
  • 网络plutonium oxalate;plutoniumoxalate
  1. 草酸钚(Ⅳ)沉淀在HNO3H2C2O4混合液中的溶解度随混合液中H2C2O4浓度增大而增大,随混合液中的HNO3浓度增大而减小;

    The solubility of plutonium (ⅳ) oxalate precipitate in the mixed solution of HNO 3 H 2C 2O 4 is increased with the concentration increasing of H 2C 2O 4 and decreased with the concentration increasing of HNO 3 in the mixed solution .

  2. 研究了在(25±02)℃条件下,草酸钚(Ⅳ)沉淀沉降达到平衡所需的时间和草酸钚(Ⅳ)沉淀在不同浓度HNO3H2C2O4混合液中的溶解度。

    Under the condition of ( 25 ± 0 2 ) ℃, the balance time for the precipitating reaction of plutonium (ⅳ) oxalate and the solubility of plutonium (ⅳ) oxalate precipitate in mixed solution of HNO 3 H 2C 2O 4 with different concentration have been studied .