
  • 网络Radiational Tumour
  1. 方法应用《放射性肿瘤诊断标准》(GBZ97&2002)和美国电离辐射生物效应委员会第5号报告(BEIRV)的方法计算病因概率(PC)。

    Method The probability of causation ( PC ) was calculated with corresponding models described in Diagnostic criteria for radiogenic neoplasms ( GBZ 97 & 2002 ) and Report V of Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations ( BEIR V ) .

  2. 加温合并放射治疗还可以提高抗放射性肿瘤如某些肉瘤的疗效。

    Combined therapy also tended to improve the response in radioresistant tumors .

  3. 放射性肿瘤病因概率及其计算方法研究肿瘤放射性核素检查

    Research on the Probability of Causation for Radiogenic Cancers and Its Calculation Method

  4. 作者首先介绍了放射性肿瘤治疗的一些基本原理和概念,回顾了放射性肿瘤治疗计划系统的由来,回顾了治疗计划系统发展的历史。

    The paper is organized as follows : First of all , we introduce some basic principle , the concept of tumor therapy , and the Treatment Planning System , then we review the history of the development of IPS .

  5. 用感兴趣区(ROI)技术获得全身和肿瘤放射性计数及肿瘤与对侧正常组织(TNT)的放射性比值。

    The images were processed by region of interest ( ROI ) method to acquire the counts of whole body and the tumor and the counts ratios of tumor to contralateral normal tissue or to tissues of other non-tumor bearing organs .

  6. 然而,仍需要发展新的靶向性更强的188Re标记的放射性药物如肿瘤特异的单克隆抗体和肽及葡萄糖类似物1。

    However , there is still a need to develop new ~ ( 188 ) Re-labeled radiopharmaceuticals that are more specific for target lesions such as cancer-specific monoclonal antibodies and peptides .

  7. 放射自显影显示肿瘤组织有大量放射性浓集,肿瘤边缘较中心部位明显。

    The concentration in tumor edge is more obvious than in the center .

  8. 放射性核素在肿瘤治疗上的应用

    Application of Radionuclides in Treatment of Tumor

  9. CT动态增强扫描有助于鉴别放射性肝损伤和肿瘤复发。

    Multiphase contrast-enhanced CT is helpful to distinguish radiation reactions from recurrent tumors .

  10. ~(11)C标记的放射性药物在PET-CT肿瘤诊断上的应用

    Application of carbon-11 radiopharmaceuticals in PET-CT for tumors

  11. 结合常规MR图像,MR灌注对胶质瘤术前分级、导引立体定向活组织检查、鉴别放射性脑坏死和肿瘤复发以及对手术、放疗方案制定的有临床实用价值。

    With conventional MR imaging , it is useful in the preoperative assessment of tumor grade 、 guiding stereotactic biopsy 、 differential diagnosis of recurrence or necrosis of brain neoplasm after radiotherapy and planning of treatment .

  12. 放射免疫治疗(radioimmunotherapy,RIT)属于内照射治疗,可以用较少的单克隆抗体耦联放射性核素,在肿瘤局部产生足够的电离辐射生物学效应,达到高效低毒的治疗效果。

    Radioimmunotherapy ( RIT ), a kind of internal radiation therapy , can achieve high performance and low toxicity by fewer monoclonal antibodys couple radioactive nuclides , created sufficient ionization biologic effect on tumor .

  13. 目的:试探讨弥散、灌注成像及1HMRS在放射性坏死与脑肿瘤复发鉴别诊断中的作用。

    Purpose : To evaluate 1H Magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1HMRS ) perfusion MR , and diffusion MR in the differentiation of necrosis and recurrence of brain neoplasm after radiotherapy .

  14. 放射性粒子植入治疗肿瘤的术后护理

    Nursing evaluation after the treatment of tumor by radioactive seed implants

  15. 放射性标记氨基酸的肿瘤基础研究

    Radiolabeled amino acids were applied to basic aspects in oncology

  16. 电离辐射诱发的癌症称为放射性癌症或放射性肿瘤。

    Cancers induced by ionizing radiation are called radiogenic cancers or radiogenic neoplasms .

  17. 放射性肺炎是胸部肿瘤放疗后常见并发症。

    Radiation pneumonitis is a common complication in radiation therapy of thoracic tumor patients .

  18. 材料和方法:对象:肿瘤复发和放射性坏死的脑肿瘤患者28例,男17例,女11例。

    Materials and methods : 28 cases of patients suffered from brain neoplasm were selected , all of them had the indication of necrosis or recurrence after radiotherapy .

  19. 瘤内放射治疗是将放射性药物直接置于肿瘤残腔内,直接作用于胶质瘤细胞,此法能避开血脑屏障同时也能提高局部药物浓度。

    Radiation therapy for tumors is that radioactive substances is directly placed in the Tumor residual cavity , to avoid the blood-brain barrier and improve local drug concentration .

  20. 放射性皮肤损伤是肿瘤放射治疗最常见的并发症,它与局部毛囊、皮脂腺、汗腺萎缩以及血管通透性改变有关。

    Radioactive skin injury is one of the most common complications in tumour radiotherapeutics . It is related to the atrophy of hair follicle , sebaceous gland and sweat gland as well as the change of blood vessel permeability .

  21. 应用基因转染技术,诱导肿瘤细胞表达某种表面抗原或受体,使肿瘤细胞能够选择性地摄取某一放射性核素或其标记物,以便能够应用放射性核素治疗恶性肿瘤。

    This review presents an overview of gene transfection methods to genetically induce tumor cells to express enhanced levels of cell surface antigens and receptors to intake radiolabeled antibody and peptide targeting and thus increase their therapeutic effect in radiotherapy .