
  • 网络operating characteristic
  1. 可见,对于含有串补元件的故障测距,主要原因不在于串补电容,而在于MOV的动作特性。

    It can be seen , contains a series compensation component fault location , the main reason is that the series capacitor compensation , but rather the operating characteristics of the MOV .

  2. 不同温度条件下永磁接触器动作特性仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Operating Characteristics of Permanent Magnet Contactor under Different Temperature

  3. 基于EMTP稳态计算的距离继电器静态动作特性分析方法

    Static characteristic analysis of distance relay based on EMTP steady state computation

  4. 介绍了一种基于电力系统电磁暂态仿真程序(EMTP)稳态计算的距离继电器静态动作特性分析方法。

    This paper presents a novel method for static characteristic analysis of distance relay .

  5. 通过Matlab仿真分析结果证明,该继电器具有优良的动作特性,在500kV的高压线路上有良好的耐受过渡电阻能力。

    Simulative analysis with Matlab proves its good operating characteristic and strong adaptability to earth resistance on 500 kV line .

  6. 以距离保护中的多边形阻抗动作特性为例,分析了该特性用比相式、比幅式以及直接比较式3种判据分别实现时DSP的运算复杂度。

    The computing complexities of DSP are analyzed when the polygon impedance characteristics of distance protection are realized with three types of criteria , i.e. , the phase angle comparative criterion , magnitude comparative criterion , and direct comparative one .

  7. RADSS型母线中阻差动保护的动作特性

    Operation characteristics of RADSS type bus medium impedance differential protection

  8. 采用PC机和单片机测控系统实现了一套PTCR综合性能测试系统,能实现PTCR阻温特性,不动作特性和动作特性测试综合测试。

    This system adopts PC , MCU test and control sets and achieves asynthetic testing of the resistance and temperature curves , PTCR action and inaction properties .

  9. 利用EMTP仿真结果分析了这相电流差动判据在超高压系统中的动作特性和电容电流补偿的效果。

    In this article , the action characteristic of phase current-differential criterion in EHV system and the effect of capacitance current compensation have been analyzed using EMTP simulation result .

  10. 文章在分析、比较基于3种不同CT特性的比率制动差动保护动作特性的基础上,给出了相应的动作区示意图,并指出采用ECT可显著提高差动保护的灵敏性;

    By means of analyzing and comparing action characteristics of three ratio restraint differential protections based on different CTs , corresponding operation-resistance curves are given , and it is pointed out that the sensitivity of differential protection can be evidently improved by using ECT .

  11. 介绍了IEC低压熔断器标准体系以及北美一些国家采用的UL低压熔断器标准体系,详细对比分析了两者之间在适用范围、分类、动作特性、试验方法等方面存在的技术差异。

    A series of standard system on low voltage fuse within IEC standard and UL standard adopted by some North America countries were introduced . The technical difference between above two systems in applicability , classification , operation performance , test method etc. were compared and analyzed in detail .

  12. 介绍了RADSS型母线中阻差动保护的动作特性。该文提出了一种不受空投时励磁涌流影响的变压器差动保护原理,并用阻抗原理反应空投于内部故障。

    The operation characteristics of RADSS type bus medium impedance protection is put forward . This paper introduces a new approach to transformer protection which combines current differential protection and impedance protection .

  13. 分析了其判据和动作特性,通过数字仿真证明了此新判据在500kV、300km单回输电线路末端单相接地短路能承受300Ω以上的过渡电阻。

    The criterion and its operating character were analyzed in detail . Digital simulation proves that this new criterion can tolerate over 300 ohms fault resistance for single phase to ground fault at the end of 500 kV 300 km transmission line .

  14. 介绍了XGS型隔爆容器的结构、安装特点、在爆风压作用下的动作特性以及由它组装成的新型隔爆棚抑制弱爆炸传播的效果。

    Abstract XGS explosion-proof tubs are dealt with in this paper including its constuction , installing features , characteristics of the action under blasting wind pressure as well as the result of suppression of weak explosion from propagating by the explosion barrier consisting of these tubs .

  15. 复合方式半桥型逆变器的动作特性

    Acting Characteristics of an Inverter of Composite Mode and Semibridge Type

  16. 变电站直流系统常用断路器及熔断器动作特性分析

    Characteristic analysis of DC circuit breakers and fuses used in substation

  17. 输电系统反时限过流保护动作特性的协调优化

    Coordinated Optimization of Operation Characteristics of Overcurrent Protection for Transmission Systems

  18. 输电线路分布参数的故障分析与继电保护动作特性

    Fault analysis of distributed parameter of transmission line and relay performance

  19. 间隙开关动作特性的测量

    Measures of Actuation Characteristics of Gap Switches in Great Impulse Current Devices

  20. 新型混合式断路器结构及动作特性研究断路器延时和瞬时动作特性校验电路

    The Structure and Fast Operating Performance of A Novel Hybrid Circuit Breaker

  21. 突变量距离继电器的动作特性分析

    The Operation Characteristics Analysis of the Fault Component Distance Relays

  22. 多相补偿接地距离继电器动作特性的分析与计算

    Performance of Polyphase Ground Distance Relay : Its Analysis and Digital Computation

  23. 采样值差动保护动作特性的研究

    Study on the operating characteristic of sampled value differential protection

  24. 长间隙触发真空开关动作特性的研究

    Research on Action Characteristic of Long Gap Triggered Vacuum Switch

  25. 浅谈剩余电流动作特性检测仪的校准方法

    Discussing the Calibration Method of Residual Current Operated Specialty Tester

  26. 本文在复式比率差动原理基础上,改进了复式比率差动的判据,使之较传统的复式比率差动判据有着更优良的动作特性。

    This paper improve criterion , which based on complex percentage differential criterion .

  27. 复杂故障情况下的变压器差动保护动作特性分析

    The Performance Characteristic Analysis of Transformer Differential Protection in a Complex Fault Condition

  28. 酞菁铜有机静电感应三极管动作特性研究

    Research on the Operating Characteristics of Organic Static Induction Transistor with Copper-Phthalocyanine Film

  29. 两种方向距离继电器的动作特性

    Operation characteristics of two kinds of directional distance relays

  30. 介绍了用于电压继电器动作特性测试的可程控交流电源。

    A programmable power supply which tests action characteristic of voltage relay is presented .