  • dumb;mute
  • keep silent
  • 哑,不能说话:~哑难言。

  • 缄默,不说话。

  1. 到目前为止,多数用户把紧急关闭阀安装位置放在喑井内。

    So far , most users the location of emergency shutdown valves installed on the dumb wells .

  2. 史蒂芬·哈珀&保守派首相,深喑此点。

    Stephen Harper , the Conservative prime minister , knows this .

  3. 塑料喑管田间布置施工及其排水规律

    The layout of underground plastic pipe and drainage rules in the field

  4. 他们喑中和北洋军阀勾结起来。

    They secretly entered into collusion with the northern warlords .

  5. 分别是中医主病名为喑痱。

    TCM respectively for the dark Lord is Fei disease .

  6. 你叫我和你一起走向黑喑的深渊吗?

    You asking me to sail off into the sunset with you ?

  7. 阳光如低语般渐渐喑弱,消失。

    The sunlight faded like a whisper and vanished .

  8. 中西医结合治疗风(喑)痱40例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 40 Cases of Hemiplegia After Apoplexy With TCM and Western Medicine

  9. 因此,言语是有力量的,假如我们深喑那些正面言辞的意义,并使用它,这会是给我们带来力量和美好体验的特别之道。

    If we recite positive words of power while thinking of their meaning this can empower us in a very special way and give us a good experience .

  10. 他继承传统针灸理论,结合现代医学研究,对喑痱、前列腺疾病的针灸治疗开辟了新的思路,并著书立说,为后学者奠定了坚实的芒针理论基础。

    He inherits traditional acup moxibustion theories and combines modern medicine studies to open a new way to treat aphasia and paralysis and prostatosis with acupuncture and moxibustion , and he has written books and founded theories , laying a solid theoretical foundation for elongated needle therapy .