
dāo rèn
  • blade;edge;knife edge;the edge of a knife;tool edge;cutter edge;edge of knife;where it's needed most
刀刃 [dāo rèn]
  • (1) [edge of knife] [口]∶刀口儿

  • (2) [where it's needed most]∶最需要的地方

  • 好钢用在刀刃上

刀刃[dāo rèn]
  1. 在教学中把多媒体课件用到教学的“刀刃”上,能达到传统教育不能达到的目的和效果。

    The use of multimedia courseware on the " the edge of a knife " in teaching can achieve the goal and effect that cannot be gained by the traditional education .

  2. 滚刀径向磨损量随距离的增加而增加,径向磨损量与掘进距离在滚刀刀刃磨损后呈线性关系。

    With the boring distance increasing , the radial wear is also increased . The radial wear and the boring distance have linear relationship after the disc cutter edge is worn .

  3. 刀刃在黑暗中亮了亮。

    The blade of the knife glinted in the darkness .

  4. 小心点——这刀刃很锋利。

    Be careful ─ it has a sharp edge .

  5. 锋利的刀刃可能会划伤皮肤,导致出血。

    A sharp blade is likely to nick the skin and draw blood

  6. 面包刀的刀刃应该有波浪齿。

    Bread knives should have a serrated edge .

  7. 当他看到从德斯蒙德口袋里露出的刀刃时,他突然不吭声了。

    His voice stopped short as he saw the blade emerge from Desmond 's pocket .

  8. 锻造刀刃需要高超的技能。

    To forge a blade takes great skill .

  9. 它那半截尾巴紧贴在身后,紧得像它的主人把大摺刀短粗的刀刃折叠起来那样。

    His stump of a tail shut down as close as his owner ever shut the short , stubbed blade of his jack-knife .

  10. 刀刃点跟踪CNC磨削法及其在圆锥球头立铣刀上的应用

    Cutting Edge Point Following CNC Grinding Method and Its Application in Cone Ball-end Mill

  11. 刀刃法在轨MTF测量性能分析

    Performance Analysis of MTF Measurement Using Edge Method

  12. 沈医生给雯雯做了一个CT扫描,结果证实飞镖的刀刃插进雯雯的头骨大约2厘米深。

    Dr Shen did a computerised tomography ( CT ) scan for Wenwen . The scan confirmed that the blade had been stuck in Wenwen 's skull for about two centimetres .

  13. 移动刀刃法检测垂直扫描方向成像光谱仪像方MTF探讨

    Study of the method for detecting the image side MTF of the vertical direction of an imaging spectrum system

  14. 文章主要研究采用刀刃法测量在轨遥感器的MTF。

    This paper mainly does research on how to use Edge Method to measure the MTF of on-orbit remote sensor .

  15. SEM分析表明,刀具的主要失效形式为后刀面磨损、前刀面月牙洼磨损和刀刃微崩,刀具磨损的主要讲理是粘结磨损和磨粒磨损。

    SEM anlyses show that the tool failure types are main flank wear , face wear and tool tip chip . The principal wear mechanisms are bonding wear and abrasive wear .

  16. 采用扫描电镜(SEM)对内圆刀刃磨损区域进行了微观形貌观察,分析了内圆刀刃的磨损机理,以及初始张紧对刀刃磨损的影响。

    The topographies of blade wear surface were observed by means of scanning electronic microscope , and the wear mechanism of blade and the influence of initial tension on blade wear were analyzed .

  17. U2乐队主唱波诺、主吉他手“刀刃”和蒂娜·特纳联手合作,共同完成了这首最狂野的007电影主题曲。

    Bono and The Edge collaborated with Tina Turner on this , the sultriest James Bond song ever .

  18. 根据短道速滑冰刀的特点提出了用G1连续圆弧样条拟合短道速滑冰刀弧度曲线,以此建立短道速滑冰刀刃磨的数学模型。

    A thought of grinding the blade curve of skates for short track speed skating with G1 continuous arc splines is presented according to the skates blade properties .

  19. 特点:进口钨钢刀体专为数控雕刻MDF材质而设计,结合了硬质刀体和高级刀刃几何,经久耐用。

    Features : import-tungsten steel body tool is specially designed for carving NC MDF material , a combination of rigidity cutter body and senior blade geometry , durable .

  20. 刀刃是斯堪的纳维亚或Scandi研磨。

    The blade is a Scandinavian or Scandi grind .

  21. 为了掌握在木材切削中工件加工表面的温度,用高灵敏度红外线辐射温度计,查明了切屑厚度(t)和刀刃磨损量(Lf)对切削而产生的加工表面温度(θ)的影响。

    In order to obtain the fundamental knowledge for the temperature on cutting surface , the effect of the nominal thickness ( t ) and the edge recession of tool ( Lf ) on the temperature of cutting surface (θ) was examined by the infrared radiation thermometer .

  22. 第二,广告商们已经意识到,如果他们要缩减经费,并希望把广告预算用在刀刃上,如果他们想要以任何方式瞄准年轻人市场,MTV就是他们要做广告的地方。

    And second , the advertisers have realized that if they 're cutting their budgets and concentrating their adverting budgets where they 're gonna get bang for their buck , if they 're aiming at the youth market in anyway at all , MTV is the place to be .

  23. 烟草切丝机磨刀装置多采用KTC型切丝机方式,该方式砂轮外圆与刀刃形成点接触,磨出的刀刃不整齐,影响切丝质量。

    The grinding device in most tobacco cutters resembled that in cutter KTC , where in the periphery of grinding wheel was in point contact with the knife resulting in an imperfect ground edge , the quality of tobacco cutting was influenced .

  24. 在工件Z-Map表示模型和刀刃离散点表示模型的基础上,针对球头铣刀铣削运动轨迹,提出了球头铣刀加工复杂曲面的表面形貌微观几何仿真算法。

    The main research contents are as follows : According to the Z-Map model for workpiece and the discrete points model for cutter and the dynamic track of ball-end mills , an algorithm for micro-geometric simulation of sculptured surface machining with ball-end mill is presented .

  25. U2乐队于1976年在爱尔兰的都柏林成立,当时的成员波诺(主唱兼吉他手)、亚当·克莱顿(贝斯手)、“刀刃”(原名戴维·埃文斯,吉他手、主唱兼键盘手)和小拉里·穆伦(打击乐/鼓手)至今仍在一起。

    U2 was formed in 1976 , in Dublin , Ireland . The members were , and still are , Bono ( vocals and guitar ) , Adam Clayton ( bass ) , The Edge ( guitar , vocals and keyboards ) and Larry Mullen Jr. ( percussion / drums ) .

  26. 磨削平面曲线型刀刃的特种回转面刀具的原理

    Grinding principle of special rotary cutter with plane curved cutting edges

  27. 球头端铣刀刀刃曲线的光滑连接

    Study on Smooth Connection of Edge Curve of Ball End Mill

  28. 矩形花键轴滚刀刃形设计研究

    Research into Design of Cutter Hob Profiles for Rectangle Spline Shaft

  29. 双面刃的两面割刀装置他在磨石上磨快了他的刀刃。

    He sharpened the edge of his knife on a grindstone .

  30. 小刀的刀刃上有一个刀匠的标志。

    The small knife has a cutlers mark in the blade .