
  • 网络extruded tube;squeeze tube
  1. 我做挤压管生意。

    I work in the extruded tube business .

  2. 天津联化公司SRT&HS型乙烯裂解炉的炉管是国外研制的新型HPM合金挤压管,在服役过程中发现炉管穿孔泄漏。

    The SRT IV HS type furnace tube of Tianjin chemical company is foreign developed new Joint type HPM alloy extruded tube . The furnace tube leakage caused by perforation were found during the period of servece .

  3. 乙烯裂解炉HPM挤压管的现场检测及失效原因分析

    Examination in site and Analysis on failure reason of HPM extruded tube for ethylene cracking furnace

  4. 聚四氟乙烯管材分为模压管和挤压管两种。

    Two kinds of PTFE pipes include molding and extruding pipes .

  5. 5454热挤压管与1060冷拉管性能对比试验

    Performance Contrast between 5454 Extruded Tube and Cold Drawn Tube by Test

  6. 铝合金挤压管内表面螺旋纹状擦伤缺陷研究

    Study of Inwall Spiral Defect of Extruded Alloy Pipes

  7. 此外,挤压管建设,必须比其他气瓶少支持。

    Additionally , the extruded tube construction requires fewer supports than other cylinders .

  8. 18%Ni马氏体时效钢热挤压管晶粒细化的研究

    Research on grain refining of 18 % Ni maraging stell hot extrusion tube

  9. 聚四氟乙烯挤压管选用悬浮聚四氟乙烯树脂经柱塞挤压加工制成。

    PTFE extruding pipes are manufactured by ram extruding method with PTFE granular resin .

  10. GB/T4437-1984铝及铝合金热挤压管

    Aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded tubes

  11. 5454铝合金热挤压管加工工艺性能及耐磨性能试验研究

    Test Study on the Wear-resisting Properties and the Processing Industrial Art Performances of 5454 Metallurgy of Aluminium Hot-extruded Tube

  12. CAE技术在汽车半轴套热挤压缩管成形中的应用

    Application of CAE Technology in Forming of Hot-extruding Compressed Pipe of Half-axile Bush

  13. 挤压不锈钢管环状分层缺陷的分析

    An analysis of annular lamination defect of extruded stainless steel tube

  14. 切削-挤压翅片管成形过程的研究

    Research on Cutting - press Shaping Process of Fin Tube

  15. 基于神经网络建立液态挤压成形管、棒材工艺参数知识库

    Establishing the knowledge base of parameters for shaping tube and bar products on the neural network

  16. 无芯整体热挤压缩管成形技术是生产汽车整体半轴套的一种新工艺,能极大地提高生产效率,降低成本,具有巨大的经济效益。

    Forming technology of non-core integral hot-extruding compressed pipe is a novel technology of producing automobile integral half-axile bush . It can increase production effi - ciency and reduce cost greatly to obtain enormous economic benefit .

  17. 采用所研制的管接头多向模锻模具装置,只需曲柄压力机一次行程,便能将加热好的棒料毛坯挤压成管接头精密模锻件。

    With the die set fro the multiway die forging developed by the authors , only one stroke of the crank-shaft press is needed for extruding a heated block into a precision forging of a pipe joint .

  18. 采用轴向挤压式胀管法修复GV再沸器

    Repair of GV Reboilers Using the Axial Extruding Expanding Tube Method

  19. 挤压六通管及其连接结构的安全性研究

    Study of security of extruded six-way pipe and its joint structure

  20. 无润滑挤压铝合金管工艺参数的确定

    The Selection of Process Parameters of Aluminium Alloy Pipe Extruding without Lubrication

  21. 焊接方式对挤压铝散热管承压性能的影响

    Effect of Welding Methods on the Compression Resistance of Extruded Aluminium Cooling Tube

  22. 制样方法对铝挤压管材整管拉伸试验的影响

    Effect of Methods to Prepare Full-section Tension Test Specimen for Aluminium Extruded Tubes on Obtained Tensile Properties

  23. 对电站锅炉用热挤压合结管进行了系统的研制开发。

    The article introduces the systematic research and development of hot extruded alloy structure tubes for power station boilers .

  24. 反转内衬管法和挤压内衬塑料管法是施工方便及经济节能的给水管道内防腐方法。

    On-site tests proved that inner lining-pipe for corrosion protection of water pipeline is a simple and low-cost method .

  25. 分析了工艺因素对实现无润滑挤压铝合金管的影响,提出了主要工艺参数选择或确定的依据。

    After analysing the process parameters effection to aluminium alloy pipe extruding without lubrication , here offers warranty for the selection of the mian process parameters .

  26. 分析了冷挤压成形花键管的可行性,包括挤压成形的力学计算、摩擦力分析和模具的初步设计。

    The possibility of extrusion forming of spline tubes is analyzed , including the mechanical calculation and friction force analysis for extrusion forming and preliminary design of moulds .

  27. 试制结果和批量生产表明,该产品的性能及表面质量都达到了用户要求,受到了用户的肯定,同时打开了电站锅炉用热挤压合结管市场。

    The trial batch production results show that both properties and surface condition of products meet the user 's requirements , which opens the market of hot extruded alloy structure tubes for power station boilers .

  28. 本文则通过运用ANSYS有限元分析软件,根据挤压成型金属波纹管机械密封的使用工况选取参数进行优化分析,最终获得最为优化的结构尺寸。

    The most optimized structure size is obtained by ANSYS finite element analysis software according to selecting the operating conditions parameters of analysis for metal bellows mechanical seals by extruded forming .

  29. 加尾垫挤压生产不锈管的工艺完善

    Improving Process for Extruding Stainless Steel Tube by Adding Tail Cushion

  30. 用空心铸坯热挤压成形奥氏体不锈钢管

    Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube Made by Hot Extrusion of Hollow Cast Blank