
  • 网络Construction Risk
  1. 基于WBS-RBS结构的地铁施工风险研究

    To Study on Subway Construction Risk Based on WBS-RBS Structure

  2. 应用研究表明:青云山铁路施工风险等级为四级,处于风险合理可降低区域。通过实施PRCA风险管理模式,二次评估时施工风险水平降为二级,效益显著。

    Research shows that the construction risk for Qingyun mountain railway ranks at Grade IV which belongs to a reasonably degradable area . After applying the PRCA risk management pattern , the risk has been lowered to Grade II for the reassessment , and the results are significant .

  3. 因此充分、系统地辨识TBM施工风险,定量地分析各种不确定因素对工程施工的影响,对于合理制定进度计划,以及采取合理的施工风险防范措施具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , systematically identifying and quantitatively analyzing the impact of TBM construction risks are meaningful for reasonably scheduling and taking risk countermeasures .

  4. 本文运用系统分析方法、综合评价理论、随机有限元法和系统仿真技术等,以实际工程为例,开展TBM施工风险分析的理论方法与应用研究。

    By using system analysis method , comprehensive evaluation theory , stochastic finite element method and computer simulation technology , the paper analyzed TBM schedule risk and exemplified in a certain diversion tunnel project of Xinjiang Province .

  5. 基于风险数据库的盾构隧道施工风险管理软件(TRM1.0)开发

    Risk Management Software ( TRM1.0 ) Based on Risk Database for Shield Tunneling

  6. 三峡工程提前三期截流水文及施工风险率

    Risks in Hydrology and Construction for Third-Phase River Closure in Advance

  7. 流砂地层深基坑施工风险分析

    Risk analysis for deep foundation pit construction in shifting sand layer

  8. 大跨度斜拉桥施工风险分析与对策研究

    Construction Risk Analysis and Countermeasures Research of Long Span Cable-Stayed Bridges

  9. 上海轨道交通地下车站施工风险及其应对措施的研究

    Risk and Countermeasures in Construction of Shanghai Rail Transit Underground Station

  10. 地铁车站施工风险分析理论与方法研究

    Study on Construction Risk Analysis Theory and Method of Subway Station

  11. 阐述了桥梁施工风险概率估计的基本原理;

    The principle of construction risk probability estimation for bridges is discussed .

  12. 提出了风险评价指标的制定原则,建立了以风险接受准则与风险等级评价标准为代表的桥梁施工风险评价指标体系,实现对桥梁施工风险进行多角度、全方位的综合评价。

    The principle for building a model of risk assessment is presented .

  13. 职业健康管理体系在施工风险管理中的应用

    The application of the occupational health management system in construction adventure management

  14. 水底隧道风险评估体系及施工风险评估研究

    Research on Risk Evaluation System and Construction Risk Evaluation of Underwater Tunnel

  15. 结合南京地铁2号线谈盾构施工风险源

    Discussion on Risk Sources of Shield Construction in Nanjing Metro Line 2

  16. 武汉长江隧道工程盾构施工风险研究

    Risk Research on Shield Construction of Wuhan Changjiang River Tunnel

  17. 强化施工风险管理确保地铁施工安全

    Strengthen the Management of Construction Risks for Ensure Safety in Subway Work

  18. 盾构隧道施工风险知识管理系统的设计开发

    Design and Development of Risk Management System of Shield Tunnelling

  19. 桥梁施工风险管理的理论与实践探讨

    Theory and practice discussion on bridge construction risk management

  20. 粉细砂地层盾构施工风险分析与应对措施

    Analysis and Countermeasures for Risks in Shield Boring in Fine Silty Sand Ground

  21. 西安地铁1号线区间隧道施工风险评估初探

    Preservation Study of Risk Evaluation in Xi'an Metro Line 1 Section Tunnel Construction

  22. 提出了隧道施工风险综合指数评估模型。

    A composite risk index assess model is proposed .

  23. 施工风险高、难度大。

    There exist great risks and difficulties in the construction of the bride .

  24. 地铁工程施工风险分析

    Risk Analysis in the Construction of Metro Engineering

  25. 文章结合盾构隧道施工风险管理软件的研发情况,重点介绍了软件风险数据库的研究成果。

    A software for risk management of shield tunneling was presented in this paper .

  26. 建筑承包商施工风险分析与评价

    Risks Analysis and Evaluation about Building Contractors

  27. 岩溶隧道施工风险评价与突水灾害防治技术研究

    Study on risk evaluation and water inrush disaster preventing technology during construction of karst tunnels

  28. 借助于该评估方法,建立了扣件式钢管支模架施工风险评估体系。

    Utilizing the new method , a system of construction safety appraisal for FTSF is presented .

  29. 本文最后给出了研究结论及公路施工风险管理方面的研究前景展望。

    Finally , this paper elicits the conclusion and expectation of the risk management in highway construction .

  30. 桥梁施工风险评估方法研究

    Risk Evaluation of Bridge Construction