
  • 网络composite geomembrane
  1. 复合土工膜厚度计算方法的应用比较分析

    Application and Comparison Analysis of Calculating Methods of Composite Geomembrane Thickness

  2. 复合土工膜在汾河灌区渠道防渗中的应用

    Application of Composite Geomembrane in the Anti-seepage in Fenhe Irrigation Area

  3. 防渗漏抗冻胀PVC复合土工膜的研制

    The Development of PVC Compound Geomembrane with Seepage Prevention and Frost heave Resistance

  4. PE复合土工膜作为一种新型结构的防渗型土工合成材料,在水利工程上广泛应用。

    As a new impervious synthetic geotechnical material , PE compound geomembrane has been widely applied to water conservancy construction .

  5. 介绍海拔4000m,最低气温达零下35℃,地震烈度为8度的青海省温泉大(Ⅱ)型水库土石坝,应用复合土工膜防渗的选型、施工方法及效果分析。

    In connection with the Wenquan reservoir located at 4000 m above sea level in Qinghai Province and with a lowest temperature of 35o below zero and a seismic intensity of 8 degrees , the paper introduces the type selection , construction method and effect analysis for application of geomembrane .

  6. 复合土工膜土石坝渗流分析

    Seepage Analysis on Composite Geomembrane in Seepage Control of Embankment Dam

  7. 并介绍了在施工过程中对复合土工膜的一些试验研究。

    Experimental studies on compound geomembrane during construction period are presented .

  8. 复合土工膜或土工膜堤坝实例述评

    Review of Dams and Dikes with Composite Geomembrane Impervious Structure

  9. 复合土工膜模型试验及现场施工技术研究

    Model Test of Compound Soil Membrane and Study on Site Construction Technology

  10. 用复合土工膜完善土坝防渗的实践

    Practice of improving earth dam seepage prevention by composite geomembrane

  11. 防渗复合土工膜设计和施工

    Design and construction of the anti - seepage composite geomembrane

  12. 关于复合土工膜等渠道防渗材料改性的意见

    Views on Property Improvement of Canal Seepage Control Materials as Compound Geomembrane etc

  13. 应用复合土工膜处理合水水库坝基岩溶渗漏

    Applying Complex Geomembrane to Treating Karst Seepage of Dam Foundation of Heshui Reservoir

  14. 复合土工膜在铁路路基基床加固中的应用

    The compound geotextile application in railway formation subgrade reinforcement

  15. 复合土工膜选材试验的数据处理和决策

    Geo composites test data processing and optimum material selection

  16. 复合土工膜防渗堆石坝渗流观测资料分析

    Seepage analysis for a rock-fill dam with composite geomembrane

  17. 复合土工膜缺陷渗漏试验的饱和-非饱和渗流有限元模拟

    Numerical simulation of composite geomembrane defect leakage experiment based on saturated-unsaturated seepage theory

  18. 浅论复合土工膜在南水北调工程中的应用技术

    Discussions on the Application of Composite Geo-Membrane in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project

  19. 覆面防渗复合土工膜材料和施工工艺试验

    Test on Compound Geomembrane Material for Seepage Control of Cladding and Its Construction Technique

  20. 复合土工膜的试验技术和作用机理

    Testing techniques and functional mechanism of composite geomembranes

  21. 加热辊压复合土工膜的结构缺陷

    Structural disfiguration in heat-roller - pressed composite geomembrane

  22. 复合土工膜是近年来迅速发展起来的一种防渗材料。

    Compound geomembrane is a kind of seepage material which is rapidly developed recent years .

  23. 复合土工膜特点及应用

    Character and Application of the Multiple Geo-membranes

  24. 复合土工膜封闭铀矿废石场降低氡析出率的机理

    Reducing eduction rate of radon by seal of uranium mine waste pile with complex geotechnical membrane

  25. 复合土工膜搭接技术探讨浅析土工合成材料的搭接技术

    Lapping Technology of Composite Geomembranes

  26. 浅议乙丙复合土工膜的特性

    On Properties of Compound Geomembrane

  27. 非织造复合土工膜拉伸、抗渗性能的影响因素研究

    Research for the Influence Factors of Tensile Properties and Impermeable Performance of Geo-composites made of Geo-nonwoven and Geo-membrane

  28. 采用有限元方法研究土石坝复合土工膜防渗斜墙的抗滑稳定性。

    For analysis stability against sliding of slope-wall rock dam with geomembrane , still adopting finite element method .

  29. 复合土工膜防渗是对压实粘性土坝体的渗流控制措施。

    The complex geomembrane is used with the compact cohesive soil 's seepage control on mass of dam .

  30. 二期上游围堰原设计为粘土心墙沙砾料堰,经研究修改为覆面式复合土工膜防渗结构石碴堰。

    The upstream cofferdam in second period was originally designed as a sand and gravel dyke with clay core .