
  • 网络Free yourself;let yourself go
  1. 学会原谅和忘记是释放自己的最好办法,这样可以让你在将来拥有更美好的生活。

    To forgive and forget is a sure way to free yourself up to have a wonderful life in the future .

  2. 他重返英国,为的是可以尽情释放自己对足球的激情。

    He returned to Britain so that he could indulge his passion for football

  3. 他现在能释放自己的音乐激情了。

    He was now able to indulge his passion for music .

  4. 这些被释放自己的标签,歼一记录。

    These were released on their own label , J-One Records .

  5. 对于不懂释放自己的男人我真的在想这个!

    Stop trying to please other people or be someone else .

  6. 释放自己的内存完全取决于您。

    It 's up to you to free () your own memory .

  7. 我希望他更加大胆的释放自己热情。

    I want him to show his passion more boldly .

  8. 完全取决于你是否愿意释放自己。

    Is compieteiy contingent upon your wiiiingness to IET go .

  9. 所以,我很高兴能够从这些体力负担中释放自己。

    So I was glad to free myself of this physical burden .

  10. 现在是你释放自己真实感情的时候了。

    It 's time you let your true feelings out .

  11. 宽恕是永远的答案放手,寻找宁静,释放自己!

    Forgiveness is always the answer let go , find peace , liberate yourself !

  12. 来释放自己潜在的恐惧。

    To release the oneself to fear latently .

  13. 但还是觉得是时候用个另类的方式释放自己了。

    But then again , maybe it 's kind of freeing in a strange way .

  14. 在流浪中学会生存,在生活中释放自己,完美自己;

    Stray learned in survival , in the life of their release , perfect themselves ;

  15. 就为了看你如何释放自己。

    To watch you run , clarice .

  16. 我们举办课程的目的,是希望学员能从烦琐紧张的工作压力下,释放自己。

    Our goal is to help the members to release the tension resulted from tedious work .

  17. 尽情释放自己的感情,台州专业行业翻译细细感受你脑海中浮现的每一个念头。

    Just let your feelings bubble up and then experience the thoughts flowing out of your mind .

  18. 但是,他如何做到始终如一地释放自己的创意,并保证作品的高质量呢?

    But how does he unleash the creative beast so consistently , and with such high quality ?

  19. 为了能够触碰到内心的阴暗面,妮娜必须释放自己。

    To get in touch with her dark side , Nina will have to live a little .

  20. 请祝福那些完全不想分享你的觉知的人,以及那些无法释放自己与这些较低振动连接的人们。

    Bless those who do not share your understanding and cannot release their attachment to the lower vibrations .

  21. 它是将大与小结合得最好的公司,在这里你能真正释放自己的潜力。

    It 's the best of large and small & a place where you can really unleash your potential .

  22. 我相信,大多数人心中都有一个企业,只要我们释放自己的本能。

    I believe there is a business in most of us , if we only unleash those animal spirits .

  23. (人们)辛苦工作一整年,需要一个出口来释放自己的情感。

    [ People ] have been working for a whole year and need an outlet to express their emotions .

  24. 孔仁英同意释放自己的260条狗,按照原计划,再过几个星期,其中有不少就要被送去屠宰了。

    Mr. Gong agreed to free his 260 dogs only weeks before many of them were scheduled to die .

  25. 乔治华盛顿大学的社会学家阿米泰•艾丘尼说:这是一个让人放松和释放自己的节日。

    This is a holiday that is about relaxation and letting go , explained George Washington University sociologist Amitai Etzioni .

  26. 一整天的辛苦上班后,听音乐不愧是一种相当休闲的方式来释放自己的紧张情绪。

    After a full-day s hard work , listening to music is fairly wonderful relaxing way to smooth the nerves .

  27. 去附近的红蛙海滩走走看看,静静地释放自己的心情。也可以在群礁中潜水。

    Check out nearby Red Frog beach for a quiet getaway , or take in some great snorkling in the reefs .

  28. 学生需要的正是这样一个以尊重自我体验为前提的空间,他们在这里能够表达与释放自己,认识与找回自己。

    Students need a space that created by themselves , they could express and release , understand and find themselves here .

  29. 全面发展中的女性与全面发展中的男性,方能最大限度释放自己的能量共创社会福祉。

    Only in this way , female and male in all-round development can release their maximum energy to create social well-being .

  30. 只有当人们完全释放自己的能量,这样的生活才会有意义。

    There is no meaning to life except the meaning man gives to the life by the unfolding of his powers .