
rè liàn
  • be in love with;be passionately in love;be head over heels in love;deeply in love
热恋 [rè liàn]
  • (1) [be passionately in love;be head over heels in love]∶热烈地恋爱;恋爱的热烈难分阶段

  • (2) [deeply in love]∶深深眷恋

  • 我热恋的故土

热恋[rè liàn]
  1. 他们似乎正在热恋,可我觉得这维持不了多久。

    They seem to be passionately in love , but I don 't think it will last .

  2. 你今天晚上不再和他见面了,是吧?这个星期都约会了五次,你们热恋了!

    You 're not seeing him again tonight , are you ? That 's five times this week ─ you 've got it bad !

  3. 我们疯狂地热恋了大概两年。

    We were madly in love for about two years .

  4. 嘉宝饰演王后,陶醉于和安东尼奥的热恋中。

    Garbo plays the Queen , rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio

  5. 我当时和他陷入热恋,我的朋友们都说能找到他是我的福气。

    I was so in love with him and all my friends said what a good catch he was .

  6. 当问到有没有计划再生孩子时,这位热恋中的54岁男子说:“也许吧,我不知道。”

    Asked if any other children were planned , the 54-year-old Romeo said : ' Maybe , I dunno . '

  7. 约翰热恋上一个女孩子。

    John is crazy over a girl .

  8. 我热恋着她。

    I am attached to her .

  9. Lovebubble指刚刚恋爱的那段时间,所有的工作、计划、与别人的交流以及生活中需要做的事情都被忽略,一心只想跟爱的人在一起,也就是我们所说的“热恋期”。

    Love bubble is the period of time immediately after falling in love when one 's obligations , plans , communication with others , and sometimes necessities become neglected due to the desire to spend time with the loved one .

  10. 显然他们正处在热恋之中

    To all appearances , they are very much in love .

  11. 明星假装陷入热恋,以便博取媒体关注。

    Celebrities2 pretend to be romantically involved in order to obtain press coverage3 .

  12. 杰克和吉尔刚见面就进入密集热恋期,他们一整天不吃饭,也不睡觉,不过,他们好像完全不在意。

    Upon meeting , Jack and Jill entered a particularly severe love bubble where they forgot to eat or sleep for an entire day , but it was of no matter to them .

  13. 我与facebook的热恋简短而乏味。

    My love affair with Facebook was brief and bland .

  14. 经过了几个月的短暂热恋,泰勒斯威夫特和康纳肯尼迪分手了,斯威夫特的一位朋友向USWeekly证实了此消息。

    After an intense couple months of dating , Taylor Swift and Conor Kennedy have broken up , a close friend of the singer-songwriter confirms exclusively to Us Weekly .

  15. 并且他们的热恋状态没有差异。

    There is no gender difference between their states of love .

  16. 她说她和他正在热恋之中。

    She said that she was madly in love with him .

  17. 她和他处在热恋中。

    She was in love with him and he with her .

  18. 他热恋着她,她要什么就给什么。

    He was infatuated with her and could refuse her nothing .

  19. 热烈的他们很快地就陷入热恋之中。

    passionate They soon fell in passionate love with each other .

  20. 热恋通常是一时的迷恋不要承认你热恋的对象。

    A usually temporary infatuation . Don 't confess to your crushes .

  21. 好像你还热恋着这个女人。

    Sounds like you 're still carrying a torch for this woman .

  22. 我们在1998年相遇,然后就开始热恋。

    We met in1998 , and fell head over heels in love .

  23. 他们彼此热恋并想结婚。

    They are in love with each other and wish to marry .

  24. 对热恋充满信心,所以要保持沉着冷静的态度。

    Confidence is hot , so keep calm and cool .

  25. 你们俩最近正在热恋是吧

    You two are gettin ' pretty hot and heavy , huh ?

  26. 他们陷入疯狂的热恋,从此过上幸福快乐的生活。

    They then fall madly in love the live happily ever after .

  27. 由于我的热恋,使我的记性如此糟糕。

    Due to my love , so my memory is so bad .

  28. 爱情时钟是一款主题时钟,适合处于热恋中的男女使用。

    Lover clock is a clock theme for use in couples in .

  29. 既热恋又明智非人的能力所为。

    To be wise and love exceeds man 's might .

  30. 有一段时间他们暗暗地热恋着。

    They nourish their passion for a while in secret .