
dāo fǎ
  • Knife technique;skill in using a knife/sword
刀法 [dāo fǎ]
  • [artistry of wielding the knife] 刻印、烹饪或练武术过程中用刀的技法

  1. 华中世纪星HNC-21T对刀法及其坐标系的建立

    Brief Talks Central China Century the Planet HNC-21T Adjust Sword Means and Work System of Coordinates Establishment

  2. 采用灌砂法、环刀法、核子密度仪法、落锤频谱式快速测定仪(LY-I仪)法4种方法对检测路基压实度的测试结果进行了比较分析;

    The paper determines compaction degree of subgrade making use of pumped sand , cutting ring , nuclear density instrument and drop hammer frequent mensuration methods .

  3. 论黑白木刻中具象人物造型与刀法语言的关系

    On Relation Specific Image Figure and Carving Skills in Monochromatic Woodcut

  4. 我就知道我见过凶手的刀法。

    I knew I recognized the knife work of the killer .

  5. 浸水+环刀法测定干燥风积沙密度

    Density of Wind-Blown Sand Measured by Immersional Wetting and Ring Sampler

  6. 基于闭合光刀法的自由曲面三维形貌测量系统

    3D Surface Measurement System for Free-Form Surface Based on Closed-Light-Section Method

  7. 你可以从俐落的刀法看出来。

    You can tell by the cleanness of the carnage .

  8. 填土路基压实方法与环刀法取样深度中的误区

    Correct Application of Subgrade Compaction Method and Reasonable Cutting Ring Sampling Depth

  9. 数控车床的几种试切对刀法比较

    Comparison of Several Methods of Adjusting Tool in NC Lathe

  10. 右手使刀,刀法过人。

    Your right hand is skilled with a machete .

  11. 填砂密实度的钢筋贯入法与环刀法对比试验

    Contrast Test of Reinforcement Penetration Method and Ring Sampler Method for Sand Filling Compactness

  12. 核子仪法与环刀法测量土的湿密度和含水量的比较和标定试验研究

    Studies on How to Measure Soil Wet Density and Water Content Comparison and Indication

  13. 这套刀法是少林寺的高僧传授的。

    This swordsmanship set is taught by a senior monk at the Shaolin Temple .

  14. 力求在刀法、黑白构成等方面的突破,增强了画面中的形式美感。

    Breakthrough strive knife , black-and-white composition , enhanced screen in the form of beauty .

  15. 目的:探讨跟痛症发病机理及针刀法治疗疗效。

    Objective : To investigate the pathogenesis of pternalgia and the curative effect of belanoid blade .

  16. 第四阶段学习刀法。

    Phase IV study sword skill .

  17. 本文介绍的方法是通过浸水润湿风积沙,再用环刀法测定密度。

    The method which soaks the wind-blown sand before measuring the density by ring sampler is introduced .

  18. 本课程主要让学生学习如何正确的使用刀法和工具。

    This course is designed to teach students how to use and handle knives and tools properly .

  19. 桥面两边的栏板望柱,雕有各种精美图案,刀法苍劲,造型生动。

    On the parapet of the bridge , there are various delicate and vivid pictures and designs .

  20. 不会出现背后来刀的危险。不同小针刀法治疗腕背囊肿疗效观察

    Observation of curative effect of different small needle knife methods in the dorsal ganglia of the wrist

  21. 介绍了绝对对刀法和相对对刀法的概念及应用中的注意事项。

    The concept of the absolute tool setting and relative tool setting and application of precautions are introduced .

  22. 老人那双久经沧桑祷告中的手,更被艺术家用简练但精准的刀法表现出来。

    The artist succinctly and accurately expressed the hands of the old man who experienced many vicissitudes of life .

  23. 环形楔刀法切轧时轧制力计算的探讨

    Ring Shaped Oscillator OPTIMIZATION OF ROLLING A Study on the Calculation of Rolling Force of Split Rolling by Annular Wedge

  24. 此外,应用铣削快速落刀法初步研究了切削参数对振动的影响。

    The results show that fast tool-off milling experiment can absolutely be applied to investigate the chatter in high speed milling .

  25. 免气腹局麻下电刀法经胸前腔镜甲状腺切除术16例报告

    Laparoscopic thyroidectomy via anterior chest wall approach with hook electrode , non-pneumoperitoneum , local anesthesia : a report of 16 cases

  26. 篆刻艺术之美是由书法、章法、刀法三要素组成,可谓方寸之间的大千世界。

    The beauty of Seal cutting art is composed of three elements , calligraphy 、 the seal structure 、 sword handicraft .

  27. 日本的刀法对中国刀法有一定影响,而中国武术对日本空手道和柔道的形成起到了决定性作用。

    Japanese sword method has effect on Chinese sword and Wushu is a decisive factor about Japanese karate and Judo 's form .

  28. 本文提出了一种改进的投影光刀法,可以用非接触式的光学测量方法测量其表面的粗糙度分布和细微三维形状。

    To detect the roughness and micro profile of the surface an improved non-contact optical measurement method , projective light-knife method is used .

  29. 在版画语言的特征上,刀法简练而有力,黑白关系整体、明确。

    On the language features in the prints , the knife is concise and powerful , black-and-white relations as a whole and clear .

  30. 其技法演变和艺术流派的形成,主要反映在刀法和书法两个方面。

    The achievement of its techniques and the formation of its artistic schools can be seen both in the cutting and in the calligraphy .