
  • 网络Gondor
  1. 同时,在刚铎美丽的白塔里,德勒索尔(Denethor)早已绝望。

    Meanwhile , inside the beautiful white tower of Gondor , Denethor has given up all hope .

  2. 她提到我父亲和刚铎的灭亡。

    She spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor .

  3. 等到第三天我们将赶往刚铎参加战斗。

    On the third , we ride for Gondor and war .

  4. 刚铎对我们而言没有什么有利之处。

    There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us .

  5. 我们刚刚进入了刚铎的领地。

    We 've just passed into the realm of gondor .

  6. 刚铎和洛汗的好男儿,我的好兄弟。

    Sons of Gondor ! Of Rohan ! My brothers .

  7. 因此刚铎的子民沦落废墟之中。

    And so the people of Gondor fell into ruin .

  8. 前来援助刚铎,也英勇战死。

    Who comes to rescue gondor , dies a hero 's death .

  9. 年轻的刚铎将军只要伸出手。

    The young captain of Gondor has but to extend his hand .

  10. 只有刚铎国王能命令我们。

    None but the king of Gondor may command me .

  11. 奥斯吉力亚斯城已经被刚铎收复!

    This city of osgiliath has been reclaimed for gondor !

  12. 于是他打电话向谷歌社交业务负责人维克•刚铎抱怨。

    He called Vic Gundotra , Google 's social czar , to complain .

  13. 我想要重建刚铎的荣耀。

    I would see the glory of Gondor restored .

  14. 索伦的邪眼把目标转向刚铎。

    The eye of Sauron now turns to gondor .

  15. 刚铎的旗帜,不见白树与七星。

    Tree and stars , on flag no more .

  16. 刚铎与佩奇都表示,后一个目标更为重要。

    Both Gundotra and Page say the latter goal is the more important one .

  17. 一个刚铎之子法拉墨展示品格的机会。

    A chance for faramir , captain of gondor , to show his quality .

  18. 也是刚铎的王位继承人。

    And heir to the throne of Gondor .

  19. 如果刚铎的烽火被燃起洛汗国必须准备好去投入战斗。

    If the beacons of Gondor are lit , Rohan must be ready for war .

  20. 索伦把目标转向刚铎,人类最后的自由国土。

    The Eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor the last free kingdom of Men .

  21. 魔戒将被带到刚铎。

    The ring will go to gondor .

  22. 我父亲是刚铎的宰相,他一直奋力和魔多抗争。

    Long has my father , the Steward of Gondor , kept the forces of Mordor at bay .

  23. 于是,刚铎命令团队重新设计照片上传功能,现在,佩奇对这项技术赞不绝口。

    Gundotra ordered his team to rebuild the photo-uploading feature , and Page now gushes about the technology .

  24. 到时候守卫将高喊,“刚铎之主回来了。”

    And the tower guard shall take up the call , " The Lords of Gondor have returned . "

  25. 刚铎向他解释了Google+团队为什么要采取那种方法,试图说服他。

    Gundotra tried to push back , explaining why the Google + team decided on the approach it had taken .

  26. 以下是刚铎之王埃西铎的记载以及找到至尊魔戒的过程。

    Here follows the account of Isildur , High King of Gondor and the finding of the Ring of Power .

  27. 他的英勇之死恰与他的人格相吻合。前来援助刚铎,也英勇战死。

    His heroic death sorted well with his character . who comes to rescue Gondor , dies a hero 's death .