
  • 网络Jiangling;JMC
  1. 江铃汽车股份有限公司车架厂员工绩效考核体系设计研究

    Research on the Improvement of JMC Employees Performance Evaluation System

  2. 江铃汽车设备维护管理系统的开发和实现

    Development and Achievement of Equipment Maintenance Management System in JMC

  3. 基于EVA的外资并购绩效研究&福特并购江铃的案例分析

    A Performance Study on Foreign Capital M A Based on EVA A Case Analysis on Jiangling Motors Corporation , Ltd

  4. 江铃车架分厂涂装线简介

    Brief Introduction of Painting Line for Jiangling Car Frame Plant

  5. 江铃汽车产品开发项目组织与流程设计研究

    Products Development Program Organization and Procedure Design Study of Jiangling Motors Corporation

  6. 江铃汽车集团的市场竞争战略

    The Market Competing Strategy of Jiangling Motors Company

  7. 江铃汽车称这一指控不负责任。

    Jiangling Motors called the claim irresponsible .

  8. 2003年江铃的产销量在全国轻型车行业排第四位。

    In 2003 , JMC ranked 4th in the light vehicle industry by production and sales .

  9. 2007年江铃袁政海班组等一批优秀典型报道的涌现,让我们相信经过革新,典型报道将会踏上复兴之路。

    So we believe that through innovation typical report will set foot on the road to rehabilitation .

  10. 结合江铃齿轮股份有限公司的生产实际,详细设计了车间配置的软件功能模块;

    And the function module of the shop floor reconfiguration software is designed according to the requirements of Jangling Gear Ltd.

  11. 如果您对在以下江铃轮指定渠道购买的零配件有何疑问,您可以与我们直接联系。

    If you have any question on buying spare parts from above appointed place , you are welcome to contact us directly .

  12. 以江铃汽车为例结合实际情况分析,发现分析结果与实际是相符的。

    Taking Jangling car as an example , combining with the actual situation analysis , found that the analytical results are in accordance with practice .

  13. 最后以宁波江铃汽车销售服务有限公司为例,分析了其销售人员绩效管理的现状,并根据本文所研究的销售人员绩效管理,提出了改善方案。

    At last , taking Ningbo Jiangling for example , analyzes its status of achievements management of sales personnel and bring forward the improvement project .

  14. 快速冷却可以有效降低碳化物含量。(4)中硅钼球墨铸铁排气管批量试产获得了成功,其性能指标达到了江铃铸造厂要求。

    Rapid cooling can effectively reduce the carbon content . ( 4 ) A batch trial-produce of Si-Mo ductile iron exhaust pipe has been successful .

  15. 江铃铸造厂是以生产发动机铸件及车用薄壁高强度灰铁和球铁铸件为主的专业铸造厂。

    JMC Casting Plant ( JCP ) specializes in producing automobile engine , gray iron and nodular iron castings , which are thin-walled , and in high strength .

  16. 针对江铃汽车股份有限公司的需求,依据现代设备综合管理的思想,建立了一套满足企业要求的计算机设备维护管理系统。

    Aiming at the requirement of Jiangling Motors Co. , Ltd. , according to modern idea of equipment synthesis management , a computerized equipment maintenance management system is built up .

  17. 若您的公司还不是江铃轮供应商又有意与江铃轮建立长久牢固的合作关系,请填写下表,或直接与我们联系。

    If you are not a supplier of Jiangling gear yet and intend to enter into business with Jiangling gear , please fill in below form or contact us directly .

  18. 经过长时间的运做,江铃在采购管理方面积累了丰富的运作经验,也建立了一套完善的与采购相关的流程和制度。

    After a long period of transport to do that , JMC in the procurement management has accumulated a wealth of operational experience , but also established a comprehensive procurement-related processes and systems .

  19. 江铃的例子说明,无论是尖端科学还是现代化管理理论,只有与企业应用实践有效的融合,并充分转化成为企业所全面接受的管理思想,才能体现价值。

    The value of either top science or theory of modernized management can only be realized when it is effectively integrated with enterprises ' practices and turns into management conceptions that are fully accepted by the enterprise .