
  • 网络event sponsorship;Sponsorship;Sponsor Activity
  1. 你也可以从这种赞助活动的角度来看待这件事。

    Or you can see it through this kind of sponsorship .

  2. 然而,赞助活动的确需要花费巨资。

    However , sponsorship is surely a very expensive business .

  3. 其中,日本商人的艺术赞助活动最具代表性。

    Among them , the Japanese merchants were most typical .

  4. 看这里,媒体报道是赞助活动成功的关键。

    Look here , media coverage is the key to successful sponsorship .

  5. 妇女训练:联合国赞助活动清单

    Training for Women : An Inventory of United Nations-Sponsored Activities

  6. 然后我们将能够把产品与赞助活动结合起来。

    Then we 'll be able to match up our product with the event .

  7. 如今,赞助活动往往包括社交媒体上的推广。

    Sponsorship now typically involves social media promotion .

  8. 不是那么一目了然的答案是:赞助活动可以为公司省钱。

    The not so obvious answer is that sponsorship can help firms to save money .

  9. 企业利用大型活动的影响力建立品牌和赞助活动的联系。

    Enterprises set up brand-sponsored activities by taking advantage of the influence of large-scale activities .

  10. 什么样的赞助活动?我不知道赞助的真正效果

    What kind of sponsoring are we talking about ? I don 't know how effective sponsorship really is

  11. 例如可以通过跨部门注册,参加公司赞助活动等,而渐渐的成为一个外向有用的队员。

    Sign up for cross-departmental initiatives , attend company-sponsored events , and generally endeavor to be an outgoing and helpful team player .

  12. 联想集团高级主管迪派克说,这次赞助活动为联想集团在全世界提高品牌知名度提供一个平台。

    Senior Lenovo executive Deepak Advani said the sponsorship is expected to provide the company a platform to improve its global reputation .

  13. 根据这项法案,以与烟草相关产品的名义通过媒体进行的广告和赞助活动将会被处以罚款。

    According to the Act , advertising and sponsoring programmes in the name of tobacco-related products through media would attract a fine .

  14. 它每月有130万读者,60%的收入都来源于条幅广告、显示广告和赞助活动。

    It has 1.3m readers a month , with 60 per cent of its income coming from banner ads , display ads and sponsored campaigns .

  15. 各国政府必须采取行动,根据《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的规定,保护妇女远离烟草广告、促销和赞助活动。

    Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship , as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control .

  16. 世卫组织说,然而全面禁止烟草广告、促销或是赞助活动的禁令只涵盖了世界上5%的人口。

    Despite this , WHO officials say only five percent of the world 's population is covered by comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship .

  17. 虽然并不成熟,但是北京、上海、深圳、天津等大城市高雅音乐演出市场的赞助活动已经初具规模。

    Although is not mature , the classic music performance sponsorships in Beijing , Shanghai , Shenzhen , Tianjin and so on big urban began to take shape .

  18. 本文主要讨论了两个企业关于赞助活动的不完全信息静态博弈模型及其均衡,并与完全信息静态的情况做了比较。

    This paper mainly discusses two enterprises in incomplete information static state game model concerning sponsoring activities and it 's equilibrium , and compared with complete information static state of circumstance .

  19. 探讨本研究发现的有意义的结论,为企业开展赛事赞助活动提出参考建议,指出了论文的研究局限性及未来的研究建议。

    It talks about the meaningful conclusions found in this study , provides some suggestions for the companies when sponsoring sports events , and discusses the limitation of this study as well .

  20. 随着女王开始推退出公众生活,将其责任传给更多年轻的王室成员,今天肯辛顿宫官宣梅根将会承担起这四项王室赞助活动。

    Kensington Palace today released an official statement on Meghan Markle 's first four royal patronages , given to her as the Queen begins to retire from public life and pass on more responsibilities to younger royals .

  21. 邦德回来了,随之而来的还有欧米茄腕表、吉列剃须刀和雪树伏特加等公司在《007:幽灵党》中植入的广告。一名市场营销专家称,这些赞助活动堪称电影版的奥运会。

    James Bond is back , and companies such as Omega watches , Gillette shavers and Belvedere vodka have paid undisclosed sums for product tie-ins with " Spectre " in sponsorships that one marketing specialist says are cinema 's version of the Olympics .

  22. 可口可乐公司(TheCoca-ColaCompany)拥有赞助大型活动的悠久历史,比如奥运会,这是公司值得骄傲的地方。

    The Coca-Cola Company 's long history of sponsoring major events , such as the Olympics , is a point of pride for the company .

  23. 其实她的意思是缘分加上百度(Baidu)。与北京其它许多公司一样,这家中国科技巨擘赞助约会活动和单身俱乐部,保持其年轻的员工队伍快乐和忠诚。

    That is , fate plus Baidu , the Chinese tech giant that , like many other companies in Beijing , sponsors dating events and singles clubs to keep its young workforce happy and loyal .

  24. 我愿意参与虚拟品牌社区任何赞助的活动。

    I am willing to participate in programs and events sponsored by the on-line brand community .

  25. 发挥公共宣传作用最有利的时机是赞助文体活动、义演晚会。

    The most widely used opportunities of generating publicity are sponsorship of cultural activities , benefit evenings .

  26. 法规还规定禁止烟草制造商赞助体育活动和免费赠送样品。

    The legislation would also prevent tobacco manufacturers from sponsoring sporting events and from giving away free samples .

  27. 此外,学生还可以参加大学赞助的活动,比如学生新闻社,特长俱乐部和运动队。

    Additionally , students can get involved with university-sponsored activities such as student newspapers , special-interest clubs and sporting teams .

  28. 银行不要因为承担了赞助社会活动的责任而自我陶醉。

    The collective narcissism of the Kerouac circle is ultimately boring . That bank responsible for sponsoring a social programme does not wallow in self-glory .

  29. 法律将强制规定卷烟制造商说明用于广告的具体金额,并不允许卷烟制造商赞助社会活动。

    Cigarette manufacturers will be mandated to account for the exact amount of funds used for advertisement , and will not be allowed to sponsor social events .

  30. 公司要花费很多时间来确认要宣传的产品和要赞助的活动完全匹配。

    Companies spend a lot of time making sure that they have a perfect match between the products to be represented and the activity that needs sponsorship .