
  • 网络Tight end
  1. 而且头等舱的座位简直太适合我这位前斯坦福大学的近端锋了

    And they have seats in first class that are made for former tight end from Stanford university .

  2. 看到一位曾经的斯坦福大学近端锋朝她杀来她吓得把记事板掉到地上

    Sees a former tight end from Stanford University barrelling down on her , she drops her clipboard .

  3. 在过去的15年里,一名前海豚队近端锋一直致力于让他的队伍得到总统的认可。

    For the past 15 years , a former Dolphins tightend has been pushing to get his team presidential recognition .