
  • 网络Hot moxibustion;thermalmoxibustion;pyretic moxibustion
  1. 本实用新型适合于药灸及热灸两种治疗方式,而且安全可靠。

    The utility model is suitable for two therapy methods of drug moxibustion and heat moxibustion , and the utility model has safety .

  2. 经络场能平衡仪是根据人体经络穴位特异电磁现象及热灸疗法对人体生命产生影响的原理设计而成的一种治疗仪器。

    The Jing-Luo magnetic field and energy balancing apparatus is an equipment designed according to the theory of special electric and magnetic phenomena of human body and the effect of moxibustion .

  3. 热证可灸的理论探讨与临证应用

    Study and clinical application of the theory moxibustion can be used for heat syndrome

  4. 探讨针灸临床热证是否宜灸的疑难问题。

    In order to study on the clinically difficult problem , is moxibustion suitable for heat syndrome ?