首页 / 词典 / good


zàn chéng
  • approve of;favour;agree with;endorse;approve;help;agree;assent;in favour of;pro;commendation;subscribe to;behind
赞成 [zàn chéng]
  • (1) [approve; agree with]∶对别人的主张或行为表示同意

  • 我不赞成

  • (2) [help]∶帮助促成

  • 赞成其计

赞成[zàn chéng]
  1. 我不赞成任何形式的暴力行为。

    I don 't approve of violence in any shape or form .

  2. 他们的父母管教颇严格,不赞成跳舞。

    Their parents had a puritanical streak and didn 't approve of dancing .

  3. 大多数教师和家长并不赞成这些改革。

    The reforms are unpopular with the mass of teachers and parents .

  4. 十人投票赞成,五人反对,两人弃权。

    Ten people voted in favour , five against and two abstained .

  5. 从一开始我就明确地说我不赞成。

    I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved .

  6. 60%以上的成员对这一动议投了赞成票。

    Over 60 % of members voted in favour of the motion .

  7. 你保持沉默,我们是否可以据此而推断出你不赞成?

    Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve ?

  8. 我不赞成使用武力。

    I don 't hold with the use of force .

  9. 绝大多数选民赞成这一动议。

    A clear majority of voters were in favour of the motion .

  10. 许多人不赞成在动物身上做试验。

    Many people do not like the idea of experiments on animals .

  11. 人群议论纷纷,赞成和反对的都有。

    There were murmurs of both assent and dissent from the crowd .

  12. 你赞成还是反对死刑?

    Are you for or against the death penalty ?

  13. 表决结果是15人赞成,3人反对,2人弃权。

    The voting was 15 in favour , 3 against and 2 abstentions .

  14. 他极力表明自己并不赞成该党较为偏激的观点。

    He tried to dissociate himself from the party 's more extreme views .

  15. 这项决议以非常大的多数票赞成而获得通过。

    The resolution was carried by a huge majority .

  16. 这些计划你赞成吗?

    Do the plans meet with your approval ?

  17. 本人的印象是,他们不赞成。

    One gets the impression that they disapprove .

  18. 在座的人都赞成变革。

    Those present were in favour of change .

  19. 我完全赞成人们尽情享乐。

    I 'm all for people having fun .

  20. 他们在全民公决投票中赞成独立。

    They voted for independence in a referendum .

  21. 我不赞成打孩子。

    I don 't believe in hitting children .

  22. 我们没有理由不赞成他的方法。

    We have no quarrel with his methods .

  23. 你投了她的赞成票还是反对票?

    Did you vote for or against her ?

  24. 这项动议有21票赞成,17票反对,2票弃权。

    There were 21 votes for and 17 against the motion , with 2 abstentions .

  25. 将设两个投票箱——一个放赞成票,一个放反对票。

    There will be two ballot boxes ─ one for yesses and one for noes .

  26. 他们不赞成让孩子随心所欲地看太多电视。

    They don 't hold with letting children watch as much TV as they want .

  27. 我们不赞成打孩子。

    We don 't approve of smacking .

  28. 我不赞成打屁股。

    I don 't agree with spanking .

  29. 陪审团表决赞成判定无罪。

    The jury voted for acquittal .

  30. 报刊援引总统的话,说他不赞成这项决定。

    The President was quoted in the press as saying that he disagreed with the decision .