
  • 网络Climate Change Law
  1. 最后,制定一部应对全球变暖的气候变化法。

    Finally , the development of a response to global warming , climate change law .

  2. 作为应对气候变化的必要法律回应,自《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔结以来,新兴的气候变化法已经得到很大发展。

    As necessary legal response to cope with climate change , climate change law has emerged as a new and developing legal system particularly since United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change .

  3. 应对全球变暖制定应对气候变化法迫在眉睫。

    Response to global warming is urgent to develop methods to address climate change .

  4. 因此,采用环境法领域常见的“伞状立法”结构.建立一个以“气候变化应对法”为统撮的多层次的法律体系,显得尤为必要。

    That is why a multilevel legal system with one basic law on climate change is very necessary , which would utilize umbrella-shaped legislative pattern , commonly seen in the field of environmental law .

  5. 以欧美为代表的西方发达国家一直在争夺并掌控着气候变化国际法事务的规则拟定权和话语权,而这种掌控权的理论基础和语言背景就形成了气候变化的西方语境。

    As the representatives of the western developed countries , the Europe and America have been vying for rights of controlling and making rules for climate change . The theory and background formulates the western context of climate change .

  6. 气候变化的国际法之秩序价值初探

    Preliminary Introduction to the Value of Order in International Climate Law

  7. 在气候变化问题日益严峻的挑战面前,气候变化的国际法应当执著地追求秩序价值。

    Generally speaking , international climate law should embody the value of order . Nowadays , the problem of climate change is more and more serious .

  8. 在气候变化公约以及通过《京都议定书》建立的国际强制性温室气体减排制度的影响下,近些年来,气候变化法这一新兴法律领域已在一些发达国家与区域率先得到发展。

    Under the influence of UNFCCC and international mandatory GHGs emissions reduction arrangement for developed countries by Kyoto Protocol , the last few years have also seen the emergence of climate change law as a new legal discipline in some developed region and nations .