
  • 网络transformer for electric furnace;furnace transformer
  1. 电炉变压器负载试验数据误差的校正

    Correction of Errors of Loading Test Data of Electric Furnace Transformer

  2. 电炉变压器局部过热故障的检查与处理

    Fault checking up and disposal of partly overheating in furnace transformer at the worksite

  3. SH3-3000/10电炉变压器原理分析

    Principle Analysis of Transformer of SH 3 & 3000 / 10 Electric Furnace

  4. 智能数字保护技术在电炉变压器运行中的应用

    Application of Intelligent and Numerical Protection to Transformer in Electric Furnace Operation

  5. 电炉变压器微机化测控保护的应用

    Application of Computerized Monitoring and Control for Protection of Electric Furnace Transformer

  6. 电炉变压器过电压产生及预防

    Over Voltage and prevention of Electric Cooker Transformer

  7. 电炉变压器升压扩容技术改造与效益

    Transformation of Boosting and Expanding Capacity of Transformers of Electric Arc Furnaces and Its Benefits

  8. 真空断路器技术在控制电炉变压器中的应用

    The Technique of Vacuum Circuit Breaker and its Application in the Arc Furnace Transformer Control

  9. 真空开关开断电炉变压器产生的过电压及其防护措施

    Mechanism of the ultra - voltage occurring by the vacuum circuit breaker and protection measure

  10. 电炉变压器的操作过电压冲击及其抑制

    The Operating Over Voltage Surge and Its Suppression of the Electric Furnace Transformer electric Shock

  11. 改进电炉变压器有载调压开关的探讨

    Discussion on Improvement of a Load Voltage Regualting Switch of a Transformer in an Electric Furnace

  12. 智能测控保护与故障诊断在冶炼电炉变压器中的应用

    The intellectualized MEASURING 、 CONTROLING protecting and diagnosis technology applied in the transformer of electric furnace

  13. 壳式电炉变压器结构特点分析

    Frame characteristics analysis of shell transformer

  14. 一台大型电炉变压器的设计

    Design of Large Furnace Transformer

  15. 优化供电曲线,可以提高电炉变压器利用率和电炉电能利用率;

    Optimization of the power supply curve can improve the transformer 's capacity and use of power ;

  16. 不锈钢炼钢厂电炉变压器挖潜攻关实践

    The Practice for Electric Furnace Transformer in Stainless Steel Steelmaking Factory Tapping The Latent Power and Tackling Key Problems

  17. 介绍了壳式电炉变压器的结构特点,指出壳式变压器是电炉变压器今后的发展方向。

    It introduces frame characteristics of shell furnace transformer , points out shell transformer is the development direction of furnace transformer .

  18. 阐述了铁合金电炉变压器绕组接线组别与电流互感器的不同连接方法对铁合金电炉冶炼的影响;

    The effect is expounded of different connection mode of the transformer and current instrument transformer on smelting in ferroalloy electric furnace .

  19. 供电系统由电炉变压器、短网、三相电极、熔池电弧和炉料电阻等组成。

    The power supply system model consists of a transformer , short network , three-phase electrode , electric-arc , charge resistors and so on .

  20. 文章阐述了变压器冷却油泵应用于大中型电力变压器及电炉变压器中的设计及试验与应用。

    We discuss the application of transformer down oil pumps in large-and-medium-scale electric transformers here and demonstrate the design , experiments and applications of electric cooler transformers .

  21. 介绍了直调式电炉变压器二次线电流的测量方法,电流互感器在电炉变压器上的联结和安装方式。

    Measuring method of secondary line current of directly adjusted arc furnace transformer is introduced connection and installation mode of current transformer on arc furnace transformer is also discussed .

  22. 提出选择磷炉变压器时应考虑的一些主要技术参数,并列举实例加以说明,供新建、改建与扩建黄磷装置的企业及电炉变压器生产厂家参考。

    Some technical parameters to be considered for choosing the transformer of yellow phosphorus furnace are discussed , which are available for reference to yellow phosphorus plants and transformer manufacturers .

  23. SH3&3000/10型电炉变压器内附电抗器是利用改变磁势平衡组来改变电抗值的,无明显的电抗器线圈。

    The reactor attached in transformer of SH 3 & 3000 / 10 electric furnace is used to change magnetic potential balance group to attain the aim of changing reactive value .

  24. 介绍了在试验条件有欠缺的条件下,对较大容量电炉变压器进行负载测试的试验方法和试验数据的误差消除方法。

    An introduction was made on the test methods for loading testing of the electric furnace transformer with large capacity under incomplete test conditions . The error eliminating methods for test data were presented .

  25. 在镍冶炼生产过程中,电炉变压器的工作环境与条件均较一般的电力变压器恶劣,常规的集中控制保护不能满足其特殊的可靠性及安全性要求。

    In nickel smelting process , the working conditions and surroundings for the transformer of electric furnace are worse than general electric power transformer . It is difficult to meet the requirements on reliability and safety by the conventional centralized control protection .

  26. 电炉精炼炉变压器事故处理与分析

    Fault handling for transformer of E. A.F. ladle furnace

  27. 指出了电炉容量和变压器选型等应注意的几个问题。

    In addition , it indicated several points for attention in choosing capacities of the furnace and its transformer .