
  • 网络Inspection;VISUAL INSPECTION;visual examination;visual check
  1. 本文通过中山沙岗立交桥的外观检查、荷载试验,对复合碳纤维材料(CFRP)在桥梁维修加固中的应用进行研究。

    In this paper , Through the Visual inspection and the Load Test of The Zhongshan shagang overpass as the background , carbon fiber composite materials ( CFRP ) reinforcement in the repair of bridges in the application of research .

  2. 检查倾斜度和扭矩、外观检查结果和所有测量值。

    Inclination and torsion , visual inspection and complete measurements .

  3. 对失效的重油加氢装置脱硫系统再生塔顶空冷器出口管束进行了外观检查,分别用X射线衍射技术和SEM分析了管束腐蚀产物的相组成、元素含量与形貌。

    The appearance of a failed carbon steel tube on heavy oil hydrogenation equipment was examined by naked eye , and the phase composition , element content and microstructure of the corrosion product on the failed carbon steel were analyzed by x-ray spectrum and SEM , respectively .

  4. 灭火器应装满灭火剂,而且每月有人执行外观检查。

    Fire extinguishers should be fully charged and visually inspected monthly .

  5. 加强轴承外观检查准确判断内部故障

    Strengthen the Exterior Inspection on Bearing to Determine the Interior Faults Exactly

  6. 焊工考试试板外观检查的几个问题

    Several Points on Welding Specimen Appearance Inspection in Welder Examination

  7. 检查螺母的完整性和固定情况、外观检查结果及所有测量值。

    Completeness and condition of nuts , visual inspection and complete measurements .

  8. 成品经过质量分析,外观检查,金属探测后包装。

    Through quality analysis , inspection , and metal detection before packaging .

  9. 角接接头焊缝外观检查质量标准的探讨

    Research for the Appearance Quality Standard of Corner Joint

  10. 在评估流程中,将车辆技术评估过程分为两个部分:外观检查和线上检测。

    In evaluating process , the paper divides the technical assessment process into two parts : inspection and online detection .

  11. 综合考虑变压器征兆现象(外观检查、运行工况、附件等),对定性指标量化后,用极值理论确定其故障概率。

    For the transformer symptoms phenomenon , quantify the qualitative indicators , and then use extreme value theory to determine the failure probability .

  12. 对桥梁的外观检查、无损检测、静载、动载试验设计了简洁、合理、全面的桥梁检测程序,并将设计的程序应用于工程实践,全面分析了检测桥梁的状况。

    Through appearance test , nondestructive test , dead-load experiment , live experiment , it design proper trace routine in engineering practice to assess bridge state .

  13. 任务和职责:-进行成品和半成品的机械和外观检查,确保其符合客户的质量要求;

    DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES : - Perform various mechanical and visual inspection of semi-finished and finished products to ensure that they meet with customer quality specification ;

  14. 阐述载重子午胎成型工艺的重要性,对成品x-光与外观检查中常见的质量问题进行浅析。

    It relates to the importance of forming technology of heavy-duty radial-ply tire . The quality problems in checking x-ray of finished products and appearance are analysed .

  15. 同时据丰林大桥静、动荷载试验及外观检查结果,提出了加固补强的具体方法。

    Based on the results from the static and dynamic test , and the appearance check of Fenglin bridges , some concrete methods for reinforcing bridges are proposed , too .

  16. 焊缝不做无损探伤检查,只做外观检查,焊缝系数却取1。

    Weld will not be checked by nondestructive flaw detection , only checked by looking at appearance , but the weld coefficient is still 1 . Product is only examined by gas pressure test ;

  17. 综合前述研究成果,将显著相关的外观检查因素与声发射因素结合,建立基于在线检测信息的储罐底板腐蚀状态智能评价模型。

    Synthesize the above research results , combining the significant correlation appearance inspection factors with the acoustic emission testing factors , establish intelligent method in evaluation of the tank bottom corrosion based on online testing information .

  18. 对桥梁进行了外观检查和静、动载试验,通过对试验结果的分析,确定了导致结构产生病害的主要原因。

    The appearance inspection , static load test , and dynamic load test were carried out on the bridge . Through the analysis of the test data , the main reasons of the damages are confirmed . 3 .

  19. 耐火制品尺寸、外观及断面检查方法的发展

    Development of measurement of dimensions , external defects and section for refractory products

  20. 当液压缸出现动作缓慢或没有动用时,可先检查外观,再检查回油滤芯。

    Occur when the hydraulic cylinder or the use of slow motion , they can check the appearance , and then check back to the oil filter .

  21. 如果你不确定如何正确地自行检查乳房,学习一下,并记住自己乳房的触感和外观。自我检查并不会降低乳腺癌的发病率,但常规的检查能最大限度地帮助你尽早发现异常并予以治疗。

    If you 're not sure how to do a breast self exam already , learn the instructions , and be familiar with how your breasts feel and look . The test itself won 't lower your risk , but having this performed regularly is putting you in the best position to see issues in the earliest stages .

  22. 方法采用褶合光谱法,结合外观和pH值检查法,并以差谱值予以定量表达。

    METHODS Combine with appearance and test pH value by convolution spectrometry , the results were described quantitatively by subtract spectrum value .

  23. 您可以切换至属性视图上的图表外观项,来检查是否有主题应用到图表上,如下所示。

    You can check if a theme was applied to a diagram by navigating to the diagram Appearance property tab in the Properties view , as shown below .