
  • 网络silver carp and bighead carp
  1. 鲢鳙鱼在膨化食品中的应用

    The Application of Silver Carp and Variegated Carp in Puffed Food

  2. 辽宁省水库鲢鳙鱼产力的评估

    A assessment of fish productivity of reservoirs in Liaoning Province

  3. 本研究对蠡湖鲢鳙鱼的种群结构及其生长特性进行了调查,旨在为保护和科学利用其渔业资源提供依据。

    This study was mainly about the growth characteristics and community structure which will provide evidence for protection and utilization of fishery resources in Lihu lake .

  4. 泥河水库鲢、鳙鱼生长规律的研究

    The growth regular study of Aristichthys nobilis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ina Nihe reservoir

  5. 网箱培育一龄大规格鲢、鳙鱼种试验

    An Experiment on the Large Fingerling of Silver Carp and Variegated Carp Breeding in Net Cage

  6. 鲢、鳙鱼苗肠粘膜细胞核和细胞器或肿胀或萎缩或溃解。

    The nuclei and organelles in the cells of mucous layer were swollen or disrupted or shrunk .

  7. 鲢、鳙鱼种群生产量分别为141和110kg/ha,种群年P/B系数分别为1.15和1.09。

    The total population production of silver carp and bighead carp was 141 and 110 kg / ha respectively .

  8. 摸索了鲢、鳙鱼加工过程中鱼骨,鱼头等副产物的综合利用。

    This paper also probes into the comprehensive use of the by product , such as the bone and head from silver carp and variegated carp processing .

  9. 研究了鲢、鳙鱼的不同处理方法,制得食用鱼粉,并将其应用于大米膨化食品中,制得酥脆香甜,营养丰富的快餐方便食品;

    Edible fish meal , made from silver carp and variegated carp with different treated methods , is applied to rice puffed food , making nutritious snack food with crisp , fragrant and sweet flavors .

  10. 生产实践证明,氯化铵完全可以代替尿素和碳铵用于池塘施肥养鱼,且有降低成本和提高鲢、鳙鱼产量及经济效益的优点。

    The results proved that ammonium chloride might completely replace the urea and ammonium bicarbonate to apply fertilizer to the fishponds , also it could reduce production costs , and raise the yield of silver carp and big head , and increase the economic benefit .
