
chánɡ chuán
  • long pass;bomb
  1. 其次是长传角球配合进攻。

    Followed by a long pass corner with the attack .

  2. 琼斯沿右边给盖斯考伊内一个长传。

    Jones sent a long pass down the fight wing to gascoigne .

  3. 接下来,您将修改用户Joe,为他长传一个图片并定义他的电子邮件警告。

    Next , you will modify the user Joe to upload a photo for him and customize the e-mail alerts for him .

  4. 用户可以修改他们的背景资料,自定义他们的电子邮件参数,长传他们背景资料中的图片,以及通过使用RationalTeamConcert来安排他们的时间消耗信息。

    Users can modify their profile details , customize their e-mail preferences , upload image files for their profiles , and schedule their time-away information by using Rational Team Concert .

  5. 我想我们很好的应对了布莱克本的长传威胁。

    I thought we did well against Blackburn 's long-ball threat .

  6. 特里,切尔西的队长,处理一次长传。

    Terry , the Chelsea captain , controls a long ball .

  7. 我是来帮助你找回你的长传的。

    I ` m here to help you get your throw back .

  8. 这个右锋在长传和肩上投篮都差。

    The right forward is weak in long passes and shoulder shot .

  9. 端接非线性负载的不等长传输线瞬态分析

    Transient analysis of unequal length multiconductor transmission lines loaded by nonlinear devices

  10. 教练,长传总是有佩里兹防守。

    Coach , the deep pass always goes to perez .

  11. 这位左锋的长传和肩上投篮能力都差。

    The left forward is weak in long passes and shoulder shot .

  12. 关于λ/4长传输线的阻抗变换作用

    The π 4 long transmission line plays a part in the impedance transform

  13. 利物浦防守得稳健,切尔西被迫一反常态打起了长传。

    Liverpool defend well and Chelsea are forced to play longer than normal .

  14. 博尔顿的踢球方式和布莱克本很相似,身体强硬,且爱打长传。

    The way they play is very similar to Blackburn-very physical and long balls .

  15. 这一记短传完全骗过了对方的前锋,他们原以为会是一记长传哩。

    The screen pass completely fooled the defensive linemen who were expecting a long pass .

  16. 长传角球传球路线以内弧线居多,外弧线次之。

    Long ball to the corner passing lanes within the arc mostly outside the arc second .

  17. 那只是个球门球长传前场,我们必须分析下什么地方错了!

    It was just a long goal kick forward and we have to analyze what went wrong .

  18. 他的长传以及兢兢业业地为国家队服务会应当让这为前任队长带着掌声离开。

    His crossing retains his potency and the former captain should depart with thanks for his dedicated service .

  19. 我们很好的应对了界外球、角球和长传的压力。

    We dealt with the pressure of the throws , the corners and the long balls forward reasonably well .

  20. 有一些球队打法很简单&他们依靠长传,然后设法得分。

    Some teams play simpler & they just rely on the long ball and try to pick up scraps .

  21. 那天他还谈到,足球是“用长传连接起来的若干个小组的比赛”。

    He also said that day that the game is " small group games strung together by long passes " .

  22. 角球的长传配合比直接射门和短传配合更有效、更有威胁。

    Corner with a long pass and short pass than the direct shot with the more effective and more threatening .

  23. 即便在青年队他的爆射和长传就已经小有名气了。

    Even in the youth team his explosive shots and ability to hit long-distance passes set him apart from team-mates and opponents .

  24. 布莱克本是一支非常善于长传以及拦截在身体占尽优势的俱乐部。

    " Blackburn are a team who like to play physical football with a lot of long balls and tackling ," he said .

  25. 詹姆斯的助攻很多,但是通常情况下,他都是趁着凯尔特人的防守出现漏洞,通过长传到前场让队友得分。

    James puts up high assists but he usually dishes the rock through heavy traffic across long distance which the Celtics blanketed with their defense .

  26. 施魏因斯太格长传给范博梅尔,他将皮球横传给波多尔斯基,拜仁射手近距离将球打进。

    Bastian Schweinsteiger sent a long ball to Mark van Bommel who cut the ball back to Lukas Poldolski and the Bayern striker slotted home from short range .

  27. 在加时赛进行到第26分钟,这名效力于巴塞罗那的中场球员接替补法布雷加斯的长传,冷静射门,皮球越过荷兰门将斯特克伦堡飞入球网。

    The Barcelona midfielder collected a sliding pass from substitute Cesc Fabregas and shot the ball past Dutch goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg in the 116th minute of extra time .

  28. 亨利开始回撤接应拿球,并频频喂球找到雷耶斯,用的是亨利招牌式的对角线长传,最后有他亲自终结了比赛。

    Henry dropped deeper for the ball and he kept on finding Reyes with his superbly timed diagonals and soon the same men combined to put the game beyond doubt .

  29. 比较新颖的打法有短传配合十中路包抄进攻、近点摆渡+中路插入进攻,这两种打法往往在长传效果欠佳的时候,被球队所采用。

    Relatively new attack has " short pass with outflanking attack on Middle Road ", " near points with Middle Road insert offensive ", these often used when long pass ineffective .

  30. 而且只要他踢球,观众就能发现“美”:他那如同羚羊般优美的奔跑,他那一个个跳跃、一次次加速以及他那华美的中场后脚跟传球和大步长传。

    And spectators found it whenever he played , with his elegant gazelle runs , his leaps and accelerations , his classy back-heels and his long , loping passes from midfield .