
  1. 采用铅盐沉淀法和两相溶剂萃取法提取空心莲子草的若干部分,进行抗病毒研究,结果表明石油醚,乙醚和醋酸乙酯提取物有抗EHFV作用。

    Several parts of Alternanthera philoxeroides were extracted by lead-salt sedimentation and double phase solvent extractive technique and their antiviral effects were studied . The results showed that extracts of petroleum ether , ether , and ethyl acetate have inhibitory effect on epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus ( EHFV ) .

  2. 采用水煮醇提法、稀醇渗漉法、铅盐沉淀法和石灰水沉淀法所提得山楂叶总黄酮,顺次以石油醚、乙醚、乙酸乙酯和正丁醇进行萃取。

    The whole flavones obtained from leaves of hawthorn by the methods of boiling water , alcohol extraction , dilute alcohol percolation , lead salt sedimentation and lime cream sedimentation were extracted .

  3. 分别采用溶剂沉淀法、铅盐沉淀法对化香树果序中黄酮类化合物提取分离工艺进行了对比研究,结果表明,铅盐沉淀法较溶剂沉淀法的提取效果好。

    To study technologies of separating flavonoids from infructescence of Platycarya Strobilacea Sieb . et Zucc by solvent precipitation and deposition method with lead salt . The results showed that the latter had the better efficiency .

  4. 铅盐沉淀分离EDTA滴定法测定钼酸钙中氧化钙量

    Determination of CaO Content in CaMoO_4 by Precipitation Separation of Lead Salt-EDTA Titration