
  • 网络media synchronization;Media Sync
  1. 多媒体通信包括多方面的理论问题,第四部分研究媒体同步和ATM终端的用户参数控制。

    Multimedia communication includes many theoretical problems . The 4th part studies media synchronization and Usage Parameter Control .

  2. VOD中的媒体同步技术与策略

    Media synchronization technology and strategies in VOD

  3. 基于Web的流媒体同步多媒体课件的制作与应用

    The Production and Applications of the Multimedia Synchronous Courseware on the Web-based Streaming Media

  4. 最后,在展望中讨论了多媒体传输技术的几个难点,如媒体同步技术、拥塞控制技术以及QoS技术等。

    At last , several difficulties in multi-media transmission are discussed in prospects , such as synchronization technology , congestion control and QoS control .

  5. ASF文件格式解析及其在流媒体同步中的应用

    Analysis of ASF Format and Streaming Media Synchronization in Applications

  6. 多媒体同步是多媒体通信中一个特殊的也是极为重要的QoS(QualityOfService服务质量),作为多媒体通信中的一项关键技术,媒体同步已经引起了学术界广泛的关注。

    Multimedia synchronization is a special and important quality of service in multimedia systems . As a key technology in multimedia communications , research on multimedia synchronization has received a wide range of attention in the recent years .

  7. 本文主要阐述基于Web的流媒体同步多媒体课件的制作,介绍了流媒体课件制作的开发工具及流媒体课件在远程教学中的应用。

    In this article , the author mainly aimed to expound how to make the Multimedia synchronization courseware which based on Streaming Media of Web , and introduced the development tool and the implication of the Streaming Media courseware in the long-distance teaching .

  8. 同时,本文对CSCW系统的同步机制,特别是连续媒体同步进行了深入的研究,给出了基于RTP/RTCP的视音频唇同步的实现方法。

    At the same time , we research synchronism of CSCW in deeply , and present the method of synchronism which based on RTP / RTCP .

  9. 基于对ASF文件的头对象等的深入研究,提出了ASF格式流媒体同步的解决方案,并在网络课件开发平台中得到具体实现。

    In this paper , the header object of ASF format is lucubrated . On the basis of researching result , the solution for ASF format streaming media synchronization is proposed and it is realized in the platform of network courseware development .

  10. 第九章研究多媒体的基本概念,明确媒体同步问题,对现有的媒体同步模型进行分类,在OCPN的基础上提出一种新的适于分布环境的媒体同步模型,该模型简捷明了,表达能力强。

    The 9th chapter studies basic concepts of multimedia , makes clear the problem of media synchronization , classifies available media synchronization models , and proposes a new media synchronization model which is simple , powerful and suitable for distributed environment .

  11. 一种新的媒体同步反馈控制算法

    A new feedback control scheme for media synchronization

  12. 并研究了自适应带宽技术在流媒体同步中的有效实现。

    Bandwidth Self-adaptation working on synchronization is researched .

  13. 分布式多媒体系统中的媒体同步

    Synchronization of Media in Distributed Multimedia System

  14. 超媒体同步模型研究

    A study on hypermedia synchronization model

  15. 结果表明,该算法可以实现解码器的媒体同步,满足用户提出的感知服务质量要求。

    The proposed algorithm can achieve media synchronization and meet the requirements of perceptual quality of service .

  16. 媒体同步关系的描述

    Description of multimedia synchronization

  17. 基本上,大家都希望别人能在社交媒体同步自己每一次深夜约会的情况,每一段恋情的进展和其他等等诸如此类的。

    People are basically encouraged to disclose every date night , every relationship update , and a litany of other things on social media .

  18. 现有的媒体同步模型对分布环境下的媒体同步问题研究不够,分布环境下的突出问题是媒体表达的时间长度及相互间关系具有不确定性。

    Available media synchronization models are not fully suitable for distributed environment , in which the length of media display interval and the inter-relationship between intervals are not certain .

  19. 介绍了几种现今比较流行的流媒体同步算法,并对其进行了简单的比较,阐述了同步对于系统的重要意义,并介绍了一种同步机制的具体实现。

    Introduce the popular stream-media synchronization arithmetic , and make the simple comparison ; expatiate the significant meaning of synchronization , introduce the one of synchronization mechanism realization in detail .

  20. 根据本系统功能要求,设计了由捕获回放、编码解码、网络传输和媒体同步等四个模块组成视音频媒体处理系统。

    According to the function , the system of the video / audio media processing is divided into 4 modules , e.g. Capture / playback , compression / decompression , network transmission and media synchronization .

  21. 经实践,证明能明显提高教学效率,尚存问题为:网络传输带宽窄,运行速度慢,媒体同步难于控制等。

    It is proved that the system can be used to improve teaching efficiency , while there are some deficiencies such as wide network transmission band , slow running speed , and different control of media synchronization .

  22. 介绍了基于协议的多媒体邮件系统的客户服务器结构,论述了该系统中服务器端的同步模型和客户端的媒体同步控制机制。H.323/

    In this paper , the author describes the C / S structure of the multimedia e-mail system which is based on H.323 recommendation . The synchronization model applied in the Server and the synchronization control method used in the Client are presented .

  23. 在IP视频会议系统中,音频流需要保持其连续性(媒体内同步),而视频流的变化应与音频信息保持一致(媒体间同步)。

    Audio stream needs to keep continuous , and video stream movement should be consistent with audio stream in Video Conference System over IP .

  24. VOD教学系统中各媒体流同步和VOD服务器群是设计和实现的主要难点。

    The major difficulties in VOD teaching system lie in the synchronization of media and VOD servers .

  25. 基于IPTV的电视机顶盒内嵌流媒体播放器同步机制的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of the Synchronization Mechanism for the Streaming Media Player Embedded in TV Box Based on IPTV

  26. 利用缓冲区控制机制来解决媒体内同步问题,再通过RTP相对时间戳来控制音视频流媒体间的同步。

    Use the buffer control to discuss the intra-media synchronization and the relative timestamp to control the inter-media synchronization .

  27. 分组交换网络中媒体流同步算法

    The Algorithm for Synchronization of Multimedia in the Packet-Switch Network

  28. 基于分布式消息驱动的计算机网络媒体传输同步机制

    A Computer Network Multimedia Transmission Synchronization Mechanism Based on

  29. 时序媒体间同步控制机制的时态模型

    Temporal Logic Model of Sequential Media 's Synchronization Control

  30. 复合流式媒体的同步与带宽自适应的研究

    Research on Multiple Streaming Medias Synchronization and Bandwidth Self-adaptation