
  • 网络Pt-Rh;noble metal alloy;precious metal alloys
  1. 贵金属合金中铈的DBC-偶氮氯膦光度法测定

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Cerium in Precious Metal Alloys with DBC-Chlorophosphonazo

  2. GB/T17168-1997齿科铸造贵金属合金

    Dental casting precious metal alloys

  3. BS-1牙科低贵金属合金铸流率的实验研究

    Experimental study on the castability of two kinds of low-golden dental casting alloys

  4. 目的评价两种牙科低贵金属合金的腐蚀性能。方法运用动电位极化技术评价了Au-Pd-Ag,Ag-Pd,两种低贵合金的腐蚀性能并与Co-Cr,Ni-Cr,Cu-Al以及Au-Pt合金比较。

    Objective To evaluate the corrosive property of two low-noble dental alloy systems and explore the mechanism of the corrosion behavior .

  5. 目的比较不同包埋料和热处理方法对牙科铸造贵金属合金BS1金合金铸件铸造适合性的影响。

    Objective The purpose of this study was to measure the casting accuracy of a low gold dental casting alloy ( BS 1 gold alloy ) and to study the effects of investments and heat treatments on cast alloy crown fitness .

  6. 部分贵金属合金非晶态的热与激光诱导晶化

    Thermal and laser induced crystallization of several amorphous noble alloys

  7. 牙用低贵金属合金机械性能的研究

    Evaluation of mechanical properties of two low noble alloys

  8. 贵金属合金带桩嵌体修复大面积牙体缺损的短冠牙

    Evaluation of reconstructing extensively damaged short crown molar by golden alloy post inlay

  9. 两种低贵金属合金的腐蚀性能实验研究

    The corrosion behavior of two low-noble dental alloy systems

  10. 不同种类贵金属合金与镍铬合金的金瓷结合强度分析

    Study on bond strength of several precious alloys and Ni - Cr alloys to porcelain

  11. 低贵金属合金体外生物相容性评价

    Biocompatibility of low-precious dental alloys in vitro

  12. 包埋料和热处理对自研贵金属合金铸造适合性的影响

    Effects of investments and heat treatments on casting accuracy of a low-gold dental casting alloy

  13. 中国贵金属合金相图研究现状概述

    Overview on Recent Development of the Investigation on Precious Metal Alloy Phase Diagrams in China

  14. 结论两种低贵金属合金的铸造精度良好,能够满足临床要求。

    Conclusion The two low-noble alloys had good casting accuracy and could satisfy the clinical requirements .

  15. 金属板材联合角咬缝机非贵金属合金材料钴铬合金烤瓷联冠式固定夹板用于牙周炎修复

    Metal plate edging binder Combined porcelain fused to Co-Cr metal crowns fixed splinting in patients with periodontitis

  16. 微波消解技术在难处理贵金属合金PtPdRhIr分析中的研究与应用

    Study and application for microwave-assisted digestion technique for analysis of Pt Pd Rh Ir in precious metal alloys

  17. 结果两种低贵金属合金冠边缘完整、锋利,三种非贵金属合金则出现程度不等的冠边缘缺陷、边缘圆钝。

    Results The complete crowns made of two low-noble alloys had margin more integrated and much sharper than those made of base metal alloys .

  18. 目的:研究非贵金属合金在上瓷前经过不同的阳极钝化条件处理及除气、预氧化对金瓷结合强度的影响。

    Objective : This study is to determine the effect of different surface anodizing and degassing-preoxidation on bonding strength of porcelain to Ni-Cr alloy .

  19. 研究了铈()-DBC-偶氮氯膦-磷酸-EDTA新体系光度法测定贵金属合金中的微量铈。

    In order to determine micro cerium in the precious metal alloys , a new color reaction of Ce (ⅲ) with DBC chlorophosphonazo , phosphonic acid and EDTA has been studied .

  20. 评述几种典型的贵金属合金材料的物理冶金方法,讨论影响材料冶金质量的物理化学因素。

    He methods of physical metallurgy have been reviewed for various kinds of typical materials of precious metals , and the physicochemical fsctors effecting the quality of materials have been also discussed .

  21. 目的:比较镍铬合金、贵金属合金和金沉积为基底的修复体在堆瓷前后的边缘浮出量,为临床应用提供一定的理论依据和指导。

    Objective : To compare the adaptation of porcelain fused-to-metal restorations made from Ni-Cr alloy ﹑ precious alloy and galvanized forming before and after piling porcelain , It can provide a certain theory guidance .

  22. 采用三维坐标测量方法考察游离端缺失种植义齿基桩位置改变的情况下,两种非贵金属合金上部结构整铸支架固位体的适合性。

    An experiment on fitness of retainers of one piece casting frameworks was performed between two non noble metals and among three of abutment positions fixture implant with a coordinate measuring machine for three dimensional analysis .

  23. 结果以镍铬合金与贵金属合金为基底的瓷修复体遮色瓷厚度为03mm时可以完全遮住底色,色差值小于15NBS;

    Results For the restoration based on Ni-Cr and precious alloys , the color of restorations was not affected by the color of metal bases as the thickness of opaque reached 0.3 mm , and the chromatic value Δ E < 1.5 NBS .

  24. 结论金属烤瓷全冠修复前牙缺损时采用全瓷颈缘技术(特殊要求时用贵金属合金的金属烤瓷全冠)能有效地解决基牙龈缘、冠边缘发暗或变灰黑现象。

    Conclusion It is a good way to solve the problem that gingival margin and crown edge become dark and even greyish black by covering the whole neck with porcelain ( especially the PFM made of precious metal alloy ) when we use PFM to repair front teeth defect .

  25. 中国贵金属合金相图的研究工作自1980年以来发展迅速。主要工作集中在银合金相图和铂族金属合金相图的研究;

    In China , the study on precious metal alloy phase diagrams dida 't begin until the establishment of new China , and it has been developed rapidly since 1980 . Our work is mainly concentrated on the study of phase diagrams of silver alloys and platinum group metal alloys ;

  26. 其中Au-Pt合金属贵金属烤瓷合金,Ni-Cr合金属非贵金属烤瓷合金。

    Au-Pt alloy is noble alloy . Ni-Cr alloy is inexpensive alloy .

  27. 主要综述了近几年燃料电池、金属-空气电池中氧还原反应(ORR)催化剂的发展状况,包括发展成熟的贵金属及合金;

    Electrocatalysts , such as metals , metal alloys , transition metal oxides , transition metal macrocycle etc , for oxygen reduction reaction ( ORR ) in fuel cells and metal-air batteries were reviewed .

  28. 2种牙科贵金属铸造合金的细胞毒性研究

    Cytotoxicity of Two Kinds of Casting Alloys of Dental Precious Metals

  29. GB/T1424-1996贵金属及其合金材料电阻系数测试方法

    Method of measurement of resistivity of precious metals and their alloys

  30. GB/T15077-1994贵金属及其合金材料几何尺寸测量方法

    Geometric size measuring methods of precious metals and their alloy materials