
  • 网络Chahar Mongols
  1. 达赉逊汗率左翼南下兼并朵颜三卫的构成中察哈尔本部得到了扩充。

    The Chakhar Tribe was expanded when Dalaishun Khan invaded to the south and mastered the Three Guards of Doyan .

  2. 本文对这一时期的察哈尔本部的内部结构、组织形式进行了初步探讨。

    In this paper , we have done some first studies on the internal structure , organization forms of the Chakhar Tribe of the very period .

  3. 在土蛮汗时期,察哈尔本部已有控弦五万,是蒙古诸部中最强大的群体了。

    At the time of Tumen Khan , the Chakhar tribe had five hundred thousand soldiers and became the most powerful one among the Mongolian tribes .

  4. 林丹汗在蒙古左翼与努尔哈赤较量,最后以失败告终后率领察哈尔本部西迁。

    Ligden Khan fight against Nurhachi with the help of the Left Wing Mongols , but he was defeated and moved to the west with the Chakhar Tribe .