
  • 网络Cushion
  1. CFG桩由碎石、石屑、粉煤灰和水泥及水拌和,制成一种粘结强度较高的桩体,与桩间土和碎石褥垫层一起构成CFG桩复合地基。

    The CFG pile-foundation consists of the CFG piles made of mixing crushed stone , rock crumb , fly-ash , cement and water with higher binding strength and the cushion built with crushed tone .

  2. 同时,CFG桩复合地基作为路堤荷载的地基时,可设计为桩间距较大的疏桩形式,桩体设计强度可以取得低一些,褥垫层厚度也应适当取大。

    When the CFG pile composite foundation is subjected to the embankment load , large distance of piles could be chosen , the strength of pile may be reduced and the cushion thickness should be designed to larger accordingly .

  3. 采用振动沉管灌注打桩机施工,使CFG桩和桩间土一起通过褥垫层形成CFG复合地基。

    The pile and soil combine to form a composite foundation .

  4. CFG桩桩土应力比及褥垫层厚度研究

    Research on thickness of cushion and pile-soil stress ratio of CFG pile

  5. 褥垫层在CFG桩复合地基中的作用

    Effect of Mattress Layer on Compound Foundation of CFG Pile

  6. 褥垫层在CFG桩中的作用研究

    Researching the Function of Bedding Cushion in CFG Pile

  7. 本论文主要介绍了复合地基的基本原理及CFG桩复合地基的工作机理,并对褥垫层在复合地基中的作用进行了分析。

    The paper focuses on the fundamental principal of composite foundation and the working mechanism of CFG pile composite foundation .

  8. 深层搅拌复合地基承载力可靠度分析褥垫层对CFG桩复合地基影响的研究

    Research on the Reliability of Bearing Capacity of Deep Mixing Composite Foundation ; Experiment and analysis on CFG pile composite foundation 's lining

  9. 因此,对于柔性基础条件下CFG桩桩帽复合地基褥垫层厚度的优化十分有意义。

    So under the condition of flexible foundation , the optimization of cushion thickness of CFG pile composite foundation with caps is of great significance .

  10. 通过CFG桩单桩及三桩复合地基原位试验,对CFG桩桩土应力比及褥垫层厚度进行研究。

    The relative between stress ratio of pile-soil and the thickness of cushion is researched by experimental and theoretical analyses . 7 experiments were conducted , including tests on 3 piles and single-pile composite-foundations .

  11. 通过试验找出了CFG桩复合地基的承载力、沉降规律,得到了实际复合地基的桩土应力比与桩土荷载分担比的范围,得出了合理的褥垫层厚度。

    The experiments found out the bearing capacity , settlement rules of the CFG pile composite foundation and got the actual pile-soil stress ratio and pile-soil load distribution ratio range of the composite foundation .

  12. 讨论了影响CFG桩复合地基承载性状的诸多因素,如荷载水平,褥垫层模量、厚度,桩间土,桩长和桩身模量等,并对这些因素进行了系统的数值分析研究。

    Many impact of CFG pile composite foundation bearing behavior were discussed by systematic numerical analysis study , such as load level , cushion modulus , thickness of soil between piles , pile length and pile modulus .

  13. 对比了数值模拟与室内模型试验的结果。探讨了桩型、桩长、基础埋深、褥垫层和软弱层对CFG桩复合地基的影响。

    The results of the simulation and model test were compared and the effect of the pile type , pile length , base depth , cushion and the weak layer on the CFG pile composite foundation was discussed .

  14. 探讨了不同褥垫层模量、不同褥垫层厚度、不同荷载大小、不同桩间土弹性模量、不同桩长以及不同桩径条件下CFG桩复合地基的工作性状。

    This study explores the mechanical characteristics of the composite foundation with CFG-pile under the situations with difference in cushion modulus , in cushion thickness , in load , in elastic modulus of the soil around piles , in pile length and in pile diameter .

  15. 通过改变复合地基参数如CFG桩长、MIP桩长、桩间距及褥垫层厚度等,对复合地基的承载、变形规律进行分析,得出参数的合理取值范围,为今后的设计提供了依据。

    By changing parameters such as the CFG pile length , MIP pile length , pile spacing and thickness of cushion on the composite foundation bearing , deformation were analyzed and the range of reasonable parameters , as the basis for the design of future .

  16. 根据太沙基基本理论,详细地讨论了CFG桩复合地基褥垫层作用机理,并推导出CFG桩复合地基最佳桩间距、合理褥垫层厚度、桩土应力比、实际置换率的解析表达式。

    Based on Terzaghis consolidation theory the mechanism of cushion for CFG-pile composite foundation is discussed in detail ; and on this way the optimum space between piles , the thickness of cushion , the pile-soil stress ratio and the actual ratio of replacement are deduced .

  17. 给出了褥垫层最小厚度的计算公式和取值方法;

    Moreover , the calculation formula and choosing method are deduced .

  18. 带褥垫层刚-柔性桩复合地基工程性状的试验研究

    Experimental study on behavior of rigid-flexible pile raft foundation with cushion

  19. 复合地基由桩、桩间土及其上的褥垫层组成。

    Combined foundation consists of piles , pile soil and mattress layer .

  20. 复合地基褥垫层的作用机理及设计探讨

    Discussion on Effect Mechanism and Design for Cushion Layer of Composite Foundation

  21. 褥垫层在夯实水泥土桩中的应用

    Application of mattress layer on tamping cement earth pile

  22. 褥垫层是刚性桩和半刚性桩复合地基的核心技术之一。

    Cushion is a core part in the rigid and semirigid composite foundation .

  23. 复合地基褥垫层上结构水平地震响应分析

    Nonlinear Response Analysis of Structures with Composite Foundation Cushion under Horizontal Ground Motion

  24. 复合地基褥垫层的作用及其最小厚度的确定

    Study on the role of cushion of composite ground and its minimum depth

  25. 铺设褥垫层后,短桩桩顶应力急剧增大。

    Stress of the top of short pile increases rapidly after laying cushion .

  26. 关于核心筒基础筏板褥垫层施工的探讨

    An Investigation about Construction of Raft Board Mattress Level of Core Tube Foundation

  27. 褥垫层对复合地基承载机理的影响

    Study on Mechanism of cushion in composite pile foundation

  28. 对刚性桩复合地基褥垫层的工作机理进行了分析。

    The working mechanism of cushion in rigid pile composite ground is analyzed conceptually .

  29. 带褥垫层减沉桩作用机理及现场实验研究

    The Mechanism of Settlement Reducing Pile Foundation with Bedding Layers and in Site Experiments

  30. 冻土地区混合型复合地基褥垫层厚度设计

    Research on the thickness of the cushion of hybrid-composite foundation in the frozen area