
wài jí
  • foreign nationality;non-local
外籍 [wài jí]
  • [foreign nationality] 外国国籍

  • 外籍华人

  1. 舟山口岸外籍修理船舶的检疫风险研究

    Study on Quarantine Risks of Felly Repair Foreign Nationality at Zhoushan Port

  2. 我园招生范围:2―岁在深之中外籍适龄幼儿。

    Enroll new students range : 2-6 years old in dark Chinese and foreign nationality infant of the right age .

  3. 两名外籍嫌疑犯将被缺席审判。

    Two foreign suspects will be tried in absentia .

  4. 这些规章不适用于外籍学生。

    These regulations are inapplicable to international students .

  5. 政府故意阻挠他为自己的外籍员工申请工作许可证的努力。

    The government has deliberately frustrated his efforts to gain work permits for his foreign staff .

  6. 我们系已经聘请了一位外籍老师作为语音顾问。

    Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser .

  7. 当然,不得不承认,欧洲公司大多数情况下都是从欧洲其他国家聘请的外籍CEO。

    ( granted , European companies hired " foreigners " most often from other European countries . )

  8. NBA外籍球员特点之研究

    Research on NBA Foreign Players ' Characteristics

  9. 最近,CCTV授予她中国首席外籍模特称号。

    CCTV recently awarded her with the title of China 's top foreign model .

  10. 今天,这个数字翻了3倍,来自40个国家的外籍球员已经占到NBA球员总数的百分之20。

    Today , that number has tripled to 20 percent of all NBA players who represent 40 countries .

  11. 在英国央行(BoE)318年的历史上,马克卡尼(MarkCarney)是第一位外籍行长。

    Mark Carney is the first foreign governor in the 318-year history of the Bank of England .

  12. 英国BBC《犯罪观察》节目曾在2012年发布通缉令,称罗宾逊曾在北京一所学校当外籍教师并在北京生活。

    A Crimewatch appeal in 2012 provided information that Robinson had been living and working in schools in Beijing .

  13. 探讨CBA联赛外籍球员的整体表现、引进、管理、对联赛的影响以及对联赛的国际化推广方面的作用等问题;

    This thesis discusses the performance , administration and invitation of foreign players as well as their influence on CBA .

  14. 中国美丽婚礼(WeddingsBeautifulChina)是和柏灵(WeddingsbyLingYing)合作成立的合资企业。柏灵是一家年轻的公司,服务于富裕的中国新人、外籍人士和中国精英人士。

    Weddings Beautiful China is a joint venture with Weddings by Ling Ying - a young company that caters to affluent Chinese couples , expats and Chinese A-listers .

  15. BBC新闻–如果你是在香港的外籍人士,喝一杯咖啡就要花近8美元。

    BBC News - If you 're an expat in Hong Kong , a cup of coffee costs nearly $ 8 .

  16. 谷歌发言人丹马丁(danmartin)表示,由于目前的签证体系,那些在美国高校获得高学历的外籍学生被迫去国外工作。

    Dan Martin , a Google spokesman , said the current system ensured that foreign students who attained top degrees in US universities were forced to work abroad .

  17. 1992年,第一支美国奥运篮球梦之队成立那年,NBA新人里只有21名外籍球员。

    In 1992 , though , the year of the original U.S. Olympic " Dream Team , " the NBA had only 21 international players on its rosters .

  18. 不同于金融危机以来的前几年,H-1B签证(美国移民局签发给受美国公司雇用的从事专业职位的外籍人士的短期非移民工作签证&译注)申请大幅增加。

    Unlike previous years since the financial crisis , petitions for H-1B visashave risen sharply .

  19. 在过去的四个赛季里,这位39岁的老将带领北京队拿下三个总冠军,被公认为是CBA历史上最成功的外籍球员。

    The 39-year-old veteran , who steered Beijing to three titles in past four seasons , is recognized as the most successful foreign player in CBA history .

  20. 泳池边上,剃光了头、肌肉发达、刺着纹身的法国外籍军团(ForeignLegionnaires)正在来来回回地游泳,晒黑了的法国大使夫人和一个美国传教士家庭几个面色苍白的女儿看着他们。

    Down by the pool , Foreign Legionnaires with shaven heads and muscular , tattooed torsos are swimming laps watched by tanned French embassy wives and the pale daughters of an American missionary family .

  21. 很多外籍护士表示,他们初到英国时一般先去私营部门工作,在完成相关培训课程后不久便跳槽到NHS寻求新的岗位。(文/张咏)

    Many nurses said they had initially worked for private sector employers in the UK before moving to the NHS soon after completing an adaptation course .

  22. 穆迪表示:如果TCS不能提高效率,那么这(外籍员工比例不断上升的情况)可能会对整体盈利能力形成压力。

    If TCS fails to promote efficiency , this [ the rising percentage of foreign nationals ] could pressure overall profitability , Moody 's , the rating agency , said .

  23. liu表示,本土人才最有可能被放在销售和市场营销岗位上,亚洲其它国家人士可以用来负责战略,而外籍员工则更有可能担任总经理。

    Mr Liu says local talent is most likely to be used in sales and marketing jobs , those from anywhere in Asia could be used in strategy roles , and Western expatriates are more likely to be general managers .

  24. 企业代表对RDI学生的设计原创性,英语流利的程度,自性以及在从外籍老师哪儿所学到的知识,大表赞赏。

    Thepartners were impressed with RDI graduates'originality in design , their English proficiency , confidence and knowledge acquired at RDI and from the foreign lecturers .

  25. 对手机游戏开发商、果冻飞溅(JellySplash)的出品商Wooga而言,一名外籍雇员抱怨自己从未真正融入柏林生活并离职,是情况不对的第一个苗头。

    For mobile games developer Wooga , maker of Jelly Splash , the first indication something was wrong came when a foreign employee quit , complaining that she had never properly settled into life in Berlin .

  26. 它们包括“毕业3个月后就业率”数据,以及从“女性师资比例”到“外籍理事比例”、从“国际经验排名”到“ft博士排名”等各项指标。

    These include the figures for " employed at three months " , all criteria from " women faculty " to " international board " and from " international experience rank " to " ft doctoral rank " .

  27. 外籍球员是我国男子篮球实行职业化改革后出现在CBA联赛的新生事物,在联赛的发展过程中扮演了重要的角色,本文以此为出发点对CBA联赛进行研究。

    After male basketball team take professional reform , foreign basketball players appear in CBA . They play more important role in the development of league matches , so the thesis focuses on this phenomenon in the following analysis .

  28. 根据负责商学院GMAT入学考试的管理学研究生入学委员会(GraduateManagementAdmissionCouncil,简称GMAC)提供的数据,今年计划聘用MBA毕业生的美国雇主中,只有四分之一的雇主预计会接受外籍求职者。

    Only a quarter of the employers who plan to hire MBA graduates in the US this year expect to take on overseas candidates , according to figures from the Graduate Management Admission Council ( GMAC ) , responsible for the GMAT business school admission exam .

  29. CRI外籍记者采访团由英语、日语、朝语、俄语、法语、德语、泰语、捷克语和中文等多名记者组成。

    CRI foreign journalist interview team consists of many journalists who use the language of English , Japanese , Korean , Russian , French , German , Thai , Czech , and Chinese and so on .

  30. 美国国务院要求一些雇佣需申请J-1签证的工人(包括酒店、高尔夫球场、夏令营等季节性员工)的企业减少对外籍工人的依赖。

    The State Department is asking some sponsors of the J-1 visa seasonal employers such as hotels , golf resorts and summer camps to reduce dependence on foreign labor .