
  • 网络combined injury;complex injury
  1. 外伤后即刻昏迷、CT显示重度复合伤、脑干损伤或弥漫性脑白质损伤的病死率达70.0%(21/30)。

    The rate of death was up to 70 % ( 21 / 30 ), which were come suddenly after trauma , CT manifests : serious combined injury , brain stem injury or diffuse white matter injury .

  2. 结果单放、单烧和复合伤24h大鼠血清刺激后的IEC-6细胞Akt磷酸化水平较正常大鼠血清刺激的高,其中烧伤组最高。

    Results The level of phosphorylation of Akt in the IEC-6 cells stimulated by serum from rats exposed to single radiation , single burn or combined injury was higher than in the cells stimulated by the serum from normal rats , in which the burn serum caused the highest level .

  3. 多层螺旋CT在交通事故中孕妇腹部复合伤的应用

    Application of multislice spiral CT in pregnant women ′ s abdominal compound would suffered in traffic accidents

  4. c-fos基因在冲毒复合伤大鼠肺组织中的表达

    Changes of c-fos gene expression in lung tissue of rats following blast toxicosis combined injury

  5. 颈交感神经阻滞对放烧复合伤大鼠小肠组织血流量及ATP酶的影响

    Effect of SB on intestinal mucosal blood flow volume and ATPase from combined radiation and burn injury in rat

  6. 放射损伤和放烧复合伤影响小鼠脾脏T细胞IFN-γ和IL-4基因表达的实验研究

    Influence of radiation and combined radiation-burn injury on expression of IL-4 in macrophages of mice

  7. 放烧复合伤对小鼠巨噬细胞IL-12表达影响的实验研究

    Influences of radiation-burn combined injury on IL-12 expression and survival of macrophages in mice

  8. 目的探讨弹冲复合伤对犬肺组织G蛋白的变化和可能的作用。

    Objective To investigate the change of G protein levels in the lung tissue after blast injury , high velocity fragment injury and blast fragment combined injury in dogs .

  9. 方法100只雄性健康昆明种小鼠,体质量(20±2)g,以随机数字表法设单纯创伤(单伤)和全身放射损伤合并创伤(复合伤)组。

    Methods 100 male and healthy mice of Kunming series weighted ( 20 ± 2 ) g. The experimental group of simple wound and radiation damaged combined with trauma was made respectively .

  10. 提示:放射复合伤骨髓基质细胞的细胞周期比例、DNA含量和形态的改变可能是导致放射复合伤造血微环境损伤的重要原因之一。

    The change in cell cycle , DNA content and morphology for bone marrow stromal cells was one of impairment injury mechanisms of bone marrow hematopoietic inductive microenvironment from mice post combined radiation burn injury .

  11. 对经CT扫描并有平片检查的骨盆创伤50例(其中30例为多部位复合伤),分析CT检查征象,并与平片对照。

    Fifty cases of pelvic trauma with CT scan and X - ray film examination ( 30 cases are compound injuries ) . The authors analyse these CT signs and correlated with X - ray film .

  12. WR-2721对放烧复合伤小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的辐射防护

    Study of radioprotective effects of WR-2721 on peritoneal macrophages after combined radiation-burn injury in mice

  13. 结论SB通过降低NMDA受体的活性,抑制了严重创伤(放烧复合伤)小鼠HPA轴的亢进。

    Conclusion By inhibiting NMDA receptor activity , SB promotes homeostatic restoration of HPA axis in mice of combined radiation and burn injury .

  14. 第一部分:颈交感神经阻滞对放烧复合伤大鼠HPA轴的调控及整体的保护效应目的:探讨颈交感神经阻滞对放烧复合伤大鼠的整体保护效应及对HPA轴的调控。

    Part one : effect of sb on modulation of HPA axis and whole protection from combined radiation and burn injury in rat .

  15. 目的探讨内皮素(Endothelin,ET)和一氧化氮(NO)在烧冲复合伤肺损伤中的作用及可能机制。

    Objective To study the roles of endothelin ( ET ) and nitric oxide ( NO ) in pulmonary tissue damage after combined burn blast injury and the mechanisms .

  16. 结论:伤后肺组织ET/NO比值升高,ET和NO之间平衡被破坏,这对烧冲复合伤肺损伤的发展具有重要意义。

    Conclusion : ET / NO ratio increased significantly after injury , the balance between ET nad NO was broken down , which played an important role in the development of injury .

  17. 目的将贵州小香猪骨髓间充质干细胞(MesenchymalStemcells,MSCs)接种到人羊膜(humanamnioticmembrane,HAM)上,用于治疗放创复合伤全厚皮肤缺损。

    Objective Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) planted On human amniotic membrane ( HAM ) were employed to treat full thickness skin wound combined radiation injury in Guizhou minipigs .

  18. WR-2721药对放烧复合伤预防效应的实验观察

    Protective effect of WR 2721 on the combined radiation burn injury in mice

  19. 结论HAM负载MSCs能较好地促进放创复合伤全厚皮肤缺损创面的组织修复。

    Conclusion HAM seeded with MSCs was more valid for facilitating the tissues repair of full thickness skin wound combined radiation injury than cell free HAM did in minipigs .

  20. SB治疗组较复合伤组小肠血液灌注量明显增加,同时Na+-K+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性增高。

    SB administration caused increase in blood flow volume , Na + - K + - ATPase and Ca2 + - ATPase activity as compared with combined radiation and burn injury group .

  21. WR-2721及胎肝对放烧复合伤小鼠的防治作用

    Protective Effect of WR-2721 and Fetal Liver Cell Transplantation on Combined Radiation-Burn Injury in Mice

  22. 结果:1.伤情特点:冲击伤-缺氧复合伤伤情较冲击伤重,伤后大鼠主要表现为烦躁不安,呼吸急促,BAⅡ组见明显口鼻紫绀。

    Results 1.characteristics of the injury : the combined blast-anoxic injury was more severity than the blast injury , the main characteristics of the injured rats were dysphoria , tachypnea . Cyanosis was observed in BA ⅱ .

  23. 结论:SB可增加放烧复合伤大鼠小肠组织血液灌流,增加小肠黏膜ATP酶活性,改善肠道组织缺血缺氧和细胞能量代谢障碍。

    Conclusion : SB can cause increase in blood flow volume and ATPase activity of small intestine in combined radiation and burn injury in rat , improve the ischemia , hypoxia and cellular energy metabolism in intestine .

  24. 方法大鼠烧冲复合伤后给予ET受体(ETR)拮抗剂和NO合酶(NOS)抑制剂治疗,检测与肺损伤密切相关的指标的变化。

    Methods The indices related to lung injury were measured after rats were inflicted with combined burn-blast injury and administered with endothelin receptor ( ETR ) antagonist and nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) inhibitor .

  25. 目的:探讨烧冲复合伤后早期肝组织内皮素-1(ET-1)、内皮素受体(ETR)及肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)的变化和意义。

    Objective : To study the changes of endothelin 1 ( ET 1 ), endothelin receptor ( ETR ) and tumor necrosis factor ( TNF α) in the liver after combined burn blast injury and their significance .

  26. 结论烧冲复合伤合并海水浸泡伤后可引起全身EC急性损伤,并且这种损伤比单纯烧冲复合伤(不浸泡)更严重,更持久。

    Conclusion Seawater immersion after burn blast combined injury would cause extensive acute damage of endothelial cells . The damage of immersion and burn blast combined injury is more severe and longer than that of simple burn blast combined injury .

  27. 放烧复合伤小鼠骨髓细胞IL-3R与造血调控的研究

    Relationship between IL-3R of BMNC and hematopoietic regulation in combined irradiation burn injury in mice

  28. 目的比较标准Parkland公式复苏与改良液体复苏对弹烧复合伤后海水浸泡犬血流动力学的影响,为早期救治提供理论依据。

    Objective To compare hemodynamic effects of resuscitation with Parkland formula or with the improved protocol on projectile - burn combined wound in dogs with seawater immersion .

  29. 方法:采用原位杂交和斑点杂交等核酸分子生物学技术,观测大鼠烧伤和烧冲复合伤后肝组织ET-1、ETR及肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)的转录表达变化及相互关系。

    Methods : The changes of transcription and expression of ET 1 , ETR and TNF α in the liver after combined burn blast injury and the relationship among them were determined with in situ hybridization , dot hybridization and radioimmunoassay .

  30. 目的探讨放烧复合伤所致造血功能障碍与内源性IL3之间的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between endogenous interleukin-3 and hematopoietic failure caused by combined radiation-burn injury .