
  • 网络media planning
  1. 这是因为我们的思维里充满了“媒介策划”,而不是“传播策划”。

    It is because that our minds are full with " media planning ", not communication planning .

  2. 广告媒介策划中使用的概念。指受众必须有一定的广告暴露频率,广告才能发生效用。

    A concept in media planning stipulating that a certain amount of exposure to an advertising message is necessary before it is effective .

  3. 新闻媒介策划理论与实践探析

    Analysis of Theory and Practice of News Media Strategy Plan

  4. 但是,公益广告的媒介组合缺乏策划,需要向商业广告学习和借鉴。

    However , there is barely media combination and planning in public service advertising , so there is much to learn from commercial advertising .

  5. 如果都同意的话,那么媒介商的战术策划员都可以休假了!

    And give the agency 's tactical planners the day off !

  6. 作为汽车文化传播主体的媒介,要强化策划意识,主动议程设置,并善于运用多媒体手段,建构汽车文化传播互动平台,真心诚意的为广大受众服务。

    As the main communication medium for car culture , to strengthen the planning awareness , active agenda setting and good use of multimedia tools to construct an interactive communication platform for car culture , sincere service for the general audience .

  7. 外部逻辑包括资本的介入、大众媒介的阐释、策划人以及批评家的作用等,它们也是公共艺术活动中不可忽视的因素,其中的结构和关系深刻影响到公共艺术活动的运行。

    The external elements include the role of capital , the interpretation of artwork in public media , the role of planner and critic and so on . All these factors are so important that they will exert great impact on public artistic activity .

  8. 本文将结合新闻媒介(主要是报业)发展的实践,对新闻媒介策划理论进行系统的梳理和其对实践所产生的指导作用进行分析。

    Associated with the development of news medium ( mainly newspaper industry ) this essay focuses on the examination of systematic study of news medium program and its influence on the daily practice .

  9. 环境媒体创意是一种将媒介的物理属性融进广告创意的思维形式,它具有传统媒介策划无法达到的广告效果。

    The creation of ambient media is characterized by a form of thinking media background involved , which can get good communication effect that old media planning can not do .