
  • 网络glazer;Glazer family
  1. 格雷泽家族已经强调曼彻斯特联是非卖品。

    The Glazer family have insisted that Manchester United are not for sale .

  2. 这一配色正是曼联球迷们用以表示对球队老板格雷泽家族的不满的。

    The colors have been adopted by Manchester United fans unhappy with the Glazer family 's ownership of the club .

  3. 这也许就是虽然身负巨额债务,但格雷泽家族还是不愿出售俱乐部的原因。

    It is presumably one of the reasons why the Glazer family continue to insist they have no intention of selling the club , despite huge debts .

  4. 在最近几周内,又谣传格雷泽家族已经暗地邀请买价准备要出售曼联俱乐部。

    And , in recent weeks , there have been rumours that they could be ready to sell up , with suggestions they have secretly invited offers for the club .

  5. 上月,曼联发行了5亿英镑债券,为其债务再融资。根据发债要求,格雷泽家族披露了自己曾从俱乐部支取2300万英镑管理费。

    United refinanced the debt last month with a £ 500m bond issue , which required the Glazer family to reveal that they had extracted £ 23m in management fees from the club .

  6. 弗格森爵士的密友吉姆。奥尼尔,被认为是红色骑士团的重要成员。这个组织希望从格雷泽家族手里收购曼联。

    Jim O'Neill , a close friend of Sir Alex Ferguson , emerged last night as a key player among the Red Knights , who hope to wrest Manchester United from the clutches of the Glazer family .