
qì xuè biàn zhènɡ
  • Syndrome differentiation of qi and blood;analyzing and differentiating the pathological condition according to the function of vital energy and the state of the blood
  1. 视网膜静脉阻塞患者血浆TXB2、6-K-PGF(1α)改变与气血辨证关系的研究

    Study of the relationship between the changes in plasma B2 ( TXB2 ), F1 α( 6-K-PGF1a ) and the differentiation of symptoms and signs qi and blood in patients with RVO

  2. 中医心病气血辨证临床症征计量诊断研究

    Investigation on Quantitative Diagnosis of Clinical Manifestations of TCM Heart Disease Diagnosed on the Basis of Differentiation of Blood and Qi

  3. 通过气、血、津液概念,卫气与津液、营气与血的关系,论证了传统的气血辨证即为气血津液辨证。

    Blood and body fluid concept . Wei Qi and body fluid . Ying Qi and blood relationship , demonstrated the traditional blood syndrome is a syndrome of blood and body fluids .

  4. 临床辨证宜以脏腑辨证为主,经络辨证与气血津液辨证灵活结合。

    Clinical syndrome differentiation should be dominated by Zang-Fu differentiation , Meridian differentiation of syndrome and syndrome of m-blood syndrome differentiation of body fluid and flexible combination .

  5. 就辨证属于肝的病例中,计数处理结果表明,实证多于虚证,热证多于寒证。提出了以脏腑辨证为纲,八纲辨证为目,内辨气血的辨证思路。

    In the cases of liver , the statistical results proved that there were more sthenia-syndromes than asthenia-syndrome , and heat-syndrome than cold-syndrome , put forward the differential theory which set the viscera as outlines , the eight principal syndromes as focuses then internal qi and blood .

  6. 虽然肛肠疾病主要的表现在局部,以局部的症状及体征为主,但安教授并未因此而忽略了全身气血阴阳的辨证分析。

    Although anorectal diseases mainly displays in local , give priority to with local symptoms and signs , but professor An has not ignored analysis different syndrome of the whole body about qi and blood , Yin and Yang .

  7. 总结了络病当分气血、脏腑的辨证原则,概述了络病当以通络为主的治疗原则,介绍了络病通络的具体方法和有关病案。

    The author also summarized Ye 's rules of differentiation and treatment for collateral disease together with Ye 's practical treatment and some relevant clinical cases .