
  • 网络Polyjuice;polyjuice potion
  1. 赫敏生气地说。我们可以把这个问题也写在清单上,等我喝了复方汤剂以后一起问他。哈利说着,一头倒在扰头上,

    We can add that to the list of questions we 'll ask him when we 've taken the Polyjuice Potion , said Harry , sinking back onto his pillows .

  2. 计划的一部分是小巴蒂?克劳奇用复方汤剂转变成那年将在霍格沃兹新上任的黑魔法防御术课程的教师&疯眼汉穆迪。

    Barty Crouch 's part of this plan was to take Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Mad-Eye Moody , who was to become the new Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor at Hogwarts that year .

  3. 传统的中药复方汤剂有不同程度的改善CRF营养不良的作用,但服用不方便,疗效不统一,质量难以控制。

    Traditional Chinese herbal compound has better effects on malnutrition of CRF patients , but it is inconvenient to take and the effects are not uniform and the quality is difficult to control .

  4. 我希望复方汤剂的味道比这玩艺儿好一些…

    I hope it tastes better than this stuff ...

  5. 结论从中药复方汤剂中指标性成分的含量考虑,当归六黄汤配方颗粒应用于临床具有一定的可行性。

    ResultsThe contents of ferulic acid , berberine , baicalin in single medicine decoction was higher than in mixed medicine decoction .

  6. 目的:观察柴胡、丹参复方汤剂抗肝纤维化的有效性和安全性。

    AIM : To observe the effectiveness and safety of the effect of bupleurum root and dan-shen root compound decoction against hepatic fibrosis .

  7. 生、煅赭石在复方汤剂中微量元素含量研究比色法测定磁石及赭石含铁量

    Studies on the Quantitation of Trace Elements in Complex Prescription Decoctions of Ochre and Calcined Ochre Determination of Iron Content in Magnetite and Ochre by Colorimetry

  8. “良药苦口”限制了中药复方汤剂的临床应用,业已成为限制中药复方汤剂应用的最大障碍,实现“良药不再苦口”是实现中药现代化的必由之路。

    " Traditional Chinese medicine is painful " circumscribes the clinical application of the traditional Chinese compound medicinal broth , which has become one of the maximum drawbacks .

  9. 抑制HSC活化、增殖,诱导HSC凋亡可能是复方中药汤剂治疗肝纤维化作用的另一重要机制。

    Inhibiting HSC activation and proliferation and inducing HSC apoptosis may be another functional mechanisms of Compound traditional chinese medicine decoction against hepatic fibrosis .

  10. 复方中药汤剂可改善肝纤维化大鼠肝功能及肝脏组织病理学改变,具有治疗肝纤维化的作用。

    Compound traditional chinese medicine decoction could improve hepatic functions and liver pathological variations and have the potential of healing hepatic fibrosis . 3 .

  11. 化痰类的单味药、复方制剂、汤剂、中成药等越来越多地运用于临床肺癌的治疗中,在抗癌的领域发挥积极的作用。

    Removing phlegm to kind of single herb medicine , compound preparations , native , traditional Chinese medicine and more and more used in the clinical treatment of lung cancer , in cancer field play an active role .