
  • 网络Gurley;Bill Gurley
  1. Benchmark的格利补充道,造成这种破坏的另一个动力,是大量的广告涌到了网上。

    Another engine of this disruption , adds Mr Gurley at Benchmark , is the flood of advertising making its way online .

  2. BenchmarkCapital的比尔•格利(BillGurley)最近警告称,错过的恐惧压倒了赔钱的恐惧。

    The fear of missing out is overwhelming the fear of losing money , as Bill Gurley of Benchmark Capital warned recently .

  3. 忽然传来一声招呼,原来是奎格利小姐。

    Suddenly , a voice hailed us and there was Miss Quigley .

  4. 但是你应该知道,格利先生取得今天的成绩是因为惯于投机取巧,无视可靠的科学。

    But you should know , Mr.Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is .

  5. 如果这一规律再次奏效,至少现任CEO斯图亚特•格利佛能保住饭碗。

    If the trend holds , at least one HSBC employee will be sure to dodge the pink slip this time around .

  6. 自3月份起,格利克曼跟很多同学一样,参加课后的sat预备课程,这些课程是为秋季的重要考试冲刺而设置的。

    Since March , Ms. Glickman , like many of her classmates , has been attending an after-school sat preparation course designed to boost scores for the important test in the fall .

  7. 该国卫生部长维奥莱塔·蒙吉瓦尔(VioletaMenjívar)在接受电台采访时表示,截至上周,上报的格利-巴林综合症疑似病例已达到46例。

    Forty-six suspected cases of the syndrome had been reported as of last week , Violeta Menj í var , the Health minister , said in a radio interview .

  8. 当她带着《娱乐周刊》的AdamB.Vary参观《生活大爆炸》的衣橱时,奎格利给了我们关于佩妮、艾米和伯纳黛特的鲜明风格的内幕消息。

    Quigley gave us the inside scoop on the signature styles of Penny , Amy and Bernadette when she took EW 's own Adam B. Vary on a guided tour of the Big Bang wardrobe closet .

  9. 对2-H苯并咪唑盐与烃基为不饱和取代基的格利雅试剂的加成-水解反应进行了研究,将此反应应用到不饱和醛的制备。

    The addition-hydrolysis reaction was applied to the synthesis of unsaturated aldehyde by the-reaction of2-H benzimidazolium iodide with alkenyl magnesium bromide .

  10. 相反,58岁的乔治和55岁格利尼斯,有2个孩子,23岁的Pamela和17岁的Alexandra,他们仍然幸福地约会,迫不及待地要一起退休。

    Instead George , 58 , and Glynis , 55 who have two children Pamela , 23 , and Alexandra , 17 , are still happily dating and can 't wait to retire together .

  11. 仓促进入Benchmark合伙人比尔•格利(BillGurley)所称的“有史以来人数最多的聚会”,进一步提升了致力于早期投资的合伙关系的价值——这种合伙关系与或者说应该与风投资本有关。

    The rush into what Bill Gurley , a partner of Benchmark , has called " the most crowded party that 's ever been thrown " further raises the value of partnerships that specialise in early stage investment - what venture capital is , or should be , about .

  12. 周四早上在KIIS-FM电台的一档访谈节目中,希尔顿说她头天因拍摄音乐电视而工作了一整天后参加了一个慈善捐款人派对,在派对上也就喝了杯马格利塔酒。

    She told KIIS-FM radio in an interview on Thursday morning that she had been to a charity fund-raiser party after a long day shooting a music video and had just one margarita .

  13. 首先我们得给这个格利写个条子。

    First we gotta write a note to this girl gerri .

  14. 你一直想看看雷格利球场。

    You always told me you wanted to see Wrigley field .

  15. 没错!我们给格利一些做她的学费。

    Totally ! After we give Gerri some for her tuition .

  16. 奎格利有两个见解对我有着特别持久的影响。

    Two of Quigley 's insights had a particularly lasting impact .

  17. 1873年秋天格利登有了重大突破

    In the fall of 1873 , Glidden has a breakthrough .

  18. 这趟火车在黑格利和去伯明翰途经的所有站都会停。

    This train calls at Hagley and all stations to birmingham .

  19. 这些对格利雅试剂的工业化生产具有重要的意义。

    It has important meanings in industrialization of Grignard reagents .

  20. 于是他们试图再次抓住格利佛,可是他逃走了。

    They tried to catch him again , but Gulliver ran away .

  21. 他佞媾了她,是要替他的朋友格利列雪耻。

    He had seduced her to avenge his friend Greely .

  22. 因此莫格利笑着说:“这跟我有什么关系?”

    So Mowgli laughed and said ," What is that to me ?"

  23. 在卧室里,格利佛爵士和妻子谈论了他的女儿。

    In their bedroom Sir Gulliver and his wife discussed his daughter .

  24. 探索合成格利雅试剂的新工艺。

    Explore the new craft of preparing Grignard reagents .

  25. 他那样做,是因为他认为我对格利列的事。

    He was getting even for what he thinks I did to Greely .

  26. 菲利普铂尔曼翻译了格利童话中最好的50篇故事。

    For this collection , Philip Pullman has translated 50 of the best ;

  27. 格利雅试剂的制备条件讨论

    The Discussion about the Preparation Condition of Grignard Reagent

  28. 为什么艾德丽安要给格利写情书?

    Why would Adrienne write Gerri a love letter ?

  29. 方法13C-辛酸采用格利雅方法合成标记。

    Methods13C-octanoic acid was synthesized with Grignard method .

  30. 乔治在1980年5月向格利尼斯求婚。

    George proposed to Glynis in May 1980 .