- a run on a bank;squeeze;panic bank withdrawals;bump and discord

(1) [a run on a bank;panic bank withdrawals]∶争先恐后地挤进银行去兑现
(2) [bump and discord]∶排挤,倾轧,也作挤对
The lender of last resort facility provides liquidity support if there is a run on a bank .
In this situation , there is not only the risk of a run on a bank but also the risk of a run on a national banking system .
Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies .
Loss of confidence could trigger a run on Citibank that would threaten the entire financial system .
In the five years since the run on Northern Rock , one might think the City of London has become inured to banking scandals .
Back in 1983 , Dybvig co-authored , along with University of Chicago economist Doug diamond , a paper on why bank runs happen .
Analysts say this is one reason why the US has avoided a bank run of the kind that crippled Northern Rock , the crisis-hit UK mortgage lender .
Massive discount lending to banks following the Lehman collapse prevented a devastating run on banks .
Many blame the fate of Northern Rock the UK bank that suffered a run on deposits in 2007 and was later nationalised on its earlier " Demutualisation " and listing .
Queues formed outside the branches of Northern Rock only weeks after the bank had announced ( but before it had implemented ) plans to return its surplus capital to shareholders .
The next step was the run on the big US broker-dealers : first Bear Stearns lost its liquidity in days .
There have been several near misses in modern times , such as the secondary bank crisis of the 1970s when the problems were averted by Bank of England action behind the scenes .
The money fund guarantees were put in place immediately after the Lehman collapse to stop a run on the sector triggered by losses at the Reserve Primary fund , which had invested in Lehman debt .
One possible reason is the " Lehman factor " the bank runs that would occur as a result of a big failure .
Greek banks have lost between 25 % and 30 % of their deposits in what many have called a " bank jog " rather than a bank run .
Germany wants the market to help fund the bailout with the EFSF acting as a backstop to any further bank runs .
Bank runs , a contagion to other countries , the triggering of credit default swaps and heated political recriminations within Europe are but some of the consequences that could quickly follow .
In 1933 , Federal Government established Federal Deposit Insurance Company ( FDIC ) in order to restrain Bank Runs effectively .
The Reserve Bank of India yesterday stepped in to prevent a run on ICICI Bank , reassuring investors and depositors that India 's second-largest lender was in sound financial health .
David Li , chairman and chief executive of Bank of East Asia , said his business friends including Li Ka-shing and the bank 's directors bought shares in the lender following Hong Kong 's first bank run since 1997 .
Investors may also ask themselves why there should be a run on a number of Russian banks given that the country has $ 550bn in central bank reserves and a $ 150bn Stabilisation Fund .
In Madrid , the government moved to stem any suggestion of a " run " at Bankia .
Two days ago GE had a $ 3 billion capital infusion from Warren Buffett and the US car industry reported its worst September sales in15 years , in large measure a result of the credit squeeze .
Another financial expression is " run on the bank . " That is what happens when many people try to all their money from a bank . A " run on the bank " usually happens when people believe there is danger a bank may fail or close .
Testifying before Congress , the Fed chairman also criticised the use of financial instruments , such as credit default swaps ( CDS ) , that destabilised a country or created runs against governments as " counterproductive " .
US regulators are putting pressure on Wall Street banks to ensure they have enough liquid funds to withstand a financial shock as part of efforts to avoid a repeat of the run on the bank that sank Bear Stearns .
India recently experienced a mini-run on ICICI Bank , the country 's second-largest lender , despite official reassurances that it was well capitalised .
When there exist imperfectly informed LOLR , the economy can come back to the optimal level where no bank runs exist .
Second , the potential for derivatives dealers and investors to switch business from a counterparty considered to be weak a modern version of a run on the bank has formed regulator views on how the OTC market has to change .
In 1931 , the first big European bank run , on CREDITANSTALT of Austria , prompted Britain to lend it $ 7m for a week .