal dimension and road performance of dense-gradation asphalt mixture

  12. 沥青掺量对密级配沥青混合料路用性能影响

    The Influence of Asphalt Content on Asphalt Mixture Pavement Performance

  13. 密级配沥青混合料不同级配类型对应的分维数。

    Dense gradation asphalt mixture with the type of the corresponding fractal dimension .

  14. 密级配沥青混凝土合理级配分析

    The Reasonable Gradation Analysis of Dense Bitumen Concrete

  15. 采用细型密级配沥青混合料和四种棱角性不同的细集料,研究细集料特性对混合料体积特性、水稳定性、高温性能和疲劳性能的影响。

    This paper studied the effect of four kinds of fine aggregate on asphalt mixture .

  16. 间断密级配的设计方法

    The method of design gap graded HMA

  17. 采用密级配的方法配制出的混凝土,可以达到节约水泥、降低成本的目的。

    Concrete manufactured with this method may achieve the purpose of saving cement and lowering costs .

  18. 根据密级配沥青混合料集料体积分形维数与各项路用性能的关系,可对具有不同集料体积分形维数的沥青混合料的路用性能进行预估。

    The road performances of asphalt mixtures with different fractal dimensions of aggregate volume can be estimated accordingly .

  19. 集料的分形维数与密级配废旧橡胶颗粒沥青混合料路用性能指标密切相关。

    Aggregate the fractal dimension of waste rubber particles with dense gradation asphalt mixture way-use performance indicators are closely related .

  20. 通过对不同级配类型外掺纤维沥青混合料的技术性能分析表明,密级配沥青混合料在外掺纤维时,性能更优越;

    According to the comparison between different gradation , it illustrates that asphalt mixture of dense gradation with fiber performs better ;

  21. 水泥稳定碎石骨架密实结构的合理级配密级配沥青稳定碎石基层混合料级配设计方法

    Reasonable Particle Size Distribution of Framework Dense Structure of Cement Stabilizing Crushed Rock Gradation Design Method of Dense-graded Asphalt Stabilized Macadam Base

  22. 详细论述了按照最大理论密度标准级配设计出的密级配沥青混合料的技术特点,以及体现在沥青混凝土路面使用性能方面的优越性。总结出密级配沥青混凝土合理级配设计的技术要求和判定标准。

    Combined with the construction practice , the paper discussed the technical characteristics of dense bitumen mixture and the advantage of usage performance .

  23. 对三种空隙率相同,但沥青结合料不同的排水性沥青混合料及一种密级配沥青混合料AC-16-Ⅰ进行了性能试验。

    Three kinds of porous asphalt mixtures with different bitumen but same air voids were tested , the performance of asphalt mixture AC-16 - ⅰ was analyzed .

  24. 结果表明,采用粗细集料搭配均匀的连续密级配和适中的沥青用量可以获得最佳的抗永久变形能力。

    The results show that best permanent deformation resistance can be got when continuous dense gradation , which has even arrangement of coarse and fine aggregate is adopted .

  25. 针对我国南方湿热多雨的气候条件,通过采用贝雷法对连续密级配沥青混合料进行矿料级配设计和检验,提出了与之相应的贝雷法检验指标适用范围。

    Targeting at humid and rainy weather conditions in Southern China , this paper introduces carrying out mineral aggregate gradation design and inspection to continuous dense gradation asphalt mixture with Bailey method .

  26. 京沪高速公路某路段上面层在保持密级配沥青混凝土结构的基础上,采用改性沥青,提高了沥青的路用性能。

    On the basis of keeping dense gradation asphalt concrete composition , the asphaltic functions are improved by the use of modified asphalt on pavement of Ling Hong Section of Beijing Shanghai Expressway .

  27. 开级配和密级配的沥青混凝土对活化碱渣中的氯离子和其它可溶性成分具有较好的密封作用,应用于沥青路面是安全的。

    Both open-graded and dense-graded asphalt concrete can seal up the chlorine irons and soluble ingredients well , which makes sure it is safe when the soda residue is applied in asphalt concrete .

  28. 探讨了贝雷法在不同类型混合料中的适用性,从级配设计步骤、检验步骤方面介绍了贝雷法在细型密级配混合料设计中的应用,以便设计者更好地利用贝雷法设计级配。

    It discusses applicability of Bailey for different style mixture , introduces its application in design of fine graded mixture from graded design process and check process , which will benefit for designer to design graduation well .