
xià fàng
  • decentralize;devolve;transfer to a lower level;delegate to local government;transfer (cadres,etc.)to work at the grass-roots level or to do manual labour in the countryside or in a factory
下放 [xià fàng]
  • (1) [transfer to a lower level]∶把权力交给下层机构

  • (2) [transfer (cadres,etc.)to work at the grass-roots level or to do manual labour in the countryside or in a factory]∶把干部送到下层机构工作或送到农村、工矿、边疆去锻炼

下放[xià fàng]
  1. 我们在屋顶漏洞下放了一个水桶接水滴。

    We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips .

  2. 把纸牌正面朝下放在桌子上,然后切牌。

    Place the cards face down on the table and cut them .

  3. 许多雇主觉得很难下放权力。

    Many employers find it hard to delegate .

  4. 财政大臣很清楚,必须保证权力下放原则得到贯彻执行并使之奏效。

    The chancellor knows that the principle of subsidiarity must be guaranteed and shown to work .

  5. 正逐步向地方下放更多的权力

    More powers are gradually being devolved to the regions .

  6. 下放单根进小鼠洞,摘掉气动绞车和提丝

    Lower the drill pipe joint into the mouse hole , and remove air tugger and lifting cap .

  7. 每个人点完菜之后,他们就把各自的手机屏幕朝下放在桌子中间,并且跟游戏的名字说的那样,要把手机都一个一个叠在一起。就餐过程中,手机不论怎么响都不许碰。

    Even as the phones buzz and ring throughout the meal , no one is allowed to grab his device .

  8. 室温下三碳酸二叔丁酯在四甲基乙二胺催化作用下放出一分子CO2,制得双碳酸二叔丁酯。

    One molecular CO2 is set off from Di-tert-butyl tricarbonate by catalysis of TMEDA at room temperature .

  9. 基于SLS系统的崩落法矿石隔离层下放矿研究

    Study of the Ore-Drawing under Ore Isolating Layer in Caving Based on SLS System

  10. 将配置页打印面朝下放在ADF中,然后按开始按钮。

    Place configuration page , print side-down , in the ADF , and press the Start button .

  11. 在高积累Ce的胁迫下放线菌、真菌、分解纤维素真菌和氨化微生物的种群结构发生了不同程度的改变。

    Under the stress of high accumulation of Ce , the population structures of actinomycetes , fungi , cellulolytic fungi and ammonifying microbes were changed in different degrees .

  12. 消毒后的卫生巾在室温下放3~5d,环氧乙烷残留量≤66.8mg/kg。

    The residual ethylene oxide in the disinfected sanitary belt after laying aside for 3 ~ 5 days was ≤ 66.8 mg / kg .

  13. 一种用于下放式ADCP的TVC增益补偿控制策略

    A TVC Gain Control Strategy for Lowered ADCP

  14. USB接口应用的广泛性,被用于实现硬件与PC机之间的数据通讯。对实验数据的拟合,有效减小灵敏部下放后因抖动而产生的随机误差。

    For widespread of USB interface , it is used to achieve communications between hardware and PC. Fitting of experimental data can reduce random errors generated by sensitive component jittering .

  15. 微机监控、保护下放在500kV变电所的实施

    Method of Microcomputer Monitor and Protection Decentralization Arrangement in 500 kV Substation

  16. 经济全球化的加强和中国加入WTO,加上中国国际工程公司实施走出去战略,对外经营权的进一步下放,我国的国际工程承包业将面临一个前所未有的发展机遇。

    The globalization of world economy and Chinese entering WTO , " go out " strategy in Chinese international engineering enterprise , more freedom of dealing with foreign countries , there is a unprecedented opportunity to our international construction enterprises .

  17. 调度权下放后110kV主变零序保护配置问题的探讨

    Discussion on Zero Sequence Protection Configurations of 110 kV Transformer after Having Dispatch Authority

  18. 500kV变微机监控保护下放模式的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Computer Supervisory Control System and Protection Devices Arranged Near Switchgear in 500 kV Substation

  19. 这个要求似乎坚决下放补丁解决冲突的供应商的责任,并远离MeeGo的开发商。

    This requirement seems to firmly delegate the responsibility of resolving patch conflicts to vendors , and away from MeeGo developers .

  20. Budsies公司的创建者AlexFurmansky说,他是在看到妹妹的涂鸦从冰箱和厨房墙壁上被撕下放进盒子里,最后被扔掉后才有了这个根据涂鸦制作玩具的想法的。

    Budsies founder Alex Furmansky said he wasinspired to create toys from doodles after watching his younger sister 's drawings go from the fridge and kitchen walls to a box and then eventually be thrown away .

  21. 这一点同传统的BCC贮氢合金相比是一个很有价值的提高,通常传统的BCC合金根本不能在常温条件下放氢。

    These are remarkable improvements over the conventional BCC hydrogen absorbing alloy , because , in general , conventional BCC alloy such as TiV can not desorb hydrogen under ambient conditions .

  22. 计划经济向市场经济转轨、中央管理权下放、国际管理贸易盛行、加入WTO是我国地方政府外经贸管理面临的新课题。

    As planned economy transferring to market economy , power descending from the central government to the local governments , international managerial trade prevailing and China 's entry into WTO , the local governments are exposed to new national and international situation on managing foreign economic and trade .

  23. McLean说,为了克服这类制约因素,应该与国家和地方政府同时进行类似的讨论,以推动和鼓励正确的权力下放。

    To overcome such constraints , parallel discussions may have to be held with both national and local government to promote and encourage proper decentralization , says McLean .

  24. 组团式供电网络在结构、安全性、稳定性和可靠性方面均可满足系统运行要求,具备了将220kV设备的调度权进行下放的必要条件。

    The group supplying network is considered to posses the necessary condition of the power dispatch relations shift , because it can meet the demand of the system operation in terms of structure , safety , stability as well as reliability .

  25. 经现场应用,指出井斜大于30°的井,封隔器以上应加钻铤;三联作时下放管柱速度应小于0.4m/s。

    By field application , it is indicated that drill collars are put on the packer when deviation of the well is more than 30 ° and down speed is lees than 0.4 m / s if tri-combination applied .

  26. 传统的油管传输射孔技术仅限于单管柱传输射孔与MFE测试工具联作,通过上提下放管柱来实现井下测试阀的开关,不适合特殊井的施工,施工成功率低,安全可靠性差。

    Conventional TCP tech is only limited to the combination of that with MFE tool which accomplishes opening or closing the down valve by hoisting up or setting down testing string and not suits for operation of special well to cause low successful ratio and safe reliability .

  27. 严格遵循批准的下放权力和风险管理政策。

    Strict compliance with approved delegated authorities and risk management policy .

  28. 吸气与身体呈交叉时,腿下放时呼气。

    Inhale while crossing body and exhale when moving leg downward .

  29. 权力下放的思想及其实践

    On the Thought and Practice of Transferring Power to Lower Levels

  30. 论我国死刑复核权的下放

    Putting down the Power Checking the Death Penalty in Our Country