
  • 网络media management;Media Manager
  1. 此外他还是企业战略和竞争分析,媒体管理和危机沟通MBA培训和咨询课程的顾问。

    He has further conducted consultancy-cum-MBA training in corporate strategy and competition analysis , media management and crisis communication .

  2. Silverlight和WCF的媒体管理系统

    The Media Management System based on the Silverlight and WCF

  3. 另一部分是名为超级媒体管理协议(HMMP)的通信协议,它运行在HTTP之上。

    And a communications protocol called HyperMedia Management Protocol ( HMMP ), which runs over HTTP .

  4. 控制服务器除了维护与其它SIP终端之间的SIP对话外,重点是执行会议的业务处理逻辑(比如制定的各项会议策略和媒体管理等),以及与视频会议系统其它组件之间的交互。

    Besides maintaining the SIP dialogs between SIP terminals , control server needs to execute the conference business logic ( such as the conferencing strategy and media management ), as well as interactions between other components in the video conferencing system .

  5. 恐怖主义危机日常管理工作需要从反恐立法、反恐培训和媒体管理等方面进行调整。

    It consists of counter-terrorism legislations , counter-terrorism training , and media management .

  6. 初始化媒体管理程序时出错。

    An error occurred while initializing the media manager .

  7. 媒体管理是公共危机处置过程中的一个重要方面。

    Press control is a critical part of the treatment of the public crisis .

  8. 成功的政府危机管理有赖于有效的政府媒体管理东风助力。

    The success of the government crisis management depends on effective government media management .

  9. 最后,本论文介绍了思华宽带流媒体管理系统的设计与实现。

    Finally , the design and implement of the streaming management system will be introduced .

  10. 1.安德森-霍罗维茨公司的媒体管理优于其他任何风险投资公司。

    Andreessen Horowitz is better at media management than any other venture capital firm out there .

  11. 事故处置中的新闻媒体管理是我国目前事故处置工作中的一个薄弱环节。

    The media management is a weak link in the response to accidents in China at present .

  12. 这反映出了政府对媒体管理的执念,而这通常会侵蚀一个好政府。

    It reflects an obsession with media management that is often to the detriment of good government .

  13. 该文内容为设计和实现大规模数字媒体管理系统提供了重要的依据。

    This paper pro-vides the important basis for the design and implementation of large-scale digital media management system .

  14. 一些媒体管理人员指出微软的产品到处存在,包括方便用户使用设计的操作系统。

    Some media execs point to the ubiquity of Microsoft 's distribution as well as the operating system 's user-friendly design .

  15. 我们要借鉴国外传媒发达国家在电视媒体管理上的先进经验,总结发展中的教训。

    We should use foreign media developed in the advanced TV media management experience , sum up the lessons of development .

  16. 在分析海量存储系统及分布式并行体系结构的基础上,设计了一种支持海量空间流媒体管理与服务的空间流媒体服务器的分布式并行体系结构。

    Architecture of the streaming spatial data server system is proposed based on the analysis of massive storage system and distributed parallel architecture .

  17. 本文从实证角度来研究互联网在信息传播上的作用,以及由此带来的网络媒体管理上的问题。

    The role of Internet in the message communication and the problems along with it were investigated from the demonstration viewpoint in this paper .

  18. 但确实有很多人在可能的范围内模仿毛的媒体管理,另一些人决心要控制关于自己的信息的人准备退市。

    But many , within bounds , emulate Mao 's media management ; others , determined to control information about them , are delisting .

  19. 对此,媒体管理者应改变观念,加强学习,了解先进的管理理念和专业知识;

    As to this , the media administrator should change the idea , strengthen study and find out about advanced management theory and professional knowledge ;

  20. 以社会责任论作为政府媒体管理理论基础的设定也符合我国以人为本,建设服务型政府的目标。

    The theoretical basis of social responsibility as a Government media management , meet the people-oriented , goal of building the service Government in our country .

  21. 大众传播媒介是我国政府公共管理的重要领域,其自身的发展壮大和功能的发挥在很大程度上取决于政府媒体管理体制。

    The public communication media is one of important fields in our country 's government administration . Its development and function lies in the government system for media administration .

  22. 通过对以上分析研究的总结,提出了在突发公共卫生事件的各个阶段,基层政府新闻媒体管理和信息发布等媒体公关工作的若干策略建议。

    Summarized the analysis and research above , this thesis proposes several strategy suggestions to the local government which can be used in the media relationship management and information dissemination in the public health emergency .

  23. 本论文以作者从事的项目思华宽带流媒体管理系统为背景,着重研究以基于Struts+Hibernate+Spring的轻量级架构在企业级信息系统中的应用。

    This article takes a project , " Onewave Streaming Management System ", as background , researching the application of the lightweight architecture which is based upon Struts and Hibernate and Spring technologies in enterprise information systems .

  24. 加强媒体管理,进行正确舆论引导是边疆民族地区政府处置突发事件的重要内容,并在很大程度上影响着应对突发事件的过程和效果。

    Therefore , the strengthening of media management and proper guidance of public opinion is an important content while the local governments deal with those situations ; and to a certain extent it influences the progress and results of those incidents .

  25. 面向CIMS的超媒体数据管理系统实现途径研究

    The realizing approach of CIMS-oriented hypermedia information management system

  26. 因而,媒体资产管理(MediaAssetManagement,MAM)是当前广播电视行业所面临的一个重要问题。

    So , MAM ( Media Asset Management ) become the first problem must be resolved of the broadcast and TV industry .

  27. 基于SNMP协议的数字媒体监控管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Monitoring Management System of Digital Multimedia Based on SNMP

  28. MD5算法在高校媒体资产管理系统中的应用研究

    Study of MD5 Algorithm in the System of Colleges and Universities'Media Asset Management

  29. 运用J2EE的技术与数据库技术的结合,阐述了媒体信息管理系统的总结构、数据库结构、关键技术。

    Using a combination of the J2EE and database technology , this paper outlines the structure , Database structure , and key techniques of the Media Resources Management System .

  30. 群邑是全球领先的全方位媒体投资管理公司,由WPP集团创立用来监管该部门的资产。

    GroupM , the world 's leading full service media investment management operation , was created by WPP Group to oversee its assets in this sector .