
  • 网络Heat cycle test;Thermal Cycling
  1. 通过模拟空间热循环试验,研究了热循环因素对LF6铝合金焊接接头断裂机理的影响。

    Based on simulated aerospace thermal cycling test , the effect of thermal cycle on the fracture mechanism of LF6 aluminum alloy welded joint was investigated .

  2. 采用真空热循环试验装置,模拟近地轨道空间环境,研究了LF6铝合金焊接接头拉伸性能和微观组织,分析讨论了真空热循环对焊接接头的影响规律。

    The tensile properties and microstructure of LF6 aluminum alloy weld joint under simulating near earth space environment are studied by means of vacuum thermal cycling system .

  3. 热循环试验表明,3D-MCM具有大于1500个热循环周期的疲劳寿命,从而具有很高的热机械可靠性。

    Thermal cycle test demonstrates that the fatigue life of 3D-MCM are morethan 1500 temperature cycles .

  4. 本研究采用模拟焊接热循环试验方法,测定了Cr-Al钢被加热到不同峰值温度后热影响区冲击韧性的变化。

    In this paper , by weld thermo-simulation test with different peak temperatures , the variation of HAZ charpy impact toughness of Cr-Al steel was determined .

  5. 研究了在-55~125℃热循环试验条件下,热循环对CBGA封装焊点的组织变化及对抗剪强度的影响。

    The effects of thermal cycling on shear strength and microstructures of soldered joints of CBGA package were studied under the condition of thermal cycling between - 55 ℃ and 125 ℃ .

  6. 对空间级加成型硅橡胶(KH-S-A)进行了真空热循环试验(123~403K,10-5Pa)。

    The thermal cycling tests on the space grade additive vulcanized silicon rubber were carried out in vacuum ( 123 ~ 403 K , 10-5 Pa ) .

  7. 对碳化硅晶须增强AZ91镁基复合材料在153K~393K进行加载热循环试验,载荷为20MPa静载荷,测定了复合材料在热循环前后的力学性能。

    The thermal cycling test between 153 K - 393 K were performed on SiCw / AZ91 magnesium matrix composite with the load of 20 MPa , and the tensile properties of SiCw / AZ91 before and after thermal cycling were evaluated .

  8. 陶瓷热障涂层和热循环试验研究

    Study of Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coating and Thermal Cycling Test

  9. 非密封性分系统热循环试验中的防结露问题

    The Problem of Moisture Deposition in Thermal Cycle Test for Unsealed Subsystem

  10. GB/T12610-1990塑料上电镀层热循环试验

    Electroplated coatings on plastics materials-Thermal cycling test

  11. 本文利用空间环境效应地面模拟设备对环氧结构胶粘剂进行了真空热循环试验。

    In this paper , using ground-based simulation facilities , the vacuum thermal cycling test was carried out on the epoxy construction adhesive .

  12. 借助拉伸、剪切及弯曲力学性能试验、热循环试验、金相组织观察、显微硬度及扫描电镜等试验,对试样进行组织与性能分析。

    By means of mechanical property assay of drawing , shear and bending , metallographic microscopy observation , micro-hardness and scanning electron microscopy , analyse their structure and property .

  13. 脂肪酸相变储能材料热循环行为的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Thermal Cycling Behavior of Fatty Acids as Phase Change Materials

  14. 对激光焊接高强度镀锌钢板时接头上热循环作了试验测定,测出了焊缝热影响区的实际热循环曲线。

    Actual thermal cycling curve of welded seam of laser welding is obtained to zinc coated high strength steel .

  15. 热疲劳循环氧化试验结果显示,涂层热疲劳性能优异,没有发生裂纹剥落等现象。

    The results of cycle oxidation tests indicated that the coatings had great thermal fatigue resistance without cracks or spalling .

  16. 中国先进研究堆冷中子源冷包含气率及两相热虹吸循环模拟试验研究

    Mockup Tests of Void Fraction in Moderator Cell and Two-phase Thermosiphon Loop of Cold Neutron Source in China Advanced Research Reactor

  17. 论述了各种类型热试验(热平衡试验、热真空试验、热循环试验)在航天器研制中的重要性及它们的试验要点。

    The paper discusses the importance of thermal tests of difference types ( thermal balance test , thermal vacuum test and thermal cycling test ) in the spacecraft development , and also their implementation .

  18. 利用模拟空间热循环温度场设备对太阳能电池中石英玻璃盖片/硅橡胶粘合剂/硅晶片胶接结构进行了真空热循环试验(123~403K,10-5Pa)。

    The vacuum thermal cycling tests ( 123 ~ 403K , 10 - 5 Pa ) were carried out on the bonding structure of quartz glass cover / silicon rubber adhesive / silicon crystalline in solar battery , using the system simulating the temperature filed of thermal cycling in space .